Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Shoe Drop

A big shoe dropped yesterday. A very big shoe. It is the kind of show drop that might bring the entire house of cards tumbling down. I know for sure it will bring the killer of this former A-/B+ list mostly television actor from a now defunct hit network show closer to justice. The shoe drop yesterday was one of the names our actor had. He didn't get to give his testimony but he did drop the name and it sent a lot of shock waves. Apparently the name that went down yesterday was protecting and sending information to that foreign born business person who had previously been convicted of the same type thing. Because of his position, the name who got dropped yesterday was able to provide cover and the networks that could be used for all this child porn. Everyone assumed they were safe because of what he did. Now, it turns out things weren't as safe and that those secret messaging apps, are not really that secret. If I am this A lister who is already in hiding, I am going deep into hiding because that is one very big loose end that would be much easier to deal with if dead. If that happened, and the mogul had some big distance, he has enough power and enough secrets, he might escape unscathed, at least publicly. That would be a tragedy, but I don't know who would take him down.


MontanaMarriott said...

Mark Salling the Pedo for the murder victim?

MDAnderson said...

George Nader for the foreign business person??

Thia said...

Agreed, Montana. But what happened yesterday?

Unknown said...

Hmm, "secret messaging apps" rings a bell. Maybe we're finally getting somewhere.

Rosie riveter said...

You Trumpdumpsters believe everything you read!




gauloise said...

Mark collins rector for the one in hiding

"As of 2014, he lives in a "European port city" and uses the names "Mark Collins" and "Morgan Von Phoenix".

Rosie riveter said...

oh. I forgot this


IanPhlegming said...

" A lister who is already in hiding...."

Is MC-R really an A lister? For some reason when I read this I thought of Jim Carrey, who I thought was holed up in some Montana compound or something like that?

A friend of mine who follows all this pointed out that we've not seen or heard anything of Karl Rove in a long time and he certainly fits the "profile," if you know what I'm trying to say and I bet you do.


Karl "Miss Piggy" Rove

totaji said...

Is James Franco the A lister?

Glitter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brayson87 said...

So what happened yesterday?

Farmgirl said...

I think the guy who went down was the Texas pedo cop.



Unknown said...

Trying to parse this out: an actor was killed, but managed to leave a name behind somehow. That name is of a person in a position to cover for criminal networks (law enforcement or someone who could give them orders?), and is a recognizable enough name to send shockwaves. That person (or his connection to the dead actor) could point to an A list actor who is already in hiding, and that puts the A list actor in more danger because he knows too much.

But is the mogul mentioned after that the A lister in hiding, or a separate person who would try to eliminate him? I can't sort that part out.


Is MCR in or around Ceuta? (Is it technically Europe even)
That whole Moroccan rent boy thing Euros are into. Gross.

gauloise said...

Yesterday was first day of testimony of DOJ IG Michael Horowitz on the clinton emails.

Today it was confirmed Comey is under investigation for clinton memo.

MCR is an a-lister in the pedo community, lol. But prob not him for this blind :)

HoneyRyder said...

If this is true, then may God keep and protect said name dropping actor.

Unknown said...

Dammit, I even get my own simplified version wrong. It doesn't say the A lister in hiding is an actor, just an A lister. Also, the name only has to be recognizable to the guilty because of the service he did for them; it doesn't have to be anyone we would recognize.


Here's someone else really into trafficking humans and impoverished rent boys whether it be Greek or Moroccan: https://leonardvincent.net

gauloise said...

Yeah MCR is supposedly around Marbella which is on the spanish mainland, not far from Ceuta, which is a spanish town in Morocco, across from Gibralter. Marbella to Gib is about an 1 hr in car.

Natalie said...

None of the people mentioned above are A list. I have never heard of any of them.

unionperson said...

Is 'house of cards' a clue?

petmykitty said...

The mogul usually mentioned with this type of blind is David Geffen. The a lister in hiding might be his director friend Bryan Singer.

hhstarr said...

Rove has been on all the conservative news radio shows consistently over the past weeks. I dont think he is in hiding.

pegd said...

Comey and his "secret" emails.

Guesser said...

Please do not mess with us Enty. Does anyone know what is being referred to that happened yesterday? Has anything happened with Saling's case,in any way?

Tierney said...

I wondered the same thing, unionperson.

I don't understand how this "very big" shoe dropping -thing happened yesterday and none of us know a thing about it.

Unknown said...

Comey and McCabe did not testify yesterday. Comey "out of country" in Iowa, McCabe pleads 5th.

Guesser said...

Is the use of the word "shoe" a clue? The name that was dropped doesn't have a rating,may be known to law enforcement and be known locally(California?) But not everyone.

Blank_Profile said...

I think the A lister in hiding is Kevin Spacey. We haven't heard or seen anything of him lately. He knows more, so should go into deeper hiding before Geffen gets him?

gauloise said...

The DOJ IG testified yesterday. The IG is the person who conducts investigations of the DOJ. Yesterday was his first day of testimony. It is possible he left out some type of hint in his testimony that makes sense to other people.

He was testifying on Comey and Clintons. Clintons have ties to Weinstein, Epstein and everyone else.


Bob Loblaw said...

Is this about DG?

Anonymous said...

Google: Joshua Schulte, who was arrested yesterday (SCHU-lte = 'shoe?')

Lexi said...

I agree with unionperson and blank profile. I think the a lister in hiding might be Kevin Spacey

Blank_Profile said...

Schulte is a great guess. Wikileaks + child porn...ties into secret messaging that's not so secret after all.

Anonymous said...

"foreign born business person" = Julian Assange?

Sara, Making It Work said...

Shoe dropping just makes me think how Saling was wearing house slippers when he hiked to the "suicide tree".

Or it might not mean anything.

Anonymous said...

Agree with Steph. This is about Schultz, the CIA analyst with the encrypted child porn files.

Anonymous said...


travis said...

I'm lost on who got killed and who killed him. Did the A lister and/or the Mogul kill him?

Blank_Profile said...

Travis--the story goes that Mark Salling's suicide was actually a murder carried out to keep him from testifying against powerful people about the pedophile ring. Generally in this space David Geffen is seen as one of the major players, who may be responsible for going very far to cover up various crimes and protect the ring.

annieroo said...

I take my hat off to you posters, who can fathom this without requiring paragraphs when it is printed white on black.

Unknown said...

Imagine that you're a "CIA analyst," and you do a lot of "fixing" for people in positions of influence (not just in government, by the way). Creating fake documents, setting up encrypted communications, opening backdoors, that kind of thing. You have a variety of clients, from people who traffic in children to people who traffic in classified documents. You get caught. Which of those is the more serious crime, possibly a capital crime, meaning you would happily roll on the other crime to get a lesser charge?

Another thought: if the shoe dropped in testimony yesterday, then the "name" dropped probably wasn't the name of the person testifying. It was more likely someone he named in the testimony.

timebob said...

if the Gov't wants you, WhatsApp encryption is not going to protect you for one second.

But as usual some fixer will get this all covered up and nothing will come of it in the news.

travis said...

@Blank_Profile Thanks. Makes sense.




Guesser said...

The Schultz story should be the biggest news story. Everyone should have known it. But the story had to be searched. Good job,DEan Sleuths.

Guesser said...

CDAN,stupid autocorrect.

IanPhlegming said...

I found multiple radio and podcast interviews with Rove, so it looks like he's not out of the picture. Unfortunate, because he's one smug evil disgusting pigman I'd really like to see behind bars.

I can't believe I missed the "House of Cards" reference, too. So it's Spacey, Salling, MCR, Geffen in this blind. Four of a kind and a sad losing hand for the under-aged set. Just add SS and we'll have a full house (but please don't invite the Olsen twins).

Brayson87 said...

We'll have to see, not really a great record of pedo rings facing justice when high profile names are involved.

HoneyRyder said...

Upon reading below, I take this back. Was thinking a white hat whistle blowing name dropper, not equally POS actor caught in the cross hairs trying to save his own arse. I blame it on Ambien.

kpist said...

They say Schulte was connected to the bronfman sister and her husband and the cult that actress is involved with: Nexium or whatever

Sd Auntie said...

@blank point. Good job and your scenario is more believable. Interesting how the arrest of child born loving wiki leaks soldier has disappeared off of DM. Must be Sallings pal and or killer.

Sd Auntie said...

Porn not born.

Schneiderisnext said...

Marc Collins Rector is not foreign born.

George Nader would fit that profile. He's a convicted child porn importer/pedophile and Lebanese American businessman

The foreign born businessman is not necessarily A+ name recognition.

AgonyAunt said...

It's called SAP. Special Access Program. Huge LexisNexis database of highest top-secret intel. Generates dossiers on targets. Used for blackmail and wet-works ops. Results in purple ties and unusual suicides. Like actors hanging themselves before testifying in court. Or SCOTUS dying in the middle of bum-fuck Texas under strange circumstances with no autopsy. SAP was alluded to during the Senate hearing yesterday. In connection to some TOP SECRET unnamed investigation which prevented Wray from discussing or releasing Comey's emails. And something-something to do with emails between Renteria and Lynch. Tho' she claims no emails were sent to Lynch. Which is technically correct. As Low-renta used an email alias.

Time to get this party started. Burning witches. Hanging pedos. Am bored af working and paying taxes whilst satanists have all the fun. The Tree of Liberty is gettin mighty thirsty.

Schneiderisnext said...

And let's all be careful before we railroad SCHULTE.


He leaked "vault 7" CIA hacking hacking tools....Which are used to compromise WHATSAPP and other "encrypted" messaging services. They also demonstrate the ability to compromise computers, iphones, IOT devices and IMPLANT CHILD PORN.

So let's get this straight....

Schulte wikileaked Cia software that PWNs computers and messaging services/implants child porn.

So the dude knows the technology exists, leaks it, and all the while is also trading in child porn himself with poor Operational-security.

I smell some bullshit. This is the exact tactic used against Barret Brown.

What's more likely is the CIA software itself includes Child Porn. (10,000's of images so it looks worse on whoever's machine it is planted on)

Schneiderisnext said...

Also Schulte worked for NSA before becoming a CIA engineer.

In the same way SNOWDEN worked for CIA before NSA

We are watching a war of intelligence agencies.

Maggie T said...


Itttt said...

NXIVM, Keith Raniere, Allison Mack, etc. is the Clare and Sara Bronfman tied cult you are referring to, kpist.

As to this blind, if it is Joshua Schulte, that would be a very interesting tie in to the "House of Cards" group of Spacey, Singer, Geffen et al.

Any idiots that think whatsapp, Signal, and/or other "encrypted super duper mega secret secure messaging apps" are actually safe and secure are, well, idiots.

Dark horse for this one is the IG Horowitz testimony hammering James Comey, Peter Strzok, & Andrew McCabe with the name drop being Comey. Wasn't Comey linked via an (Epstein) Island BI or maybe it was the "Other Island" (David Copperfield) BI to being blackmailed for some indiscretions with a pair of underage gals (or was that Robert Mueller)? As well as either/or Comey/Mueller being tied to George Nader, who would be a perfect match for the "foreign born business person who had previously been convicted of the same type thing", said conviction being for massive cache of kiddy pr0n. Although, that IS part of what Schulte was just busted for...

Damn, once again there are far too many scumbags that this scenario could fit for.

AgonyAunt said...

Snowden's job was to discredit NSA. Period. And ultimately hand its programs to CIA. And then to Israel. He's no hero. Schulte is mossad. He's a dual-Israeli-US-citizen. As was Snowden. The only difference is in 2010 CIA and Mossad were working in tandem. With our highest state secrets flowing thru CIA to our "best friend". Until Trump took office. Same at DOS. There were lots of Floor 7 dual-citizens placed on "leave" from State during Tillerson's tenure. Still collecting a paycheck tho'.

If Schulte's a good guy they'll save him. If not. He'll go to jail. Or turn up in Haifa drinking latte and using Pali kids for targets.

InCatNeto said...

@Schneiderisnext I was backing off Schulte at first, too. Have you seen the twitter posts from Wikileaks? They seem to be backing the guy. They've posted some writings from Schulte about the FBI raid. In another post they seem to imply the "leaking" case against Schulte is weak, so they tacked on other charges. (copyright infringement, child porn etc) I also thought the child porn could have been in the CIA software, but wouldn't wikileaks have revealed that in the Vault 7 release?

Then I found this article which pointed out that Schulte really didn't have his info locked down.


Pretty sloppy for someone in his field. **The name of the blogger definitely raised my eyebrows.

So could this guy really be a bad dude, and his over confidence lead to mistakes? Interesting rabbit hole here.

AgonyAunt said...

It's a very deep rabbit hole Alice. At that level NONE are clean. Just a matter of degrees. Grabbing pussy here. Casting couch there. There's a hard line at trafficking, raping, torturing, murdering, eating kiddies. It's much worse when victims are very young and vulnerable. Lots of bad shit will be punished. Including those who enable it. Or turn a blind eye to it. I hope the wives and partners of satanist monsters hang with them.

Never heard sexual pervert stuff about Mueller. There are lots of ways to comp an otherwise honorable guy. Comey's been mentioned as pedo. Who knows. Hard to say. DS paints everyone with similar brush. So that nothing and no one is "trustworthy".

Gonna require a YUUUGE bonfire.

Edymcspeedy said...


IanPhlegming said...

Phenomenal thread. Thank you all.

Blank_Profile said...

@InCatNeto, that article about Schulte is super weird. Among all the other stuff, why would anyone be posting screenshots of their gmail inbox on a public website? IDK, the whole thing seems odd. Is he really that sloppy or is there something else to it? I did wonder, when I first read about his arrest/charges, if the child porn was planted as retribution for the leaks (or a guarantee of a conviction), now it seems even more plausible. I don't think it was in the CIA software, I think it may have been planted separately, which is why Wikileaks wouldn't have had it to reveal.

Rosie riveter said...

I need to get cliffs notes since I dont have a ton of time to start over--but I agree Ddonna, this is so good.
I can see why people showing up here think we're all batshit. Taken out of context it would appear a bit bizarre. I knew NOTHING of this ped0 shit 6 months ago. But when this all started (when did it start?Schneiderisnext I believe?) I just showed up every day and followed along--
And it makes sense. If you've been following along.
Ive also noticed that people who show up just to try to discredit, well... It's made the case stronger.
Thou doth protest too much...


I lurked until I saw them trying to shut down Schneiderisnext

Big fucking mistake pedos

Bleu said...

Comey's not in hiding. Just the opposite, he's on a huge PR book tour.

Schneiderisnext said...

@rosie and @geeljire

<3 you both.

I was also a lurker. I was afraid to speak. But our voice is our most powerful weapon.

Thank you for using it to defend children.

Lexi said...

Trump Deputy Chief of Staff is leaving the White House for ties to nxivm among other things. Interesting

Lexi said...

Joe Hagin= Deputy Chief of Staff

Andyb12 said...

+10000000 Schneiderisnext

Melody the First said...

We are watching the legal system take down the Mob. All of this nonsense about the deep state and Intelligence wars is nothing but Russian disinformation.

The law is wrapping them up and putting them all in jail. Those "encrypted apps" never were.


Sorry buster, the deep state is real.

Schneiderisnext said...


I'm still researching NXIVM, but it seems to be a political brownstone (blackmail) operation.

It's apolitical. It has dirt on many people.

Think of it like Scientology. A cult that blackmails the government (via videos of officials in sex acts) so it can achieve tax exempt/religious status/nonprofit status.

And to think Trump didn't know about it is Naive. A NY based real estate developer has to know about local mafia/organized crime


There's this show on SyFy called "Killjoys" about a space mulatto yacht princess assassin and it's pretty much a true story.

Recommended viewing.

Sd Auntie said...

Now your talking at schneiderisnext! I hope you are as viligant about protecting regular kids and not just the elite Hollywood types! Blessings👩‍👧‍👦

Thorne said...

Related to that guy accused in the CIA Vault 7 Wikileaks drop who was already in jail for child porn?

Thorne said...

Sorry. You guys already explored that one, but I saw a damn Geeljire gobbledygook post and my eyes glazed over and I stopped scrolling

GladysKravitz said...

I have absolutely no idea about this blind, but did want to point out that there was a news story yesterday about how the encrypted apps aren't really all that encrypted. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/paloma/the-cybersecurity-202/2018/06/18/the-cybersecurity-202-trump-associates-may-need-a-lesson-on-how-to-use-their-encrypted-apps/5b2675f91b326b3967989b28/?utm_term=.113770b7ae72


Brand recognition
Very important


"Would you stop running your full node if you found out that there was child porn encoded in the blockchain?"

The question, posed by ethereum developer Vlad Zamfir through a Twitter poll last week, has been discussed before, but it's recently resurfaced after a widely-publicized report from RWTH Aachen University found one graphic image of child porn and 274 links to content depicting child abuse stored within the bitcoin blockchain.

The report goes on to contend that because downloading or transmitting child porn is a sex crime, participating in bitcoin as a miner or node operator could be illegal.

While the report didn't explicitly compare this issue to the laws of any particular country, it's particularly notable in the U.S., wherein Congress recently passed a controversial bill package dubbed SESTA-FOSTA that looks to hold internet service providers (ISPs) and other internet users liable for illicit content that they share, whether unknowingly or not.

Up until SESTA-FOSTA passed, section 230 of the Communications Decency Act protected ISPs and other internet users from this kind of transmission, saying that they would not be "treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider." Currently, it is unclear whether section 230 will be completely nullified by SESTA-FOSTA.

Artemisia said...

Hello everybody. First post from a long-time lurker. Like many of you, I'm sure, there are Enty blinds that I've read and dismissed as being too contrived, too out there to be real, for example, The Church stuff. One of those Church blinds talked about stolen money being hidden in hotel rooms across a country and people finding it and giving it to the Church. Remember that one?

So, 2 days ago I'm reading articles from my Twitter feed and see one with a strange headline.


a brief summary:

Trump's Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Joseph Whitehouse Hagin, who has worked for every Republican President since Reagan, left D.C. during the Obama Admin. to start a consulting firm. After the fall of Qaddafi in Libya, he worked with an aspiring Libyan politican, Basit Igtet, to find stockpiles of cash that Qaddafi had stolen from his country. Igtet would build a new government, the cash would get returned to Libya and Hagin would get a generous finder's fee. Kind of sounds like the Enty blind, right, but no church?
But get this: Igtet is heavily involved in NXIVM and in fact is MARRIED TO SARA BRONFMAN! Hagin, Igtet and Bronfman traveled together through Libya in search of that money. As an aside, Igtet (not Hagin) also met with the man the US considers the ringleader behind the Benghazi attacks.
Now Hagin, back in D.C., is ready to move up the power grid - he aspires to be the next Deputy Director of the CIA!

There's got to be more behind this story, right?


Artemisia said...

Oops, In the time it took me to compose this, you've already brought it up. Apologies.



Schneiderisnext said...


Thanks for contributing. A lot of us feel similarly.

"THE CHURCH" could very well be NXIVM. Or at least a tentacle

Regarding Arizona connections: Janet Napolitano's (former Az governor) chief of staff works for Hagin's Command group.

Keep digging y'all this is a dirty can of worms


From "Occult Theocrasy," Vol. 2:

So the FCC
Won't let me be
Let me be me
So let me C

This war is actually almost won, keep pushing. Allahu akbar!

Unknown said...

@Geeljire, heh, it's not that interesting. Look up "doriendor corishev" if you're curious. Though, now that you mention it, I *could* be a Russian hacker. But then so could anyone who wants to spend $10/month renting a virtual server based in .ru. Anyone still blaming Russian boogeymen at this point might as well just say, "I am a clueless parrot which repeats whatever the TV tells me to."

AgonyAunt and Schneiderisnext are well on top of this. SAP docs showing up where it should be possible, who made it possible, and why, and where else they went. That's the big one, the crime that would have Americans calling for the rope, so it has to be covered up whatever it takes, no matter what the distractions cost them.


Geeljire doesn't play for the money he wins
Geeljire don't play for respect

Unknown said...

Dammit, "shouldN'T be possible."


If anyone out there wants to do Geeljire a solid, get this guy the justice he deserves. He was never getting a fair trial in Utah, and kids were raped in these programs.



Start your blog back up so I can contribute all the nonsense you wish you could get in the CDAN comments but can't

NorCal Norm said...

The more I read and find out about the atrocities, it makes my soul hurt. Worst yet someone close to me is in military Intelligence (SIGINT) and told them it would be a good stepping stone to enter the NSA or CIA... Now I am beginning to regret telling them that. Of course they all are not dirty but I would hate to have the person be conflicted by duty or morality. Yes this rabbit hole is very very deep.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the breakdown!

Unknown said...

I'm wondering if we don't know about something significant happening yesterdaybecause the MSM is so focused on the immigrant issues at the border all of a sudden even though his has been going on since Obama was in office.

Anytime the media is intensely focused on some issue (that they have all of a sudden made into an issue) we always have to ask ourselves what are they distracting us from?




NXIVM: Bronfman front

plot said...

Oh look at all of you! Inventing your favorite pedo entertainment while your boy Trump has hired a firm KNOWN for child trafficking to watch all those kids at the border in their tent city at 106 degrees. He could have chosen Eric Prince's security firm, you know the one Prince formed after Blackwater which was known to trade in "donor" organs. But NOOOOO, your savior Trump chose the child traffickers, Dyncorp,to watch the kids conveniently separated from their whole family, quite possibly never to see them again.

Yeah, y'all are sooooo on top of it!!!!!

Proof you say? Well, not to belittle the attempts here to establish something like proof for thrills and spills, but lookee here -https://theinternationalreporter.org/2017/02/19/dyncorp-child-sex-trafficking-whistleblower-kathryn-bolkovac/



And because you epicureans of pedophilia won't pay a bit of attention unless Hilary! is involved -




Oh and look what the immigration experts as saying about your pal Trump! Yeah, he's going to punish them pedos alright -


Nothing could be better for babies, toddlers, children and teens than to be separated from their parents and looked after by military mercenaries with carte blanche to do whatever they want, am I correct?

Lastly, since no mention has been made yet, look how Trump's Gestapo is acting up, those high spirited lads -



But do go on. Be tantalized and mesmerized by rape and pedophilia! I'm sure you think you are solving...something...except the rape and abuse you implicitly support by willful ignorance and supporting whoever QAnon tells you to.


You are the fucking sickest person on this website and in'sha'allah you'll go to prison with the rest.


Plot is engaging in fasad.


How many Lena Dunham rapes have you pulled in your time?


"Well my religious text the Talmud says it isn't really tape so neener neener neener"
Counter with some slander against islam without ever studying the Quran
That is not study

Unknown said...

I miss the old, fun site that this always was and see many others do too as they also moved on from where this has sadly gone.

becksterc said...

Schulte should be searching for a chin. Note to self: NO selfies while mouth-breathing.

Cuddlebutt said...

For whatever reason, Tom Banks and The Man with One Red Shoe pops in my head.

plot said...


Oh you!

What's wrong? Love Dyncorp or just don't want your Thrilling Tales of Pedos Inc to be derailed by FACT.


The old Enty had a fun site. The new Enty, along with AJ Benza and Gabe Hoffman invited in the ranks of 4chan and QAnon to flood the boards. The old Enty was a joy to hang out with, loved his life, loved his Hollywood. The new Enty has a totally different agenda that hates Hollywood, hates almost everything in fact, except whipping conspiracy pornagraphers into a frenzy.


Institutional child rape is fun you say?


Dyncorp been done old hat you inbred creep

Cuddlebutt said...

Fuck. Hanks.
And this child detention is 2018's version of Ebola hysteria.

plot said...


"Dyncorp been done old hat"

Except Trump has hired them to separate children from their families and lock them into detention centers where only Dyncorp Big Guy employees have access to them.

Why if this where Geffen or Podesta you'd be screaming from the rooftops!

Way to show your bias, nelly!


"this child detention is 2018's version of Ebola hysteria"

How so? Are you saying children aren't being separated from their mothers and fathers and that they aren't allowed to see each other again with no way of knowing where each other are...to the tune of 66 kids a day and growing?

Are you saying that isn't happening?

Lorkhan said...

Anyone notice we didn't hear the end of that conversation?

What's it a front for again lads? Focus.

Fozzy Bear said...

Yes, the shoe drop was Hagin’s firing, Hagin was communicating with Nadler. Hagin was with Bronfman on the treasure hunt for Gaddafi’s money, which means NXIVM is “the church”. This is the shoe drop which unlocks the church blinds.

Schneiderisnext said...


That's what happens when @PLOT the derailer arrives.

NXIVM is front for the historically verifiable Bronfman Crime Syndicate.

This is a family of gangsters that has been involved with the American and Candian drug, alcohol and sex trade.

Blank_Profile said...

Geffen & Bronfman Jr used to be besties back in the day, scratching each others' backs. Had a supposed falling out but by then the deals were done. Hagin connected to Bronfmans and Dmitriev, who invests w Abramovitch, who's friends with Geffen...

Guesser said...

@sneiderisnext have you seen this,https://m.timesunion.com>local>article,from October of 2015,regarding the hacking of HRC emails through Edgar Brofman's computer by NXIVM?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Had to fix 👆
Mostly lurker here. Glad schneiderisnext didn't go away. Afraid maybe they got him, or he was done once Schneider was publicly outed ... almost outed. Ousted fer shure.

Unknown said...

I dont much like you but THAT was funny 👆

Aimless Spectator said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aimless Spectator said...

Also, the idea that Mark Salling was murdered is silly nonsense that isn't supported by a coroner's report. The presumption that forensic science is as stupid and easily fooled as the Enterns of this place want to advocate is really dumb. Those people understand death and how murders are committed.

wisperch said...

I really don’t understand what this post is struggling to say.

Angela said...

"A big shoe dropped yesterday."

Waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Will it drop before or after Don Henley gets arrested for murder?

Is there anybody here but people obsessed by conspiracy theories?

Schneiderisnext said...


I am familiar with that story.

Apparently the Bronfman Brats installed a surveillance tool on DADDY'S computer.

It was through Bronfman Sr. That they learned about the Libyan Gold.

@haha thanks for the thoughts. I'm not gone til schneider is fully exposed.

Jon said...

Rollo Tomasi

El Naro said...

@Plot. You do not get to appropriate the anguish and pain of people like me who were actually separated. You didn't give a damn about "family separation" until it scrolled on your FB feed. 66 per day, whether that is an actual statistic, is nothing to the millions of children that have been FORCIBLY separated through coerced adoptions for hundreds of years through the church and governments across the globe.

Spudmonkey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
plot said...

@El Naro

First of all, no FB. Seriously people, why does anyone? The amount of information FB wants to simply set up a page, why give that to strangers? Even way back in the beginning?

Yes, forced separations have gone on for centuries. So we shouldn't protest, is what you are saying? I'm not as cynical as you are I guess. When it happens and we can still call our reps and make a ton of noise, I think we should rather than wallow in the inhumanities of the past.

We only have the power to effect what happens now. But if you'd rather stay bitter and mean, for the sake of something like one of the cool kids, that's you, not me.

plot said...

edit -

"...for the sake of being something like one of the cool kids..."

Unknown said...

Wow, 136 comments and not a single mention of the arrest of famed studio architect Jeffrey Cooper by LAPD last Monday.

Cooper's clients included George Lucas, Martin Scorcese and FFC, among others.

plot said...

Thanks for the heads-up Jed. Looking into the guy now.


Sheesh, this thread. Where's the Amazing Quotes spammer when we need him?

El Naro said...

@Plot. Ha! You chastise me, a person truly separated at birth from family because of the forced adoption policies of governments and churches around the globe and say I'm "cynical." Yeah, idiot. People who have truly experienced don't exactly have a glass half-full approach. We are very aware of child separation policies.
You and your ilk are a piece of work and can't admit that you only come to this issue recently and through partisan politics, not true empathy for the separations that have happened historically.
You are also showing your ignorance about the subject because it is happening NOW. It's just you don't know because you really don't care to know about the issue. On May 30, 2018, it was reported by the New York Times that Ireland 'apologized' for pressuring unmarried mothers to surrender their children to adoption, falsifying birth certificates (so the children didn't know they were adopted and no paper trail was left for them to find their parents), and thereby robbed adopted people of their identities. It is still happening NOW and you & the people who post on your account DID NOT CALL your reps and make a ton of NOISE, did you?
Adopted people all over the world are still dealing with these issues, yet you characterize us as "wallowing in the past." How dare you. Again, you are showing your complete ignorance and callousness of people who have really gone through it and you HAVE NO RIGHT to appropriate my anguish or the anguish of all my brothers and sisters around the world still separated from families. You should be ashamed of yourself, but considering who you defend on this site, I think that ship has sailed.

plot said...

"We are very aware of child separation policies. "

Then you know what these kids are going through and wouldn't wish it on anyone...I imagine...imagine...yeah...my bad.

"It is still happening NOW and you & the people who post on your account DID NOT CALL your reps and make a ton of NOISE, did you? "

You sound jealous. I wasn't far off thinking you are both bitter and entitled.

BTW, only me, dude, only me.

"ou HAVE NO RIGHT to appropriate my anguish "

Aren't we lucky that isn't what I did. Of course, entitled, narcissistic people must keep the focus on themselves at the expense of others.

Unknown said...

"And to think Trump didn't know about it is Naive. A NY based real estate developer has to know about local mafia/organized crime"

Of course he knew about it, he tweeted a couple years ago that the NY AG would end up going down eventually for really bad things. NY AG personally stopped an investigation into NXIVM. Where's Schneiderman now? He isn't NY AG ;)

plot said...

"NY AG personally stopped an investigation into NXIVM"

Except the ex-NY AG, Schneiderman, brought about the investigation of NXIVM.


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