Monday, July 30, 2018

Blind Item #10

This former A- list mostly movie actress who is probably A-/B+ list because she keeps doing ensembles instead of her own thing has a new movie coming out. Her significant other kept telling her she should lose weight before the press tour and got in her head so much that she looks like a skeleton at this point when you take off the baggy clothes she usually wears out in public.


  1. Kristen Stewart/Stella Maxwell?

  2. Replies
    1. +1 Mila looks like death warmed over- what a great hubs Kooch is

    2. Ashton's women always seem to end up this way. I bet she would leave if not for the babies.

  3. Shailene Woodley has a movie coming out soon,

    was in the ensemble Big Little Lies with a rounder figure, she dresses in baggy clothes

  4. The clavicle doesn't lie, and neither do those arms...

  5. Melissa McCarthy?

  6. Mila in those pics looks less skinny and more like something has been feeding on her soul.

    1. I think she dates exclusively soul feeders.

  7. I've noticed that Mila is looking too thin.
    Oh, how one struggles to be a A+ list actress.

  8. Definitely sounds like Mila. New movie coming out this week.

  9. Mila looks amazing.

  10. @Sara - Clavicle Don't Lie has to be made into a song ASAP. lol

  11. She looks very masculine and hollowed from the soul out in that picture. Haunting. Much darkness to Ashton, almost no doubt. Who else do they hire to replace Charlie Sheen but a similarly evil fraud? Anyone who hangs out with John McCain and his shady charity is up to no good. She may look cursed because she knows the scythe is about the swoop.

  12. Mila definitely seems to fit! She's been looking very bobbleheadish, and she had the ensemble thing going in those Bad Moms movies.

  13. Mila looks good at any weight.

  14. Lots of jealous fat chicks on this site. Don't hate her because she's beautiful and thin. If Mama June can lose 300 lbs then so can most of y'all.

  15. Ashton zaps the hotness out of every woman he is involved with.

    Both Demi and Mila were stunners when they first started dating him.

  16. I've seen lollipops with more curves...

  17. @galouise I can't say why but now I'm having mental images of Ashton in a super villain get up with a giant ray gun monologing about his Hotness Zapper. So thank you for that on this Monday afternoon.

  18. she looks good. but why would you lose weight to wear that ridic sloppy dress that makes her look saggy. fire the stylist!

  19. Maybe she was an impostor, doppelganger theories are so fun! :)

  20. Mila is turning in to a young Demi which is what Ashton wanted all along. A newer model with eggs that were able to give him kids. I'm sorry but she never needed to lose weight. And that one pic on the red carpet is is awful. She looks thin but her boobs look saggy. Why anyone thinks no bra is a good look under a designer dress is beyond me.

  21. Mila doesn't look skeletal, but she does look really bad in recent photos.

    Ashton criticizes his women all in the name of helping them. January Jones talked about this. He was also quite awful to Britney Murphy.

    Mila always struck me as pretty kick-ass until she hooked up with Ashton. I bet he is telling her that she is only good in comedies and that she should only be playing moms now.

  22. Mila looked thinner in Black Swan and she wasn't skeletal. Allegra Versace is skeletal. I think Mila looks nice, I don't like the dress and makeup though

  23. Mila can go back to Eretz Yisrael for all I care

    Human trafficking facilitator and alcohol pusher. How sexy.

  24. OMG,@plot wrote everything I was thinking! Help! I will add, Ashton is one of those guys who can't stand his woman being more successful, so he makes them feel like they just aren't as talented,beautiful, or as thin as they are.

  25. And don't forget Ashton is friends with Masterson!

  26. JFC, Mila looks exactly the same as she always does.

  27. Never understood why a distillery brand would hire such a youthful looking recent mother to rep their hooch. Looks 16, just had a kid, that's not the right person to rep your bourbon.

  28. Mila started looking worn out and used up even before she had a kid. Maybe it's genetics, maybe it's her lifestyle.

  29. @Haywood

    Ashton is making a ton of money by hawking products and lining up products for others to rep.

    Mila is very much the wrong choice to rep bourbon, as you state. What Mommies are going to switch from their chardonnay to Jim Beam because of Mila? And what boys is she going to bring to the product? Or young women? None that I can fathom. If they wanted a female rep, pick someone tall who can wear chaps with fringe convincingly as she dismounts a horse, has a sexy slow walk from behind while sauntering into the saloon and slaps down her coin for some Beam, neat. THAT would start both fashion and liquor changes. Not Mila, for sure, too short, too Meg, too old about the face now.

    This repping for bourbon has to have been the work of Kutch, which, per normal, is totally wrong headed but the corps keep paying him. When will they wake up to what a liability this guy is!



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