Monday, July 23, 2018

Blind Item #2

This seemingly always in trouble A- list YouTube star with two first names was on a recent flight and kept asking aloud why there were no young flight attendants to serve someone as fine as himself. When a flight attendant was busy with another customer he spoke even louder and said she should hurry up and make her self useful to someone who actually mattered in the world.


  1. Replies
    1. Recent flight probably to comic con

  2. James Charles? lol Altho I dont reeeaaally picture him to be a jerk.

  3. Logan Paul needs to spend a few years having the marine corps whipping him into a civilized man.

  4. Both brothers are awful and capable of this

  5. I went to college with Logan for a bit and he was not popular on campus at all and would frequently get booed out of parties - I wish the rest of the world gave him the same treatment :)

  6. For their next trick, perhaps the Paul brothers can hold hands while jumping off a cliff

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. he's not famous enough to do this. he's a nobody.

    its one of the paul brothers, my guess is the douchebag who was just at the con, Logan Paul.

    honestly wish both those brothers would just die, they drag down the value of the human race

  9. @Ophelia


  10. Living Proof!

    Here is some one who believes his own publicity!


  11. If You drive around LA and see these Youtube Jackasses on billboards you can thank the Industry, because they're the idiots making these no talent brats famous by throwing 3million dollar movie deals at them. The Industry is so effed up rgt now people have no idea.

  12. What makes these righteous, losers thin they are better than anyone?

  13. It's got to be tough thinking you're famous when most people IRL can't recognize you.

    @Spider Rico, I wonder how many with their own channel have successfully crossed over to other mediums? All the formulas they use to stretch out their videos are shady. I understand they have to do it but it makes a lot of them unwatchable.

  14. Definitely LP. His father is an absolute scumbag. LP always reminds me of a Roman coin...shame he's not buried like one.

  15. Y'all just jealous that an Alpha Chad can git famous. Young boys LOVE the Paul bros, they're good role models for young white boys, unapologetic, like to flex and order bitches around. What's not to like?

  16. Was this the same flight he tweeted about when the steward did not recognize him and seemed surprised he was flying first class

  17. Ah, Ophelia, you spent time in lovely Meigs County? Kind of my neck of the woods growing up.

    Agree with the lack of understanding of the push to make the YT people stars.

  18. I got out of bed for this?

  19. argh, fuck this guy and his family. while i dont like any of this youtube celeb shit i really really really hope KSI beats the shit out of him

  20. @cc423 yeah most likely that's where Ent got the idea to make up the bl. He was just flexing, some homo flight attendant was giving him the eye, looking at him like a fuckboy according to Paul, until he whipped out his 1st class ticket like a boss and then it was all yes sir no sirs. It was a little homily about not judging a book and how he'd made it so young as a YT star, good for him. Ent's transformed a positive story into this BS.

  21. FFS, Stoolie, get your lips off the Logans' collective anuses, you're embarrassing yourself.

  22. @chillip yes I did! As a current New Yorker I miss those hills often :)

  23. logan was in London last week doing press for his boxing match with KSI

  24. This man-boy is not worth the effort I'm expending commenting on this blind. An obnoxious, entitled product of stunted maturity whose main claim to fame is that he knows how to upload a video to YouTube. That is if he even does the technical stuff himself.

  25. Logan Paul is an annoying fucktard.

  26. Either of the Paul Brothers. They are both Scum!

  27. Joe Bob Briggs was right in advocating retroactive abortions for certain people back in the late 1980s & early 1990s. I am sure the Paul brothers & their father would be excellent candidates for this.

  28. I blame instagram and youtube for making talentless delinquents popular. This generation is doomed. These two idiots along with all those new Xanax popping rappers can all huddle in a confined space for a long time if i had any say.

  29. "someone who actually mattered in the world"



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