Monday, June 11, 2018

Your Turn

Have you ever been to an IHOP?


  1. Yep. Most recently in Oakland someplace. With friends and their kids.

  2. Can't even remember the last time I's been years!

  3. There isn't one within 20 miles of where I am now, but back in NYC we had one I went to several times but still not since the 1990s.

  4. True story: there is a private FB page for residents to lament what they perceive to be wrong with their home town. One lament was the lack of a "name" restaurant. Posters were discussing the what -ifs of a 3-star or 4-star franchise in our small town when one person posts - Yes - we need an IHOP.

    My kids (now adults) mentioned this at the news of the opening of an Old Chicago - but it's not an IHOP!

  5. Omg, you just jogged a repressed memory!!
    Wow, I went to IHOP once, I had completely forgotten about this!

  6. Yes. All you can eat pancakes w/ a bacon & eggs breakfast is a good start of recovery after a 36hr binge.

  7. Jerk's got a fair point

  8. Ah, thanks for the reminder. My kid has been hearing the news and very much interested in finding out what "Ihob" means. Yes, he's a weird kid. No, we haven't been in about a year.

  9. Yes I love breakfast food anytime except for breakfast. Now if IHOP is going to offer burgers for breakfast they might have something.

  10. That anything like a sockhop?

  11. I went once, something like 25 years ago. It's marginally better than Denny's. But I would never go to either again.

    Yeah life is fine without IHOP

    1. I was last at Dennys a couple months ago, when i found out the diner i like was no longer 24hr and wasnt open at 530 am. Dennys had declined considerably f4om my previous experience 10yrs prior. The bacon might as well have been strips of paper dipped in oil, as thin and tasteless as it was.

  12. Lived it when I was a kid. Pancakes with whip cream!!!

  13. I heard that the company was bought by Disney it now stands for international house of padewans

  14. I went to one last Monday. Little did I know it would be the last time...though I guess this will become a huge PR failure that will 'evolve'.

  15. Yes. And it was truly revolting.

  16. Where are the Tonys blinds/ red carpet photos?
    Claire Danes looked like a lampshade and everyone needs to see that. Bernadette Peters has had a horrifying facelift. The Boys in the Band CLEARLY consulted each other before getting dressed.
    *huffs* I'll go elsewhere. Tom & Lorenzo will have it...

    1. I know Claire Danes is pregnant and all but damn, she could have found a more flattering dress than a lamp shade. Awesome analogy, there is no other way to describe that mess.

  17. Yeah, 2 years ago and it was gross. I used to love Shoney's but that was during college at 3am when I was no where near sober. I do recall a middle aged woman in a Mardi Gras gown stuffed in the bathroom stall hurling. I don't remember if I was doing the same.

    1. Thoughts of Shoney's All You Can Eat Breakfast Buffet make my dick hard. I havent been to one in 20+yrs. Closest one is probably an hour from me.

  18. I used to love IHOP but the past couple times I've gone, they've been bad. Did I change, or did they?

    Waffle House much better than IHOP, but unfortunately not nearly as ubiquitous across America.

    1. I have never been in a Waffle House that looked like it had been cleaned since 1973. Pass.

    2. While we are yappin about chain breakfast joints, any time i go to a Perkins i estimate i am the youngest person in there by about 20-25yrs. Joint always loaded w/ cotton tops.

  19. I have three kids and it's the only pancake place in town. Yes, we've been there.

  20. We went to one while on vacation because we thought that a place with that name would serve a variety of exotic and tasty pancakes. They dont.

  21. Not in about 25 years

  22. Yes..The Country Omelet with extra sour cream and crispy hash browns is what I always order with camomile tea with cream... Mmmmhhhmmmm .. Wait, Should I not be???????

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Just once. I was working as a promoter for a tent circus. We were in Charleston, SC & a local reporter was charmed by a couple of our clowns, and she promised to take them out for ice cream (can't remember how THAT came about). Anyway, by the time the last show ended, the only place serving ice cream that was open was IHOP.

  25. There is one near Lake St. Clair that has a line around the building on the weekends.

  26. A better question is "LIHOP or MIHOP?"

    The correct answer: MIHOP

  27. We go quite frequently. My 5 year old loves the create a face pancake. He calls it a Cookie Monster pancake.

  28. A couple of times years ago, but I really hate the food.

  29. It’s been so long I can’t even recall the last time I went to IHOP.

    @ Sandybrook: did they close the IHOP in Cocoa Beach?

  30. Love IHOP. I meet my sister-in-law at an IHOP in a town about halfway between our homes every other month. We drink coffee, eat harvest nut and grain pancakes with eggs over easy, catch up on the family happenings, then leave after a few hours. Drop a huge tip for the waitress who has kindly greeted us, served us, and not rush us out the door. Yes...I love IHOP. Their hn&g pancakes are yummy!

  31. I had decent chocolate chip pancakes there in 1988. A few years later had a cardboard grilled cheese. A few years after that took a bite of my chicken sandwich and noticed a very long, thick, wet, black hair curled up on the wet plate where my sandwich had sat. Haven't been back, can't do it.
