Monday, July 02, 2018

Blind Item #19

This permanent A list singer/actress who is permanently A list in each separate category has been selling things off. Some have speculated it is because she needs the money for her retirement years. Nope. She is selling them off because she is being pressured/abused by someone (B- list celebrity) people think is a friend. He has walled her off from her longest known friends and restricts her access to social media and phone calls and emails. He doesn't make the kind of money he used to, so has her sell things and then says he is going to "invest" the money. 


  1. Oh no, not again Liza! Didn't her one husband do that to her? David? Made her sell stuff, cut her off from friends. Girl, it's never too late to learn to love yourself.

  2. Babs would never tolerate this..

  3. Liza and the friend is Michael Feinstein.

    1. Dunno about that-they work together all the time (doing a concert tonight I think)- seen him
      Many times and he’s a nice guy... also has a huge mansion in LA for sale because he bought/moved into a more expensive one. If Enty meant MF-he’s way off about finances

  4. +1 Tricia & Ghost, never good when someone is speaking for someone else.

    What Is Going On With Liza Minnelli? Longtime Collaborator Opens Up About Her Health

  5. Maybe he can afford a more expensive home as he has all Liza's money? I read somewhere else that he is abusing her.

  6. Ugh. This kind of abuse just pisses me off.

  7. @JustHereForTheComments, Enty has posted blinds before suggesting that Brolin is physically abusive toward Streisand; it wouldn't really be that big a leap to think he is taking advantage of her financially as well.

    However, I would quibble with the ratings given above if this were her.

  8. Streisand is A+ in any universe. No way this is her; she has a very strong sense of self.

    I'm going with Liza for this one. If this is true, this behavior is elder abuse, and it PISSES ME OFF.

  9. I'm shocked Liza even has anything left to sell at this point.

  10. Why would anyone in their right mind agree to smth like that? You're permanent A list in singing and acting and let some nobody make decisions for you? what??

  11. Replies
    1. Yup, Pope says she is trying to sell off her Warhols

  12. Hollywood is an awful awful place. CDN really opened my eyes .

  13. Liza is 72 and maybe has dementia of some sort, this sort of con is common to older people, unfortunately

  14. Liza was pure comedy gold as Lucille (2) Austero in Arrested Development!

    I would be shocked and saddened to discover that Michael Feinstein has a dark/abusive side...

  15. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Streisand, Doris Day, or Julie Andrews

  16. I saw a YT video of Feinstein and Liza and a lot of the comments were saying what a horrible person he is real life. People really dislike him. He always seems bitter as he knows he isn't a great singer. He is perfectly average at it.



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