Monday, July 23, 2018

Blind Item #3

There has been a tiny wave of support for this recently fired director. Apparently the supporters say it is all jokes and he is a nice guy and deserves a second chance. Maybe if they knew he came thisclose to going down with a someone convicted of producing and distributing child porn. The director was in possession of child porn but the feds decided to not file charges. The investigation into the director was active until as recently as two months ago.


  1. There's an online petition circulating trying to get this sicko rehired. Someone on Twitter posted a link to it.

  2. That his Rebuttal was so half-assed now makes a ton of sense.


    I am a fiery liberal ok, and I am disgusted that people are saying 'ohhhh this is some alt-right conspiracy' - oh really? did they force james gunn to write jokes on r*ping little boys and molestation and ped0philia???? PLEASE. get your friggin moral compass recalibrated, bc red or blue you should be thrilled this guy is scrapped.

    Im disgusted that people who are in possession of child p0rn can walk free. REOPEN THE INVESTIGATION

  4. Whether or not this aspect is true the recent support for him angers me so much - people have been fired for far less disturbing things than those tweets.

    BUT this wouldn't surprise me at all if it were true.

  5. +1,000 @noththisagain

  6. He seems to have matured these last few years. I just remember how obnoxious he was when he was married to Jenna Fischer. He claims he said stuff just to shock people. I always thought he was jealous of her success on The Office while he was still struggling. Even after they divorced and he dated a variety of women he seemed a little creepy. He was especially weird when he dated the tiny violinist and he loved posting pics of her crammed into small boxes. It seems like you can't be successful in Hollywood unless you have some kind of kink.

    1. “He seems to have matured these last few years.”
      Gunn is 52, he was 45 when he was tweeting his vile filth.

  7. They either fired him because they knew something worse was coming or they fired him because they wanted him gone and this was a convenient excuse. If it was the later I'm kind of ambivalent because Guardians 2 didn't live up to the first one. Except for Yondu and Drax, great scenes, hilarious and heartwarming.

    1. Watch Guardians 2 again with what you now know...did you notice it? The story is about trafficking kids. The kids are abused by an older guy, tortured, then killed and discarded. There's nothing subtle about it. Super sad and disappointing - I remember talking to my GF after the film saying it felt so sexualized and dark compared to the first (which wasn't all sweetness and light, sure) and SHE was the one who caught the theme, before knowing what we know about Gunn.

  8. Maybe if people STOPPED supporting fan boy disturbed filmmakers like Gunn and Tarantino, and they're shitty puerile cinema, we'd have a new cinema, something for adults written and created by adults.

  9. Who makes jokes about boys touching them unless you enjoy it? He was giving a shout out to his like minded pals! His tweets were red flags that should have been noticed sooner. Good riddance

  10. And the propaganda rah rah BS Berg and Berg team Cinema consisting of criminal punk Wahlberg, and wanna be tough guy Berg.

  11. Jamie Dlux made a great video about this today. Really gross...

  12. If this is true, it is likely the real reason. It shows there was meaning to the tweets,not just shock value.

  13. The pedo sleazoids apparently like to flaunt their interests on social media...

  14. That is, Huston Huddleston is the guy close to Gunn recently arrested for kiddie porn crap.

  15. Been waiting for this. People who are taking the media's word for it that this was just about a few tasteless jokes need to go read the tweets themselves. He didn't apologize for them and delete them in 2012, either; that's more media disinformation. The tweets he apologized for in 2012 were a bunch that were considered racist and sexist. The pedo stuff didn't come up then.

    Anyway, it was obvious from the speed with which both Disney (not Marvel, this went straight to the top) *and* Gunn resolved this that they were getting ahead of something.

    If I tell a Helen Keller joke, it doesn't mean I hate blind and deaf people. Maybe I'm just going for shock value. But if my Twitter feed is a repository of Helen Keller jokes, you're going to think I have a hobby, and you're probably going to be right.

  16. How is pedophilia a joke?... if that’s the case they should dismiss all men and women in Hollywood who came out with REAL stories about being harassed and abused

  17. +1 Spider, no more fan boy disturbed filmmakers, they only get sicker and less talented with time.

  18. Maybe Chris Pratt should start worrying about the people/organizations he is associated with before he gets accused of some non-Disney friendly things. He's already come out unscathed a few times, but he might not be so lucky one day!

  19. Goes without saying Disney was well aware of this before they hired him. The Mouse has a long and storied record of hiring child rapists. Anyway there's no fucking way Disney re-hire Gunn, he's an obvious pedo, their type constantly want to boast in public, skirt the edges of the law, share in jokes with other pedos. Yeah he's sorry alright, sorry he got found out.

  20. At last someone writes something of sense. This idolatry of utterly predictable kiddie flicks is terrifying.

  21. I have no doubt that Gunn is a fucking asshole pedo, but why would he broadcast it on Twitter? Shouldn’t he be savvy enough to stay under the radar?

    1. If the Obama admin cozy with Hollywood as they were and HRC too puts down the word a big name director like this will be protected from legal problems.

      And these studios and rich jerks also buy off local police. Not all are bad but it just takes the right ones.

      This sickness infests our entire political and justice system. And they protect one another at a certain level.

      You should see Gunn's Instagram. Reminds me of James Alefantis of Pizzagate fame. Photos of distressed kids being harassed by men in white rabbit suits. Gunn posing for a selfie holding a frozen pizza.

      This is very real, very evil, and until our new President and AG started making big arrests of pedophiles and human traffickers including porn makers and distributors over 10,000 arrests in 18 months. Compare to Obama barely meeting that in 8 years.

      It is estimated 8 million children per year world-wide are enslaved and trafficked by these sickos. And so far this year Trump admin has dropped over 10,000 being smuggled across the open border.

      I pray every day we clean out this country and I think he is doing it. This is why they are so deranged in hating him. And the loudest have the most to hide.

    2. Lol, you think the pussy grabber is going to handle all this?

    3. When Trump was riding the Lolita Express, he was working undercover for the FBI and part of the sting operation 🤣

  22. the slow push by some to normalize and defend pedophilia is mindboggling to me, its like i went to sleep and woke up in bizzaro world

  23. They can't help themselves. Go talk to any cop who've dealt with criminals, especially sex perverts, they fucking WANT to spill their guts most of the time. More than anything they want to share their perversions with other monsters, makes them feel normal. Remember these tweets and fb posts where in the wild early days of social media, no one had any idea back then that this kind of shit would hang around forever. They do now though. Notice that half of Hollywood seem to be on a tweet deleting binge since Gunn was fired. Rian Johnson has deleted thousands of. tweets, the dude who writes Rick and Morty has deleted his entire twitter when an old 'joke' he posted, a video of him breaking into a nursery and pretending to rape a baby, re-surfaced. There's plenty more. The people behind archiving Gunn's tweets and blog posts, not who you think it is, are claiming they've gone archived the entire social media history of hundreds of celebrities, and given who they are I believe them.

  24. They get off on it Satan 666. Pedowood needs to burn.

  25. +1 that there's a bigger story to the firing. The tweets were an easy excuse.

  26. @Satan, (wow that's a first) I think it's a part of their sickness, whatever is wrong with them mentally or biologically. It's like Toxoplasma gondii making mice run towards cats to be eaten. They desperately want to believe they're normal, just some sort of fringe sexuality. But there's no place under the rainbow for child rapists.

  27. For a good laugh, you should go on Twitter and read how people are defending what he did and what a great guy he is.

  28. Feds wouldn’t just “drop an investigation” if he was in possession of illegal materials. There’s some liberties taken with the wording here. As a known associate of Huston Huddleston, he was probably questioned & investigated. But a federal investigation is the most thorough this country has to offer. It’s not just “dropped” if the person is guilty

  29. The real twist is that this came out the way it did because the investigation was killed from above, and it pissed off the people running the investigation who knew the truth.

  30. Sarah Silverman is trying to set Hollywood on fire. She is not a smart person.

    Also, I look forward to all these people who are saying we should accept that Gunn has "grown" since he made these tweets, accepting Paula Deen and Mel Gibson back to their careers.

  31. @ToobisTheZebra, the feds (which could mean one local office in this case) have dropped *lots* of investigations over the years, for one reason or another. One more involving a very profitable director for a very influential corporation is no surprise. If they can get copyright laws changed every few years, they can get investigations dropped.

  32. I don't see what the big deal is, the only good project he's ever been associated with was the first Guardians of the Galaxy, he's not like one of one Hollywood's great minds or anything.

    For his supporters, this is why free speech should always be protected. If you let folks punish others for their words, eventually they're going to get around to punishing you and yours.

  33. @Damelon Brinn: child pornography is not a charge law enforcement can be bought off from. If Enty knows of a branch of law enforcement not going after pedophilia, then he should post more about the investigation. If Gunn is guilty, he deserves to be arrested. If this is clickbait rewording, there’s your explanation

  34. It is far more than "tiny" support. Big names are coming out to defend this scumbag. Bottom line, this is the game started and driven by the left. Now that the shoe is on other foot they are freaking out. Bottom line - if you celebrate the firing of Roseanne Barr for one stupid tweet (which Gunn did) - then you can't feign outrage over the firing of Gunn for dozens of them.

    Oh - also important to note: Mike Cerenovich, who is a nutbag who cares, is the one that outed this and they are attacking him and his family, as if Cernovich wrote the tweets. These people are deranged and they'd better all start looking back at their old tweets because the Internet is forever.

  35. If you 1) have child porn that you got from someone else that 2) you had no part in producing and 3) is "known" porn to the investigators (meaning it has been going around their filthy rings for a few years) then you can get out of it by flipping on other folks -- specifically the people molesting kids to make the porn.

    That's just reality.

  36. @display thanks for bringing that up. I was also shocked at how lightly that theme from GG2 went over as well. I thoroughly enjoyed the first movie although I admit it does have the recurring theme of Starlord, Gamora, and Nebula were all kidnapping victims with replacement father figures then the second one had the room full of discarded children and yondu's use of the word daddy made me uneasy :/

  37. Mike Cernovich did a good job bringing awareness to Gunn's tweets, but the real heavy lifting was done by the anonymous autists of 4chan and 8chan, which is why Sarah Silverman was on there yesterday threatening them.

  38. I hate Hollywood and what it does to people.

  39. That fugly little troll Patton Oswalt was also on the bandwagon with this pedophilia twatter bullshit.

  40. It's not like Gunn will never work again. A few weeks from now he'll probably be announcing his next project. No criminal charges, no more investigation, no account "deleted by Twitter", he's walking free and ready to move to new, albeit more "pedo-friendly" studio. God knows there are quite a few out there.

  41. Cernovich should explain his rape arrest that was reduced to battery. What kind of battery to he commit to the woman? Cernovich got Gunn fired, why is he not taking down Rep. Jim Jordan for lying about the OSU wrestler sexual abuse? He’s taken down Democratic congressman John Conyers to resign. Why no response when the person is a Republican with multiple witnesses?

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I really cant even comprehend how anyone could think those "jokes" would be a good idea to post publicly... They didnt even sound like jokes, jokes make you laugh and even a joke that falls flat has a genuine attempt (no matter how dark)

    I'm all for innocent until proven guilty, but jc...if he's not a pedo, he sure was "wearing the uniform" of one. Just moronic and tastless.

    I feel bad because I doubt anything will come of this, but if he *is* practicing what he preaches then I'm happy he's been dumb enough to expose himself. I hope justice for any victim will come from this.

  44. What’s the background with Gunn and ex-wife Jenna Fischer? Was he a creep while married?

  45. That's always the refrain, regardless of the subject matter. "I was joking!"

    Reality is that it takes a sick mind to consistently come up with these jokes and there's a little truth in every joke.

    I have no proof but I believe the guy is a predator and this blind is probably true.

  46. Why did Gunn leave dozens of pedophilia 'joke' tweets in his Twitter account to be found YEARS later?

    I honestly do not understand that at all.

    If Gunn had reformed & truly regretted making those sorts of 'jokes' in the 1st place, he would & should have apologized & deleted them ages ago.

    I also do not see any humor in pedophilia (that includes stuff Dan Harmon & Lloyd Kauffman have done since this Gunn story broke wide open). It is bad enough people hurt children, but people who joke about people who hurt children?!?

    Nope I do not get this & do not want to get this.

  47. You would feel no need as a comedian to joke about paedophilia continuously unless it was on your mind continuously....there are other ways to be shocking but this is questionable. It's never the done thing.

  48. Here is what Dave Bautista and Gunn’s media defenders do not want you to know…

    In September of 2010, James Gunn published a video on his personal blog (which he took down in an apparent panic Thursday night) titled “100 Pubescent Girls Touch Themselves.”

    The video is a chorus of young women (we do not know their ages) singing Divinyls’ ode to masturbation,” I Touch Myself.”

    According to the Wayback Machine, Gunn embedded the video with a comment about how this video brought him to orgasm:

    Huston Huddleston posted this video on my Facebook page with the note “I thought you’d appreciate this.” My response: “Appreciate it?!! I just came all over my own face!!”

    The man who gave Gunn this video is apparently the same Huston Huddleston connected to the sci-fi circles Gunn is part of, and who was later convicted of possessing child pornography.

    As of now, neither Gunn nor his defenders have claimed this is not the same man.
    Gunn was not some dumb kid when he published this video, he was a 44-year-old man.

    Worse still, Bautista knows about the video. When confronted with it, he only doubles down on his dismissive dishonesty.

  49. 1st off, fuck anyone and everyone that says "You can't joke about 'x', because 'y'" I'm with Anthony Jeselnik on this one. You can't laugh at offensive joke on topic 'a', and then draw your line at topic 'b', because "b is SO-O-O-O-O much worse than a is!" Yeah, says you. Which is worse, cancer or rape?

    2nd, Gunn isn't a comedian, and clearly wasn't "joking, trying for shock value" because there are plenty of other shocking topics that he never mentions, just the pedo stuff. What did the Jewish pervert say to the kid on the playground? "Hey, little girl, wanna buy some candy?" THAT'S a joke. It has a set-up and a punch line.None of Gunn's tweets in question have a set-up, they're just punch lines.

    3rd, how is it that Disney, which owns ABC fires Rosanne after ONE tweet, a tweet with a valid explanation behind it ("I thought the bitch was white!!"), but Gunn tweets dozens of times over several YEARS and isn't called out on it until Cernovich sends it viral. ABC/Disney will give up a BILLION DOLLARS in revenue over ONE FREAKIN TWEET, but let Gunn and who knows how much liability they could be on the hook for if he ever got caught laying a finger on one of the kids he's directing, not counting the negative value of the bad publicity ... I'd love to see the numbers/actuary breakdown of those two calculations.

    I see a shareholder lawsuit in the near future.

  50. Gunn rubbed the austistas the wrong way when he defended Rian Johnson and blasted the Donald.

  51. Stupid comment window keeps saying "Must be at most 4,096 characters" and I thought I was at 3,931 but it's probably counting spaces/whitespace, too. Gimme a few more minutes to keep chopping at it, heheh.

  52. Deep breaths.

    There's a difference between Hollywood elites sheltering Polanski/Allen and this; to the average person, there was no signs this was coming. Including here! The only result provably about Gunn is his 2007 divorce, and whoever posted it here seemed sympathetic to the guy. Either CDAN was the take (uh, no) or clueless (doubt it) about Gunn's scummy side.

    Deleting bad posts or not is lose-lose; if you leave them you're not sorry, if you nuke them you're burying evidence. When someone starts the war drums, there's nothing that will save you, because it's rarely about what you actually did. They want your head on a pike from the jump, and they won't stop until they have it. None of these tactics are even new, but they've mostly been used by aggro lefties, so they all go shell-shocked when the right pulls the same move.

    Online moral policing mobs have grown exponentially in the last decade. I think it's safe to say standards have shifted, so yeah, Gunn's 2009-2012 pedo jokes differ from Barr's gaffe in 2018. Remember prison rape jokes? Catholic priest jokes? I mean, one of Gunn's pre-Disney movies had Rainn Wilson as a vigilante Jesus freak donning a superhero costume and getting Ellen Page as a sidekick... who later rapes him. Just being (awful) jokes would be in-character.

    What's wild about this one is, at first glance, now anything ever said in poor taste is free game to start lobbying corporate masters to get you sacked. The "it was a different time" defense seems to be dead, and now it's like the nuclear option of demanding to see the manager because they wouldn't write MAGA on your Starbucks cup.

    Yeah, sure is weird how Trump's on those Epstein flight logs, too, but everyone's positive he's got ankle bracelets on all the sex creeps he spent decades partying with. Ditto #chan edgelords' love of 6ix9ine in that ironic way that isn't actually ironic. If the left pedos and the right pedos want a West Side Story gang fight, let 'em, but I'm snapping along with either side. Seriously, if you think the tweets alone are concrete proof Gunn's a pedo, never actually read an average #chan post.

    As far as most people know, he went from "guy who made some weird shit and then the only cape-shit movies anyone still stomachs" to on his ass, and sitting here and claiming Cernovich is on the side of the angels is some blatant bullshit. There are more than two sides to all this, and if it turns out Gunn is really a pedophile then it wasn't an intentional blow for justice, it was a lucky shot.

    The Huddleston stuff sounds disgusting, especially what Bok Choy said. For Disney to fold so fast is suspicious, sure, but spook an executive suit enough and they'd shoot their mom. Should I instantly believe the same company that operates the House of Mouse child-grooming assembly line really decided Gunn was that radioactive? Why blow the whistle now and not any prior time? Can we do a quick cui bono check here? Guilt by association is an all-or-nothing gambit, so Cernovich really shouldn't swing that stick.

    No love lost here, especially if it turns out they blind-fired a bulls-eye on Gunn. I might believe it soon, but not yet. Just check every now and again that you're not just hunting witches... and also checking who handed you the fuckin' torch and pitchfork, alright? False binaries, people, false binaries. This is (Room) 101 shit.

    (There we go!)

  53. Or, this was planted by the Posobiec camp.


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