Monday, July 09, 2018

Blind Item #1

There is a buzz going on right now that the reason this A+ list singer left certain dates open in her tour later this month is to finally spend some time with her alliterate former bff prior to a big life event for the former bff. This is supposed to be a three day bash, so we shall see if they finally break bread together and do other things we want them to do together.


  1. Replies
    1. And Karlie Kloss❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. TAB HUNTER has left us. Those of us over 60 remember what a total heart throb Tab was in the 50s and early 60s. All American Boy. Wholesome roles. Just a doll. Men AND women loved him.

    Ran into him at a Starbucks in San Francisco in 1996. He was with a beautiful Asian woman. None of the young Baristas behind the counter knew who he was. I certainly did! I looked to my left and there he was. Hadn't aged a week since his 30's. Still tan and boyishly handsome. I was too obvious to ignore with that deer in the headlights look and huge smile. He turned, saw me, realized I recognized him, smiled right back. He immediately started chatting with me about how the day was splendid. I replied, "Well it certainly is since YOU walked in!" He and the pretty girl he was with laughed. We exchanged a few more words and they left. I asked the Starbuckaroos making lattes if they knew who he was. Crickets. I told them. Only one guy knew who he was by name. I think my grandmother used to have a crush on him or something, he replied. RIP Young Prince!

    1. My moms generation- he was one of her “matinee idols...” I think she finally came to terms with him being gay at some point lol. He was beautiful to look at for sure.

    2. Loved Tab Hunter Confidential. What a grounded person. Seems like he thought he'd had a good run.

    3. Yep.... he considered himself old fashioned , which translated into him being a private person(and a gentleman), in my opinion...

  3. Taylor has no show between July 28th and August 3rd. Karlie's birthday is August 3rd.

  4. Tab's book is good, and I can also recommend the book "The Man Who Invented Rock Hudson", about Henry Willson, the Hollywood agent who also turned the young, innocent Art Gelien into the teen idol Tab Hunter.

  5. Have those children never heard of John Waters???????

    Lust in the dust??? With Tab Hunter AND Divine?????


  6. It'll be interesting to see how The Academy handles Hunter's death, since they tried to kick him out a few years ago as part of their diversity drive. Tab was NOT having it.

    From the Hollywood Reporter, Jan 23, 2016:

    Tab Hunter, 84, a member of the actors branch, concurred, calling the announcement (of a drive to take voting rights away from less active members) "bullshit."

    Hunter elaborated, "Obviously, it's a thinly-veiled ploy to kick out older white contributors — the backbone of the industry — to make way for younger, 'politically-correct' voters. The Academy should not cave in to media hype and change the rules without talking to or getting votes from all members first."

    Who's going to be the first ultra-lefty to call Hunter a dinosaur the industry is well rid of?

    My money is on Seth Rogan.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Maybe they will stick with selfies for now? Have you heard her latest album? ''I don't want you like a best friend''? Come the fuck on lol

  9. "Lust In the Dust" is not a John Waters movie.

    It was directed by Paul Bartel.

    Haven't these kids nowadays heard of Paul Bartel?

  10. "Lust In the Dust" is not a John Waters movie.

    It was directed by Paul Bartel.

    Has Nacho never heard of Paul Bartel? Eating Raoul? Chopping Mall?


  11. Has blogger still not fixed its delete coding?


  12. What's with the 'former bff' line, they are still going strong as a couple, just on the d.l. while working/touring.

  13. Because Enty and the Enterns broke them up 2 years ago and decided to stick with the wrong story instead of admitting they fucked up.

  14. they don't even speak with each other anymore... thats bs

  15. It must be tough to come out when people keep giving you money. Might as well cash in now then spend your geezer years surrounded by yachters, I don't think Tay Tay cares much for love.

  16. If taylor and karlie are still together then they have to be a pretty long lasting couple at that age, and thats why i call bs on this blind! No one dates in hollyweird for that long, straight, gay or bi!

  17. They're still a couple. They were way too obvious with their glass closeting, basically got caught, and after Taylor's "relationships" with Calvin Harris and Tom Hiddleston didn't work out, they had to stop being associated together. I'm sure they are together. That's why Taylor is with this Joe Alwyn, because she had a whole album wrote about being in love and they had to have someone to point that too, so they went for a male version of Karlie - tall blonde haired, blue eyed guy, who now magically gets awards and parts in movies. I'm convinced. And I'm also convinced that they will "come out" soon - probably not directly, but stop giving a shit and just be seen together once again.

  18. If T. Swift and Karlie wanted to stop the gay rumours, I'm not sure they picked the best way. Going from spending every minute together, to not being seen in the same room for a few years just made more people question what was going on. Of course it probably didn't help matters when Taylor (obviously) wrote an entire album about their relationship. I don't know if they're still together...time will tell.

  19. So the life event would be Karlie's bday? please don't let it be an engagement to joshie.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Well, considering Enty flat out said on twitter that Jerklie rs was fake, I don't think there's an engagement announce comming, also, how in the world Taylor would know this, considering how ahead of time she plans her tour?

  22. Boo, I always wondered if Tab Hunter wasn't the handsome blonde man Candice Bergen writes about in her autobiography, the blonde actor who wanted to take her on his boat while she was in her teens.



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