Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Blind Item #15

This B- list mostly television actress who was on a show that ended last season was hanging out with a pap yesterday. The 20 something year old actress owed the pap/drug dealer and straight up had sex with him in his car right in front of a dozen other paps.


sandybrook said...

Ashley Benson?

zerooptions said...

Lena Dunham?

Unknown said...

Nah, she's in her 30s.

shakey said...

Did they take pictures?

Mischief Girl said...

Dear God, this is so sad. Have SOME self-respect, woman!

Brayson87 said...

Wow she's really embracing the "a Lannister always pays his debts" philosophy.

MDAnderson said...

Keke Palmer??

Brayson87 said...

So were the other paps taking pics or were they just watching and whacking it?

Tricia13 said...

Shay Mitchell

Ophelia said...

Everyone that seems to fit is over or close to 30 and not a 20 something -_-

yepthatsme said...

Cmon paps, you had ONE JOB, just ONE JOB but you mess it up too! No wonder honest journalism is dying!

Wendy said...

Ashley Benson is 28....just because it doesn't say "close to 30" doesn't mean it isn't. 28 is still considered "20 something"

Gaia said...

Shay is 31 years-old, I think it’s Ashley Benson

Brayson87 said...

Shay Mitchell is 31, Ashley Benson is 28.

Ophelia said...

Whoops - thought PLL ended years ago not 2017. Guess Ashley does fit after all haha

Leanne Norman said...

Celebrity dogging, a new reality show maybe?

So Outrageous said...

I don't think this is Keke Palmer. According to her Instagram she is on set in Budapest filming the 3rd season of "Berlin Station"

gauloise said...

Bella Thorne, her show just got cancelled. She seems the type that would like getting papped in that situation.

PLL ended two seasons ago (the season before last) . Last season is this past season = 2017/2018

Unknown said...

Dignity is in short supply in Satan's rectum, the town we call Hellywould...

Thonker said...

Where are the pics? No way paps wouldnt take this opportunity lol

Lurky McLurkster said...

Probably a bro code among paps.

There have been too many shows that ended one way or another to make a guess

Unknown said...

Enty recently called Bella Thorne a "future porn star." I think it was foreshadowing.
Bella is exactly 20. I recall just a few years ago counting down the days to her 18th, presuming there was going to be some sort of gangbang footage surfacing. No such luck.

Is she still the Candie's Girl? Or maybe it was Kohl's. Same thing.

VikingSong said...

Paps are doubling up as drug dealers now?

Unknown said...

I think it's Drug Dealers who are now bringing cameras.

Stupidpervs said...

I call b.s.....there would be pictures no way they would pass up selling that

nikki bexx said...

Lucy Hale, to be different

fionafab said...

SPEAKING OF LENA DUNHAM: Check out tonight's on-line copy of the N Y Post. Lena Dunham says she feels, "joyous and free" at a heavier weight. There is a before and after shot as well. She is YUUUUGE! Love it! Love it! Love it!

Unknown said...

Not buying this AT ALL.

fionafab said...

LONDON DAILY MAIL says she is telling people she now weighs 160+. If you're going to crow, Lena, tell the truth. How about 200+?

MountainMama said...

I think poor Bella has some darker secrets to tell or she is just stupid but I do feel this is her.

I'm Outraged! said...

Nonsense, made up, gullible idiots.

Unknown said...

Look at the picture Bella posted on her Insta today (7/10.) There are no coincidences. She knows she has nothing left to lose at this point.

Unfortunate if it is her. She claims to have been a sexual abuse survivor.

Hotmessmidwest said...

@Boo- I literally LOL over your comment. Thanks!!!

Wendy said...

I would say Lucy Hale, but she was on a show that just ended this season so idk if it would be her. PLL ended in 2017 so it might have fudged the "last season" bit because I think it was in the summer that it ended.

Danielle said...

Bella Thorne

Bill Beard said...

Hayden Panettiere?

Dusty Fairy said...

This is some serious Micha Barton behavior. I hope whoever this is pulls it together.

Unknown said...

Someone please help me - no matter what I try, my July 4 list of 100 reveals only goes up to #39! I can't find where #40 - #100 are listed in any sidebar no matter how I look for them. I'd be forever grateful if someone would help. Those 100 were going to be a little treat for me w/ a.m. coffee, but I can't find most of them!!! Much obliged to any/all.

Leanne Norman said...

@Laurie M they just follow on to the 5th maybe the 6th too

Private said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Private said...

It’s lucy Hale she just finished her series Life Sentence

Poppymann said...

Total bullshit! Every pap there would be shooting photos.

NobodyNose said...

I wish I could put an eyeroll emoji in here for Boo Hearne. It's one thing to not like Lena Dunham, but I just looked at the pics - you really think that's "huge"? Maybe by Hollywood standards, yes. But in real life... not really.

fionafab said...

Undercover: From the photo I saw in the N Y Post of her last night, that is FAT in any locale. Hollywood, Las Vegas, Salt Lake City....you can eye roll all you want. While on her series, she deprived herself food-wise just to reduce herself to under 140. Now that she is off-the-air and has some free time, she is hitting all the Brooklyn boites and making up for lost time. I am sincerely happy she is fine with her weight.

fionafab said...

P. S. If you think I am being a little bitchy, check out the comments about Lena's weight gain in today's (WED) Breitbart News on The Drudge Report. Lena really isn't well liked by anyone it seems. What did she do wrong? Still asking that question.

shakey said...

Laurie M. I had to search on the site for them, but I couldn’t find anything after 55, I believe.

Unknown said...

I must need professional help because I cannot get the name Eden Sher out of my head as the answer to this one.


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