Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Things On The Outside

This actor is A- list. He is the star of his very own show. We already know he spends a great deal of time trying to fund ways to fire an actress on the show he considers a threat to his hitting on of women who are not his girlfriend. The girlfriend thinks they are getting married, but she also doesn't know the actor has been doing anything possible home wise to keep her from constantly asking him when they are getting married. He has been thinking of accepting a lowball movie offer just to get out of the house and hook up with women. I mean this shouldn't come as a shocker since he was still with his ex when he got together with his girlfriend and they have split before when she has busted him cheating. That older than him by quite a lot actress who plays a reporter sometimes on the show says that he calls her his favorite MILF and that she knows when she gets called about making an appearance it is his doing and knows they will spend most of the week in and out of bed. So, when you look at it all from the outside and social media, it all looks like a rainbows and unicorns, but it really isn't.


  1. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Stephen Amell

  2. I was feeling more Grant Gustin on this one actually.

  3. Sounds like he's got a pretty good plan.

  4. Steven Amell, Emily Bett Richards, Susaanna Thompson etc, etc

  5. Anonymous10:25 AM


  6. It's not Stephen he's married. I thought Grant was engaged.

  7. Isn't Grant Gustin gay? I don't know for sure, but he got his break on "Glee," and you know how that goes. Plus just his screen presence sets off my gaydar in the best possible way.

    GG comes off like that wonderful, earnest, sincere, empathetic, always-there-for-you gay friend. He just seems so nice, which is funny because he apparently played a total conniving backstabbing gay guy on "Glee" (I never saw him in it, had stopped watching by that point).

    Tough month for Arnell on CDAN. Makes me sad, because he was so nice to my son several years ago at one of the 'cons, back when we were still watching "Arrow" devotedly.

    1. No I think Grant Gustin is either gay-for-pay or bisexual

  8. Grant's had closeted gay BIs here before

  9. ....unless, of course, this blind actually IS Grant Gustin, in which case I will be crushed.

    But there's no older female reporter on "The Flash." And no female cast member recently left. "Arrow" has both.

  10. @DDonna, actually just found an older female reporter actress for The Flash, but not someone well known.

  11. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I think you got it Brayson. Grant Gustin sleeping with Tiffanie Timms. Maybe Danielle Panabaker as the woman he's trying to get rid of?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Never heard of these people.

  14. Tiffani Timms was on The Flash for two episodes. The blind sounds like it's more than that.


  15. Blind Items Revealed #10

    July 7, 2017

    All the fans of this superhero show seem to be clamoring for the exit of the second billed actress on the almost network show not as good or as popular as the others on the almost network. The thing is though, to get rid of her would cost a ton of money because she is brilliant (one of the smartest actresses on television) and from day 1 has been documenting every time she has been sexually harassed or had other things said to her which were objectionable. The producers know she has it because they tried to fire her before.

    Candice Patton/The Flash (This blind was four months before Andrew Kreisberg was fired)


  16. Saturday, October 07, 2017
    Blind Items Revealed #5

    September 29, 2017

    This almost network superhero not named Arrow is having some PR issues. His company tells him to do one thing, but he then goes out and listens to another PR company who has him buying followers and likes on social media. He also can't get his story straight about the girlfriend. I wrote about them before. He cheated all the time but thinks getting married will keep him faithful. The thing is though, in a very important major purchase, he has excluded her.

    Grant Gustin


  17. Michael Weatherly and Bull?

  18. Wow. This is terrible to learn about Grant Gustin. I can't believe I missed both those reveals, but if they both came on weekends, it's possible.

    As for the actress, that's a SERIOUSLY minor role ("Reporter #1" is how it was cast the first time on IMDB). No wonder I missed it.

    This actually makes me teeter in my self-assessment a little bit. GG totally had me fooled on several fronts, then, if he's straight, conniving and a character assassin....wow. Just wow.

    I'm particularly sad to hear of his treatment of Candice Patton, who I think is one of the most beautiful women on television, if not THE most beautiful woman, and also seems to be a skilled actress, at least in the context of a comic book television series.

    But how is "The Flash," according to the first blind reveal, "not as good or as popular as the others on the almost network"? It's the highest rated show on the CW!


    If that set is poisonous, they do a great job masking it for viewers. I think the show has great chemistry.

    Or now I'm even questioning my own judgement. Am I seeing it this way because I'm watching it through my son's eyes, and he loves it so much? Does anybody else watch this show? Do they think it's crap? That the cast doesn't have chemistry? Am I totally blinded to what is actually being produced?

    This whole thing has me a little bit shattered. "The Flash" is such a part of our family's weekly rituals, even with its ups and downs. I'm extremely unhappy to learn this about GG. :-(

  19. I don't think it's flash arrow or any of em, enty usually says superhero show!

  20. @city, Michael Weatherly is married.

    It's possible it's someone else, I seem to recall a blind about a star upset that an actress was interfering with him hitting on women, but I can't remember which blind. It's interesting that the blind says star of his very own show, as if hinting the network would completely give it away.

  21. G. Gustin has douchy vibes. Don't know if this is The Flash though

  22. Anonymous2:10 PM

    This blind does imply that Gustin is not only a cheater, but a casting coucher, which might be why its a big blind and makes morr sense that it is Timms. She's 41 to his 28, attractive, and probably has inly been on it a couple episdes because she is too uncomfortable to go back. He's using his status as star of the show to force a relatively unknown and likely struggling actress to sleep with him to act out his MILF fantasies. This isn't cheating. Its harassment. There's a reason its today's big blind.

  23. It should be noted that it would have to be a relatively young male star of his own show to have a much older MILF hook up, which narrows the field considerably.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.


  25. Sloppy blind. Candice Patton has worked very hard on her “Tough Girl from Texas SJW” image and many people refuse to see what lies beneath that veneer including this website. Like for instance how she still hates that Gustin wouldn’t sleep with her. Or ALL her affairs with other various CW co-stars. And also that she has been treating her current co-stars (save fo Hartley Sawyer who was one of her lovers), like utter shit. Grant Gustin isn’t jealous or intimidated by Patton as an actor, not even close. Especially given that he, along with all the other cast members, outact her in every single scene. He’s tired of her bullshit, her viciousness, and her damn abuse. Don’t get sucked into her chasm of nonsense based on her own insecurities. She incites her stans to send death threats to people. It is pathetic.

  26. The idea that Grant is trying to fire any of his female costars for preventing him from sleeping around is ludicrous, but it would have to be Danielle if true. Candice doesn't even follow his fiancee, so why would she care about his cheating? Whereas Danielle is actually friends with her.

    As for some older guest star reporter that also sleeps with him? I have no idea who it could be. But for the most part, I assume this blind is either not about The Flash at all, or else it's very convoluted.

  27. @DDonna Tarttty I see it very similarly to you, and none of the cast interactions I've heard about or witnessed are anywhere close to this level of animosity and shadiness. I'm pretty sure The Flash doesn't fit the bill this time (and that the previous blinds are also wrong - as you pointed out, Flash is the biggest show on its network).
