Friday, June 01, 2018

Your Turn - Reader Photos

It is that time of the year again. Yes, we are just 33 days from the July 4th reveal day. That means of course it is reader photo time. Beginning Monday, I will be doing Random Photos each weekday leading to the 4th and want to include your reader photos each one of those days and then will post them all in a massive post or two on the 4th. If you would like to see your photo posted, e-mail it to

I post them in the order in which they are received.


  1. Shout out to everyone who does not know the opposite of in!

  2. I welcome the return of the randoms and the readers photos.

  3. I should probably take one now, since I'll be turning 40 before the 4th. Gotta document myself before I crest that hill!

  4. Anonymous11:41 AM

    To be clear, you want photos of our faces, right?

  5. Oh what are the rules?

  6. Now I'm curious about the number of dick pics Enty gets each time...

  7. 33 Days, LOL.

    No one wants to see what I look like, trust me.

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  11. Hey, Enty. I give up. Guess there will be no end to the humiliation, will there? Really so, so dissapointed to see the usual suspects (the agents/PR people) reverse back to late-2014 mode. Just when I thought nothing could shock me anymore, I was shocked that they changed tunes... I thought it was finally it, but now I know it will never be. Finally seeing that there will be no end to this, so I’m moving on. Plus, the D-list trolls had me rΓ©alise I want no part in that life or lifestyle (IDK what I was thinking). Thank you for everything. πŸ™πŸΌ You are awesome! Keep on exposing the #MeToo assholery... πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

  12. enty tell us who the oscars blind was where you wrongly revealed it as rami malek!!!!!

    Ive never even seen enty take down a blind reveal, but he did for that one

  13. Oh he did @notthisagain. He did a reveal on the July reveal day a couple of years ago that said Beyonce fucked for tracks. Five minutes later gone!a

  14. I have just sent a picture of my lovely arse.
