Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Blind Item #11 - Reader Blind Item

This late comedic actor started on Broadway but is most well known for his distinctive speaking style and for his appearances on Saturday morning live action kids TV shows and afternoon game shows.  When this comedic actor received fan mail from male fans, he responded with requests for nude photos.


  1. Charles nelson Reilly

  2. Charles Nelson Reilly

    I think we've had a similar blind about him before...

  3. Gauloise has it. The children’s show was Spacecats.

  4. When I was kid and saw/heard that creepy bastard I knew he was a fucking disgusting wierdo. Even kids who don't know anything....know.

  5. The blind about Reilly was about him inviting boys to his game show and abusing them.

  6. Wow it really doesn't pay to be a fan does it?

  7. all those sid and marty kroft shows were like some kind of weird pedo nightmare

    1. Noooo! Gauloise! We loved those shows!HR pufnstuff, banana splits!! It was a groovy time

  8. Charles Nelson Reilly was also on another kids show too, Lidsville.

  9. Exit stage left even to a boys anus! ( said in the voice of sourpuss). \\\ dang I'm getting old\\\\

  10. eweee.....Peewee came to my mind first too but he's not dead so then Reilly...

  11. I tried watching a Match Game rerun last week. Christ it is cringey. Creepy AF. Don't tell me Richard Dawson wasn't spiking drinks and banging contestants in the dressing room too. No way was CNR the only one.

  12. I watched an old episode of Match Game not too long ago & laughed my butt off the whole time! So funny!! Pervy, politically incorrect, drunk sometimes incoherent, probably doing lines of blow during the commercial breaks. Same as every grownup I knew in the late 70s.

  13. Remember when America was all mad at PeeWee for doing in a porn theater what people do in porn theaters, and oh yeah, he *gasp* smoked pot in the 70s?
    Meanwhile, Charles Nelson Reilly.

    1. Like my father used to say "you don't ask, you don't get". Sounds like someone had the right idea, and I'd like to think it was Charles Nelson Reilly!

  14. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Richard Dawson used to insist on kissing each woman contestant on the mouth! Nasty!

  15. Richard Dawson was the worst!! Oh the cringes!!

  16. No clue who this is but how do you casually just ask for nudes? Did the parents not read their kids incoming mail? Or see what kind of pictures they were developing (cause you had to go to a store in this day and age, right?) It never seizes to amaze me how these perverted old fucks kept getting away with this crap.

  17. I don't know about previous blinds, but nothing in this implies that it was children sending fan mail. Just 'male fans'. This was in an era where virtually no child had access to a camera, the ability to take nudes of themselves, drive them to a photo development shop, somehow avoid the censorship of said shop, and then mail them back.

    This only makes sense in that it was adult gay men that were writing to him, and might have such photos. And fine with me.

    Charles Nelson Reilly was a serious actor for ages before he became the camp queen of Saturday morning kids shows and afternoon game shows. Youtube has his "Life of Reilly" one man show, and it's quite interesting and well done. For one thing, as a child Reilly narrowly escaped death in the disastrous Hartford Circus fire.
