Sunday, July 01, 2018

Blind Item #3 - Prisoner Of Hollywood - A Dancing Boy Blind

This is a hard one, but since I get all confessional early in the morning, here goes:

How do things work, to parrot a phrase from a certain late online publication known for stepping on toes? I'll tell you.

Yes, there really is a French billionaire patron (mentioned in "the long shadow of abuse" blind). He's the founder and chief an SF VC firm - the one with the upright five-pointed symbol in its name. They're the owner of my former employer, where as a young adult I was abused and exploited, then fired for reporting it. They're a streaming media co - no not Amazon or Netflix - but that's what they want: the consumer. And that's what I'll bring to them, along with the people I know and will meet in the business - content. (There's also a glam brand, for micro-budget filmmaking gear, which is closer to what they do: hardware and software.)

Here's the other part.

There's been an overture - through my new agent (as to the old one: ba ha ha!) - from someone in my past, someone I never expected to hear from again. Was it an apology? Nope: a proposal. It seems he's become aware that my star may be rising again (I guess he reads CDAN).

How he knows the other side I have no idea, but the truth is I've not been doing well. Yes, I've relapsed, and every day is a struggle. And he knows family are no help. His idea? He'll not just become my mentor again, but adopt me as his son. That way he'll be able to get legal guardianship of me (in the medical and financial sense - heading back to the psych ward, I guess), and no doubt, re-enact what happened in the past (what is he going to do, dress me like a little boy? probably!). (The fact that he's also a wicked talent - hard, but honest and fair in his artistic and professional guidance - just makes it all the more demented. I'm sure he knows too that it leaves me free to marry someone my own age. This would, of course, all be a matter of public record, at least.)

Why would I even consider that?

Just know that if I do, it may be a choice between that and eeking out a marginal existence for probably the rest of my life. (If I ever write a memoir, it will be called "Prisoner of Hollywood.") It may be the case that the only good I can do in the world, beside, hopefully, using my talents, is to stop this from being passed down again - lift people up, in other words, and ask and expect nothing in return. I am, maybe, already lost.

PS I want to add that my patron didn't know what he was buying - what they'd been up to, I mean (the previous owners, in Chicago, didn't tell him) - and has gone further than I even thought possible to reform the company. (In the end I'm just some actor and writer. He's a genius - one of the good elites.)


  1. Isn't this what all the screeching about President Trump is about from hollywood ped0ophiles upset that the administration has stopped thousands of human traffickers, and freed up thousands of children from ped0philes? and... now mexico has lowered the legal age of consent to 12....

  2. This sounds more like an arrogant diary entry than a BI.

  3. I've come to enjoy these. I believe there's a method to the madness, and at some point we will see it. Waking up to read the dancing boys has become endearing to me, even like plot and sandybrook, and geel..OK so I STILL can't understand him. But wish I did lol
    But I enjoy this immensely even if I disagree with people or don't understand it at all, it's still interesting so why not just ride it out and see where he takes us? I bet there's a point

  4. Self-absorbed drivel.

  5. Oh look at all the wealthy folk DB, the trust fund baby, rubbed shoulders with!

    Ain't he grand!

    Nothing to see here.

    1. You have to be Lena Dunham, there's no other explanation for how badly you attack abuse survivors


  7. I think wayyyyyy back in an old blind somebody commented that they'd found some article DB had written about being harassed at a tech firm, I think it was Telestream but I am not going back to find it.

    Anyway, Telestream (Chicago streaming co) was purchased by GenSTAR (SF based investor) in 2015.
    I assume the French guy works for Genstar.

  8. Oh, also, one day at a time, DB. You can do it.

  9. DB, that doesn't sound like much of a deal.
    Each day is a new start. Take it one day at a time. One minute if you have to.

  10. Dancing Boy

    Many people decide not to whore themselves out.

    Clean toilets if you have to, you are a human being not a sex toy.

  11. This person wouldn't "work for" GenStar, it says they founded and run the firm.

  12. Anyone else feel like a blind person lost in the woods with only a tactical map when reading DB's BI's? Maybe Im just a dummy.

    1. You’re not. I feel the same. I rarely read them anymore.


  13. Basically, DB is saying he's got reasons for considering a buy-off. "Most cases settle rather than go to trial" ya know.

  14. @Dancing Boy

    I perceive you unconsciously seek out men & relive your abuse. Then you relapse.

    Please consider finding a therapist with a sliding scale fee. Get Medicaid if you have to.

    God bless you.

    PS - Your blinds are next to impossible to understand. I hope you hired writers for that movie you made.

  15. Do people still read these dancing boy things?


  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Jean-Pierre Conte is the chief of Genstar, he has a french name but is american, but i dont think DB has a team of fact checkers working for him

  18. I still read them and try to understand them, but I'm starting to feel like DB blinds should be posted only in a new subdomain of so I never see them.

  19. Why do Enty allow this, I have not read them for ages but just tiptoed into comments, guess things have not improved then.

  20. @gauloise - JP Conte wikipedia page is also interesting, he is listed as being a single father of 4 children but no wife/mother/divorce/death is mentioned. He was also a trustee of the Cathedral School for Boys. mmmm. HIs name is incredibly french sounding for an american!

  21. @plot,what is your problem? if Dancing Boy was a trust fund baby he wouldn't be considering being adopted by a rich perv would he? @Dancing Boy,if Mr Perv may put you away himself,wouldn't it be better to do it yourself? I think a lot of these years ago victims are having PTS from all these stories coming out at once. I see DB is showing a lot of ambivalence about his past abuser. Not a good sign.

  22. I believe all this crap. My family was abused in a small town for generations. My parents gave me up for adoption, and i got out. Stuff like this happens all the time, in many places. Human sexuality can be corrupted, and it is the strongest drive that we have. Our sex drive is what propels our species into the future. Perverse as it can be, it serves a purpose. This is the way of the natural world. Cruel, brutal and beautiful, too.


  23. DB expresses himself the way a lot of people mired in a problem with strong emotional power behind it do when they seek out experienced help. Psychologists and other "helping profession" types, lawyers, journalists, publicists, etc., are used to this kind of stream of consciousness spewing out of details as they link up in the mind of the person relating a story. Often an hour long rant can be summed up in a few paragraphs that take 5 minutes to write, provided you are both experienced with this and emotionally detached from the events.

    It is a lot easier to be tersely expressive about something you aren't trying to extricate yourself from, so commenters on a gossip board might consider themselves very rational in their compositions and posts in comparison, but they may be just as flustered in trying to express themselves about a severe and intractable problem from their own life.

    Anyhow, if you want raw reality, DB is providing a credible story (sadly this kind of story is all too familiar to me) and you might want to consider yourself privileged to have this dose of reality without actually being a licensed professional who would get it first hand because of their qualifications.

    If not, just skip it.

    And anyway, he's talking in a way that suggests exiting a dispute sounds worthwhile, so these posts might not go on forever.

  24. All yachting and no therapy makes Dancing Boy a dull read.
    All yachting and no therapy makes Dancing Boy a dull read.
    All yachting and no therapy makes Dancing Boy a dull read.
    All yachting and no therapy makes Dancing Boy a dull read.
    All yachting and no therapy makes Dancing Boy a dull read.
    All yachting and no therapy makes Dancing Boy a dull read.
    All yachting and no therapy makes Dancing Boy a dull read.

  25. Good luck DB, but uh... what do you mean by "marginal existence" and if it's meant to just be "leaving the entertainment business" then don't knock it 'til you've tried it. Being a nobody has its perks, man. It's those somebodies that seem to be fucking everything up, hm?

    In any case, Conte seems like a better fit than Pinault, since the only thing I saw that Pinault has involving a star is the logo of Converse. Different industry portfolio altogether. "French" could be "of French heritage" as a throw-off.

  26. Omidyar because you should know the name of you don't

  27. I'd buy that, but what's the streaming holding, then?

    He's mostly funding feel-good whistleblower left publications and he's dabbled in films with Spotlight on top of some boilerplate philanthropy. He's definitely got a running theme, make of it what you will. If you can get the rest of the pieces to fit, though, I'm all ears.

  28. @Guesser

    "if Dancing Boy was a trust fund baby he wouldn't be considering being adopted by a rich perv would he"

    At this point, it seems like every rich pedo in the world has hit on DB, or tried to adopt him, or sent him frothy letters, or asked for private photo sessions.

    DB has a hell of a range, doesn't he. It's almost...unbelievable.

    Yeah, he's a trust fund kid, I think. In other words, an adult who never grew up because he didn't have to.

    1. Woke up today to terror. The man's face is contorted with anger and fear...again. He's been consulting Dr. Google today about his foot. It's broken. It's not healing. He is shaking his head and imagining the infection that leads to life long disability.

      [Probably, we won't make it out of this US hell hole in 4 months.]

      Did he raise his foot when he first got hurt? No, because I suggested it too strongly and it made his foot cold. Dumb fuck. Fluids collect and create infections. No, he'd rather buy a bone stimulator recommended (by Dr. Google) for foot injuries. Dumb fuck.

      What an ass of a man I've chosen to live with. His only purpose was to get me out of this country. Now he's a lame beast with mental problems. Any attempt by myself to help is deemed aggressive or foolish. So screw him, my give-a-shit is broken.

      Have to walk The Hound, out there in the bright clean sunshine, celebrating the pride of winning by stepping out.


    2. B...b...b..but plot, 2012 was AN OBAMA YEAR for your lazy faggot ass🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  29. This read like Father Ted's 4 hour long acceptance speech/score settling at The Golden Cleric Awards.

  30. Sometimes a star on a logo is just a star .......look up.

  31. @plot,see comment by Aimless Spectator,above. Victims tend to repeat behavior. Dancing Boy is a real person,easily IDed. The Himmmms include a "trust fund Baby" for sure and embellished stories to the point they discredited themselves. I still enjoyed some of their stories,thanks for helping Chase them away.

  32. DB = Kenneth Hempel
    Company he worked for = Telestream
    Rich "French" perv = Jean-Pierre Conte

    1. The French guy (Conte) is the good guy, not the perv.

  33. Dancing Boy, sweetheart, this is not the answer and if you proceed in this direction, you may end up dead. You need professional help and if any spiritual guidance.

  34. Jean Pierre Conte, Chairman of GenStar, half French, half Cuban, born in New York. In 2015 was married to Hillary Thomas.
    From the way it's written, Conte is the patron, but is he also the associate from the past who contacted DB?

  35. I assume the associate from the past is one of his childhood abusers.



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