Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Your Turn

Have you ever been to a drive in movie theatre?


  1. Sure lots of abandoned ones, look like Fallout.

  2. I think when I was little I was taken to one on Long Island. I sort of remember the car parked next to a speaker and lines of cars all-around us.

  3. Yes. It's torture because you have to leave the window open for the speaker to hang, so mosquitoes eat you alive.

  4. I live in Columbus, Ohio. We have one left. It's on a kind of bad side of town, but it's fun when the mosquitoes aren't coming through the windows haha

    1. I lived in Reynoldsburg & Marysville (2002-11) those mosquitos are no joke!

  5. When I was much younger my parents took us to one in Hyde Park, NY. That is the only time I can remember

  6. Hell yeah... I am a child of the seventies(best time on earth)......

    1. Me too. I am lucky enough to live 20 minutes from the oldest family owned still in operation drive in. They added a second screen about 8 years ago. There are 2 others 20 and 35 minutes away from me also. I am taking my family to see incredible ii this weekend. It's Becky's drive in.

  7. There's a good side of town in Columbus, Ohio?😶

  8. @sandybrook Ok, it's the WORSE side of the bad part hahah

  9. A few times. There's one about 30 miles from here that was still operating in the summers, but I don't think it opened this year. Too bad, it's a great deal for families that can load up a vehicle.

    Speaking of drive-ins, Joe Bob Briggs is back with a B-movie show called The Last Drive-In on some streaming service.

  10. Back in high school (80s) I had a 1981 Pontiac Bonneville Brougham. That sucker was a T A N K! It held 9 in the front/back seats, and 4 in the truck. Also in the trunk were a few cases of beer, paper grocery bags full of pre-popped popcorn and bottles (glass!) of Coke and Sprite. We spent more time at the drive-in than we did the sit-down movies in high school. There used to be 7 of them in my immediate area, but alas none survived. Last one closed in 2010. BUT! I saw one still in operation this past weekend in Williamsport PA - showing The Incredibles 2.

    I miss the drive-in. Carload during the week was $5; Saturday night 3 movies carload was $10.

  11. Stripes was playing the last time I was at one

  12. Many times as a child. There were double features for families, the first one for the kids, the 2nd for adults. I remember seeing "Mary Poppins," then going to sleep in the back of the station wagon in a sleeping bag.

  13. There's a newish one near me, and it's neat but gets very expensive. At least I knew the bartender so that saved us fifteen bucks. Definitely not a weekly family outing, for sure.

    Oh, and the speaker things are a thing of the past. We downloaded a radio app and listened to the movies on the designated station.

  14. I still go with my kids and grandkids. Luckily it is all digital now so the sound comes through your car radio. No more open windows and mosquitos lol.

  15. Rite of passage for those of us of a certain age in the MidWest. This was before A/C for you young'uns.

  16. Back in the day in Albuquerque there was one that showed porn. It was surrounded by high trees but if you knew just where to go you could see everything.

    Which of course we did!

  17. Sure did! When I was a kid, we went all of the time. In the mid-late 70s, there was a drive-in close by that would have all-night rock movies, and if you made it through all of them, you got free coffee and donuts in the morning. It was a blast, you could tune your car radio to hear the movies, you didn't have to keep the windows open! Haven't been to one since the 80s, though. It was when Mad Max 3 came out, they showed all of them.

    1. The window only needed to be down a smidge. Just like carhop drive in trays.

  18. There is one in Paramount, CA that my husband and I go to all the time! Just saw Incredibles 2 with our pups on the back of his truckbed, it was awesome!

  19. many times. we have the beautiful Rt 66 Drive in theater still going strong with first run movies.

  20. We used to go pretty often when I was a little kid (mid-late 70's)

    no drive ins left anymore

  21. We have one here in the Burgh. It's awesome. No sound boxes, you use your radio.

  22. yes, every summer, one 30 miles from my house, kids love it.

  23. Yes, as a kid. I've looked into going as an adult, so I know that some now charge per person instead of per car and you can use your car radio to get the soundtrack instead of the hanging speaker. Haven't actually made it to the nearest drive-in though.

  24. Heck yah!!
    Blue Fox on whidbey Island, every summer. And we ride go carts first,goodtimes
    Then I fall asleep right when the first movie starts

  25. The small town I grew up in had one, we went a lot when we were kids. My brother & I would pass out in the back seat. As time wore on the drive-in went down so they started showing porn movies. I went with a bunch of my friends, piled into the back of one of my friend's Dad's Cadillac. We weren't carded or anything & we all saw our first porn movie on the gigantic screen. We all laughed our asses off. I can't remember what the movie was but the city finally shut the drive-in down. Folks in close by neighborhoods were complaining about the noise from the movies. LOL LOL

  26. the drive in was where we went for dates in the summer. had 3 in town. smuggled friends in the trunk, etc. drank a lot, got laid. the typical drive in things. i loved going to the drive in.

  27. Yes. They still have them out here in Nowhereland where I live. One of them even has teenage boys dressed in suits with white gloves to greet you when you drive in, take your cash, get your food/dinks, then they run around during the movie in case you need anything else. Worth the $$

  28. Yep I sure did! The Lancaster Drive In was across the street from my house. I saw Empire Strikes Back and Popeye there in the backseat of my parents' Comet. It closed when I was still a kid but look, they filmed part of Spies Like Us there:

  29. About ten years ago, watched a double feature for 5 bucks. I miss the dollar movie theaters, those were awesome

  30. Many, first was Death Race 2000 / The Great Waldo Pepper.
    Summers at the Drive-in FTW.

  31. Anonymous1:33 PM

    @carrisa and @pghgirl I live in Columbus and have been to that one:) and used to live and love Pittsburgh and know that one!!! I still visit Pgh every few months. Lived in 15219 and a good friend has a coffee shop there called Constellation:)

  32. Yes! And thankful they transmit through a radio station so we can keep the bugs away. It's about half a mile from my home. ☺

  33. Many many times. Our local drive in closed in 2008, but before it did, (it had 3 screens!!) we would load up the Ford Explorer with our dog, our son our popcorn and blankets and would spend one night there every weekend. They did not mind if you moved to another screen after your feature ended. We would often watch 2 movies if there were 2 that were playing we liked. My son loved it, and it brought back so many memories of going to the one in my hometown, (that is still open) in Central Florida.
    THe last movie I saw.. was some stupid (to me) M. Knight movie, the one with the woods and the monsters in the woods, i dont even remember the name, that was also the 1st "date" our son had.. lol, he took a neighbor girl with us, I believe they were 12.

  34. They still existed when I was a kid. I can't remember what I saw there though.

  35. There's still a couple around here that function. I lost my virginity in my boyfriend's parents station wagon at the Coliseum Drive-In, in Oakland, December 1982. It's now a 7 day a week swap meet, and it makes me sad every time I drive past it.

    The movie was a Mad Max/Road Warrior double feature.

  36. Yesss lived them.

  37. Yes! My first was going to see Beauty and the beast, I think I was 6?

  38. Yep! There's one in the Charlotte area. I took my mom to see Dark Shadows a few years ago. Looking forward to taking my son.

  39. At least once a month. We would caravan and party our asses off.

  40. My family used to go all the time when I was a kid. I think I fell asleep 100% of the time.

  41. North Ridgeville, Ohio (20 miles SW of Cleveland) still has a double drive-in in operation. And it is really fun on a warm summer night.

    They do their simulcast on the FM radio band, so no speakers are needed.

    There are still a handful of drive-ins in NE Ohio, which seem to be one of the few places in the United States where they are still popular.

  42. We used to go all the time when I was a kid! Of course, being in the northern part of Canada means that the sun doesn't set until about 11 pm in the summer, but we used to get into our PJs and try to stay up for both movies (double feature).

    A few years ago I found one in Nowhere, Saskatchewan of all places, (actually Watrous; good luck finding it on a map!) and the kids loved it.

  43. Yes, but I've never snuck in. I was always the one in the back seat of the car while listening to everyone whine about how tight the trunk was.

  44. I saw a double-feature of Sudden Impact and Purple Rain in Yuma, Arizona. I was too young to really understand either movie, but I remember thinking it was pretty cool.

  45. Yes, and I miss them. I still have vague memories of being in pjs in the car. And when I was older, I had sex in the drive-ins.

    Good times.

  46. Great fun as a kid since we got to wear our pajamas in case we fell asleep. Also great fun as a teen since cheap, sit out in lounge chairs, drink & smoke pot with no one bugging you as long as you didn't get too loud.

  47. Quite a few times. Last time was in 1995, I believe. I saw that cinematic tour-de-force Bulletproof with Damon Wayons and Adam Sandler. That particular drive-in had the best snack bar, so it didn't matter so much that the movie was awful.



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