Blind Item #10 - Badlands - A Birdie Blind Item
Yes, the original reporting barely scratched the surface of this twenty year old murder, which received more than national attention. As the contrarian who wrote a book on the subject said, there were drugs involved - both the victim and the two perps used and dealt them. But in the end it was about the author's other discovery, which is to say an ongoing casual relationship (of a certain kind) between the victim and one of the perps, as well as (I'll add) the two perps, both of whom were deeply ashamed to be half this way.
Enter a third party, known to the victim, but who wanted in with the circle that included the two perps (which is to say their connection), as well as the victim and perps' turf. He was the man who caught the one perp together with the victim on the outskirts of town. They didn't see him, but he saw them, and later he told the perp that the victim had been outing him to everyone they knew. No, that never happened. But you all know what happened next.
Afterward, the survivor - by which I mean the person in this story who didn't end up dead or in prison - became the Walter White of this one state, and parts of neighboring states. To this day, he still jokes about his "hostile takeover."
Enter a third party, known to the victim, but who wanted in with the circle that included the two perps (which is to say their connection), as well as the victim and perps' turf. He was the man who caught the one perp together with the victim on the outskirts of town. They didn't see him, but he saw them, and later he told the perp that the victim had been outing him to everyone they knew. No, that never happened. But you all know what happened next.
Afterward, the survivor - by which I mean the person in this story who didn't end up dead or in prison - became the Walter White of this one state, and parts of neighboring states. To this day, he still jokes about his "hostile takeover."