Today's Blind Items - Destroy Them
Back in the day this permanent A+++ lister had a ton of money from movies. He started a new venture though and put a ton of his own capital on the line. He thought it would be a massive money maker and he was right, but he was not right in the beginning. Lost to time is the memory that the A+++ lister was competing against an unknown doing the same thing and for much less money. The unknown was imaginative and had groundbreaking ideas. At first, the two spent some time talking, but when the A+++ lister realized his project was inferior, he stopped talking and started plotting the destruction of the other.
Our unknown soon had offices broken into and copies of designs stolen and the next thing you know, the same projects would be under construction at the site of the A+++ lister, but just under a different name. Whenever the unknown complained, the A+++ lister would literally send dozens of lawyers after the unknown and dozens of bribed government officials from multiple agencies to try and stop the unknown. He had the wife of the unknown followed and even had her sexually assaulted by a group of men to try and get the unknown from following through on his project.
None of it worked. The unknown completed the project and was far superior and a much bigger success than the project of the A+++ lister. It was huge. The whole world took notice and the A+++ lister was having none of it. He arranged for teams to infiltrate the project and damage as much as they could so visitors would get upset and not return. The A+++ lister spent every waking moment focused on taking the unknown down rather than improving his own lackluster product. After almost a decade of spending millions of dollars a year, the A+++ lister finally saw his work come true. The unknown was forced to sell to cover all the mounting debts and liens that the A+++ lister had arranged. At that point, the A+++ lister had the number one project and nobody has ever told the story about how he did everything he could illegally and immorally to make it happen. Now, it is one of the biggest brands in the world and generates billions of dollars in revenue annually.
Our unknown soon had offices broken into and copies of designs stolen and the next thing you know, the same projects would be under construction at the site of the A+++ lister, but just under a different name. Whenever the unknown complained, the A+++ lister would literally send dozens of lawyers after the unknown and dozens of bribed government officials from multiple agencies to try and stop the unknown. He had the wife of the unknown followed and even had her sexually assaulted by a group of men to try and get the unknown from following through on his project.
None of it worked. The unknown completed the project and was far superior and a much bigger success than the project of the A+++ lister. It was huge. The whole world took notice and the A+++ lister was having none of it. He arranged for teams to infiltrate the project and damage as much as they could so visitors would get upset and not return. The A+++ lister spent every waking moment focused on taking the unknown down rather than improving his own lackluster product. After almost a decade of spending millions of dollars a year, the A+++ lister finally saw his work come true. The unknown was forced to sell to cover all the mounting debts and liens that the A+++ lister had arranged. At that point, the A+++ lister had the number one project and nobody has ever told the story about how he did everything he could illegally and immorally to make it happen. Now, it is one of the biggest brands in the world and generates billions of dollars in revenue annually.