Friday, July 13, 2018

Blind Item #3

This former A list comedian/full-time a-hole recently brought forward his girlfriend to the world even though they started hooking up when she was not quite legal.


  1. Dane Cook and Kelsi Taylor. Ick. Stared dating when she was 17

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Would assume this is Dane bc Instagram comments of him gushing over her went viral. They went public early this year I think.

  4. Anonymous7:13 AM

    they started sharing pictures last year? shes 19.

  5. Anonymous7:13 AM

    is this a FBF blind lol


    Ugh, judging from the pics why is that dad so cozy with his daughter, makes you think something is going on.

    1. I think it’s a slow day for Enty. Kfitz is right, they went public a bit back. But I think he said they’ve been dating a year and a half which could be 17 or 18, depending when her birthday is.

      Still creepy. He looks like her dad.

  7. Definitely Dane. Months ago I went through her tagged photos just to see when they may have met and she’s been hanging around him and his friend since she was about 16-17

  8. just saw the dm article. yuck...and i mean yuck.

    1. i just wanna add another yuck. YUCK!!!

  9. Dane "Not Funny" Cook
    Man I forgot about him
    He's worse than one note puppet man
    Or Engvall post-HERE'S YOUR SIGN the first

  10. Dane Cook is still a thing?!

  11. Does he have that much money? Pretty girl with tubby man Boob man. Gross🤮

  12. Former A list for like 6 months 15 years ago and now permanent z-list persona non grata

    Comparatively, Dustin Diamond oozes charisma and has a giant dong

  13. i just looked up pics of her bc i don't know who she is and obviously dane cook was in a lot of them and jesus christ, he looks terrible. he definitely had a lot of botox in his forehead-eyebrow area and maybe cheek fillers too and it looks sooooo creepy. ugh, this guy.

  14. 19 year old and Dane Cook?
    Yup seems about even on the maturity level

  15. So when he was at peak fame, she was 4 years old

  16. Definitely Dane Cook. The girl posted some pics to Insta last year (I think) of them on a beach somewhere and it looked like he was legit with a child.

  17. Dane Cook was never funny. Who made him famous?

  18. Speaking of funny men, Jim Gaffigan, my fave, premiers his latest concert today on various outlets. Not Netflix, for some reason. Title: Noble Ape. He is so talented and funny without using bad words and talking about sexual positions. His wife (Chris Noth's sister) is his co-writer. They have FIVE kids! Love him.

  19. Dane Cook was the first comedian to figure out how to use MySpace, and he had dumb frat guy humor that catered to that crowd. It's probably between him and Tila Tequila for the biggest star to come from MySpace, LOL.

  20. I remember an old flat mate hyping up the Dane Cook 'someone shit on the coats!' skit in my first year of college. I can't say skat humor gets me off but I still sat down and (stupidly) watched the whole skit.
    We're not friends anymore and I still hate Dane Cook.
