Monday, July 09, 2018

Blind Item #13

She thinks she is going to pull a fast one, but this A list reality star with a lucrative side gig didn't do what she claimed to do. Her livelihood revolves around that not being true.


  1. Kylie and her stupid fat lips

  2. Kylie and her lip fillers

  3. Kendell and Kylie both say they removed their lip fllers

  4. And that Kendell report I just saw was only about Kylie not a word about Kendull

  5. They look the same as before just not overlined. The Kardashian Jenner obsession with obnoxiously oversized features lives on.

  6. Maybe it interfered with them providing bjs to clients? Just a random thought!

  7. nobody thinks this might be hailey b? side gig yachting?

  8. Lmao we know she lied tf! Before her lips were paper thin! She probably got them reduced a little but she didn’t take out everything, nobody is that stupid. Even when she had them in she would overline her lips which was just ridiculous but she looks a lot better with smaller lips

  9. The idea of a Kartrashian "thinking" is hysterical. Similar to your average 4th grader

  10. Yachting isnt a side-gig, side-gig is smth like a clothing or cosmetics line. Something else to get some coins from (without whoring yourself out)

    @Unknown what else is she? She got famous from being on the kardashian reality shows and even had her own..

  11. Its hilarious though, because she always denied having any lip fillers, and said it was her "lip kits" that gave the illusion of full lips. Unless she changed her tune and I didn't hear about it. But before, she never admitted to any fillers. And now she's saying she got them removed. She's probably realized that her lips will NEVER be the same if she keeps injecting them that full, and just went for less. Because there is certainly less lips there than there was before... but definitely not pre-2014 Kylie, where she had nothing.

    However, for once I hope the minions follow a trend, and get theirs taken out too. This whole plastic surgery trend is disgusting. I can't wait until we are all older and all those girls look old AF, contrary to what they all believe now: "Its preventative, its freezing my face in time, I won't get wrinkles". Good luck.

    1. Uhhh actually she did admit to getting fillers due to insecurities she began feeling as a teen. Takes two seconds to look up dude.

  12. Yeesh, she's going to wind up looking like Data in First Contact after his skin grafts.

  13. Just to be different, I'm going to say Countess Luann and her pretend sobriety, side gig being her cabaret tour, although I'm not sure how lucrative that is. This is probably about Kylie, though.

  14. I just saw the Kylie Instagram post. She said that she “got rid of her filler.” Maybe she just means her cheek/eye/forehead/nose filler, but not lips? ;)

  15. @moonagedaydream6, I can't wait until ALL of those celebrities find out that "freezing my face in time" is a fallacy and only makes it worse. When you paralyze a muscle, the muscles around it compensate for it by working more, thereby actually giving one more wrinkles.

    Re: Kylie, though; didn't she finally admit to lip fillers when teenage girls were maiming themselves with some sort of Kylie stupidity, trying to swell their lips up in some moronic way?

    1. Yes...they were using shot glasses lol I think

  16. Her fans are such fucking IDIOTS. They believe everything she says.

  17. Anonymous5:39 PM

    The same lip filler that earned her around 200 million.
    By removing it, Jenner is literally giving her 'followers' the finger.
    They often do this, just to see how much abuse their 'followers' can take.

  18. Come on guys, this is hardly a blind. Anyone that's skimmed the news this morning can see that she's chatting shit. And nobody cares.

  19. Yeah, she admitted to it after blatantly lying for months, and having kids get hurt trying to swell their lips with suction hahaha
