Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Blind Item #10

This B+ list dual threat actress ALL of you know has A+ list name recognition. She is acting a little strangely. Apparently she would like to have another child, but is not really all that interested in any of the guys she dates being the father. So, enter the celebrity offspring of a permanent A++ lister who says she asked him if he would be interested.


Tricia13 said...

Katie Holmes

Tricia13 said...

And Scott Eastwood??

MDAnderson said...

Scott Eastwood

FrenchGirl said...

Bravo Tricia !!!

sandybrook said...

Maybe the father of her first child would be interested again? She should ask...or even Pacey.

Tricia13 said...


notthisagain said...

thats why holmes and eastwood met up at shutters in SM was wondering was so random

Zebra Seasoning said...

Thought she and Jamie Foxx were the next big thing?

J said...

Cool! We need more and more children growing up without fathers around.

Tuesdi said...

eeew. Scott Eastwood. Gross.

Jon said...

Katie Holmes and Blanket.

Brayson87 said...

Wow still trying to bank on baby daddy name recognition, well it's gotten her this far why not ;)

AppleThief4Elliot said...

Offspring: Ronan Farrow.
Almost certainly the son of Frank. The blind doesn't say anything about doing this the old-fashioned way.

Me Again said...

What about Jamie? The humanity.

orangesoda said...

Great. So Suri is already growing up without a dad, now another kid has to.


If the dads weren't so terrible, maybe the kids wouldn't have to grow up without them

Unknown said...

Jamie Foxx is queer! I thought that was obvious.

GoogleSleuth said...

And that would absolutely make sense, genetics-wise. He’s absolutely brilliant. He graduated high school at 11 and college at 15. I can definitely see her wanting that. +1

BRAD PITT said...

tom cruise loves the outlaw josey wales

it inspired him to make The Last Samurai

Trish D said...


orangesoda said...

'If dads weren't so terrible.'
Um... what does that even mean? Lol. So all dads are terrible? As in ALL male human beings that father children? THAT'S the problem you have with this BI, anon?
Alrighty then.
This man-hating dogma is really getting old.

NicQuerica said...

Well shit, my younger self would have paid top dollar to get a vile of sperm from someone like that. Genius level intelligence AND good looking? Sign me up. If more women made children with such types maybe we wouldn't have so many dumb asses running around.


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