Monday, June 04, 2018

Today's Blind Items - All You Have To Do Is Sleep With Me

How does someone who wins an Academy Award for acting not get any film work at all for several years after winning? Well, if you are this actress it is all because she refused to sleep with the star of the movie for which she won the award. At the time he was A++ list and is still a permanent A++ list mostly movie actor. Everyone around the world knows who he is. They also probably know about his sexual appetite and love of food too.

On the set of this movie, our actor forced every actress to sleep with him. They knew if they didn't that he would get them fired from the movie and also make sure they didn't work any longer. He knew they knew and depending on what drugs or how much he had to drink that day, he would force the women to completely degrade themselves in order to keep their job.

He didn't even always find all the women attractive. He just wanted them to know who was the boss and he took great pleasure in humiliation.

Well, this one actress turned him down cold. She said no. So, he tried to have her fired. 99% of the time he would have succeeded, but this was a very unique role and there was no one who could be found at short notice to play the role. The studio looked everywhere to keep the actor happy, but it was impossible.

The actor told the actress she would never work in the town again unless she agree to sleep with him. For over four years, she kept saying no, but there were zero acting jobs and her entertainment side gigs were not paying her enough, so she finally broke down and had sex with him. Two days later she got an acting gig in a movie. 


  1. So to clarify, this is labeled Old Hollywood.

  2. Why does Sean Penn immediately come to mind, even though i don't think of him as a foodie?

  3. Helen Hunt/Jack Nicholson?

    1. Tricia I thought the same as you but then saw the food part and jumped to Brando. I feel a sense of achievement that we were on the same lines. Pat on the back for me!

  4. Marlon Brando and ?

  5. Doesn't say that the actor is dead or alive.

    1. @DoTell

      I read that like Al Pacino did when he found out via the newspaper that Don Corleone had been shot.

      Also think this blind is referring to Marlon Brando.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Eva Marie Saint\Marlon Brando\On The Waterfront? She did a lot of tv after winning no movies for a few years.

  7. Brando and Vivien Leigh? They did A Streetcar Named Desire 1951, she won the Oscar and her next work is from 1955

    1. @L and others:

      We already established it is not Leigh & Brando

      1. Brando started in theater, Streetcar was his 3rd film. He did not have the clout.

      2. Leigh started in British theatre & slept with Alexander Korda so she could transition to film. According to biographers she offered herself up.

      3. Biographers report Leigh & Brando were cordial.

      4. She was older than him by 11 years. She was almost 40 when Streetcar came out.

      5. Vivien was still married to Sir Laurence Olivier. Olivier had MAJOR clout.

      6. Leigh's personal friends had major clout as well. Other than her bipolar issues, infidelities, & child abandonment you will be hard pressed to find a bad word written about her. Brando on the other hand...

      7. Both Vivien & Laurence preferred theatre work. They have been on Broadway, The Old Vic, London's West End, and toured other countries.

      8. Leigh earned her 2nd Oscar for Streetcar. Later on she would win a Tony Award for Tovarich.

      9. The woman could afford not to work. She came from a wealthy family and both her ex husbands had money.

  8. Vivien Leigh was a nymphomaniac though, so i doubt it would be her.

    1. @gauloise

      Hypersexuality is a symptom of bipolar disorder, which Leigh had. People are not their symptoms. People are not their disease.

  9. Sorry, why is this old Hollywood? I’ll reread. My guess would be Russell Crowe (although not sure he’s still or ever was A++)...

    1. @Dusty Fairy

      The Old Hollywood tag cannot be seen on the mobile site.

  10. Hathaway / Crowe / Les Mis

  11. So the actress played an unique role with a fat a++er for which she won an Oscar, right?

  12. Not Leigh.

    Vivien Leigh was not a nympho, she had bipolar disorder.

    She also did a ton of theatre work in Britain and suffered ill health due to tuberculosis. She didn't need Hollywood because she was British. Plus both her ex husbands were wealthy. She could afford not to work.

  13. Anybody fit with Paul Newman?

    1. First of all, No. For many reasons, but given the blind “didn’t have a love of food” his brand is because of his love for community service. Also, Paul Newman was a god damn gem that more celebs should try to emulate.

  14. @Dusty, on the bottom of the blind it says:

    Labels: blind item, Old Hollywood, Old Hollywood Blind Item

    1. @Brayson
      I dont see those tags... must be web version only.

  15. Brando and Miyoshi Umeki, Sayonara 1957. She won best supporting actress and her next film was in 1961. Did 1 episode in a TV series in between...

    Firs time commenting here :)

    1. This is an excellent Maitta. Umeki also did a series with Bill Bixbie in the 60's. The unique role would be someone of asian descent. Not many asian actresses back then.

    2. @hothotheat thank you 😊 I was thinking that it's relatively easy to find somebody who knows how to dance or sing or something like that in showbiz, so the "unique" quality must be something else.

  16. Like the Eva Marie Saint / Brando guess,@sandybrook.

  17. I keep focusing on the fact that this was a "very unique role." I can't stop thinking about Linda Hunt winning the Oscar for The Year of Living Dangerously with Mel Gibson! :)

  18. The food thing got me thinking of Brad Pitt

  19. +1 Maitta, great guess! :)

  20. So... You are not safe in Hellawood, even if you look like Female Steve Buscemi?! Nobody's safe. It's just not worth it. Sad. BTW I love Steve Buscemi

    1. Female Steve Buscemi! Oh my... Love his work too but this has set me into a complete giggling fit.. Thank You! x

  21. Sounds like he's still alive which puts me in the Nicholson camp over Brando. Has to be one of those two.

  22. Anonymous10:31 AM

    She could have distracted him with a mailbox. Or Richard Pryor.



    "Sayonara is a 1957 Technicolor American film starring Marlon Brando in Technirama. The picture tells the story of an American Air Force flier who was an ace fighter pilot during the Korean War (1950-1953).

    Sayonara won four Academy Awards, including acting honors for co-stars Red Buttons and Miyoshi Umeki."

  24. Of course racist Hollywood couldn't find another Japanese actress on short notice.

  25. Agree on Brando (food).
    Agree not Leigh/ Streetcar.
    That was Brando's third movie. He would not have the clout.

    This sounds like a movie that involved singing &/or dancing (unique role, entertainment side gigs), at least by the actress. Does Eva Marie Saint sing or dance in On the Waterfront?

  26. The only problem with the Miyoshi Umeki is that there simply were no roles for Asian women at that time, so her not working would be more likely be for that

  27. The woman in "Last Tango" had to do some degrading things. I'll bet this is Brando. What curse he was upon his tragic family.

  28. I like that guess as well.

  29. Sounds like Jack N, but could be anyone of those A++. Leonardo? Hmm, who likes food? A fat actor?

  30. Oh Marlon Brando! But he liked men, eh?

  31. Gee and Brando was so PC too, like sending a native indian woman to collect his Oscar and everything...until he badmouthed the jews.

  32. hey @Maitta good guess and welcome!

    1. Thank you!
      My world is never going to be the same after spending some time reading this site.

  33. Can't be Eva Marie Saint - she was friends with Brando and probably did sleep with him. I would go Brando and Miyoshi Umeki if anyone with Brando or could the fat boss be Orson Welles?

  34. Jack does like to eat...

  35. Eastwood / Swank: “Million Dollar Baby?”

  36. @FififromMtl: Welles never had the kind of pull in Hollywood to enforce any sort of "You'll never work in this town again" threat.

  37. Paul Newman - love of food = he had his own food brand

  38. Jack Nicholson / Louise Fletcher for One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Won Best Actress and fell off the face of the Earth completely.

    Marlon was bi so I don't think he would limit himself to women only.

  39. Definitely Nicholson and Hunt. Hurry RICO!

  40. Helen Hayes won for Airport and didn't get another movie for 3-4 year. She did have TV gigs though. Dean Martin or Lancaster as the actor?

  41. Never mind on Helen Hayes. She was 70.

  42. They are all subject to the rules.

    In order to work you will f*ck or s*ck, no exceptions. Whoever Mr. permanent A++ list mostly movie actor is, he is subject to the rules as well. This has nothing to do with sex, it is only to bring others to the same level of degradation that you have allowed in yourself.

  43. If I have to play by the rules, so do you.

  44. Helen Hunt was hugely successful on TV at the time and had plenty of work

  45. Hard to replace actress had me thinking of Marlee Matlin (AA Children of a Lesser God, then a lull of a bit over four years with just two non-Hollywood films before returning to work). However, I had forgotten that she lived with co-star William Hurt at the time! Also, no obvious food link.

    Speaking of food, @Lurky, I liked your Paul Newman guess but couldn't fill in the other blanks. I think it's time to say "Sayonara" to this blind.

  46. The blind reads like the A++ lister is still alive so I don't think it's Brando or Newman

  47. J: Thanks for bringing up Dom DeLouise. Even in jest. Back in the 70s I was living & working in St. Thomas (US VI). During a lunch break I was walking down Back Street where all the nice shops were and heard hysterical laughter coming from one of them. The staff and tourists were falling against the wall laughing. Stuck my head in the door and there was Dom DeLouise & his wife. The West Indian staff had no idea who he was but he had them in stitches. When he left I told them he was a famous American actor and they said he was the funniest person they had ever met. That night I heard hysterical laughter coming from L'Escargot, a fancy French Cafe. Yep, it was Dom again. After he left the Island we nicknamed him Hurricane Dom. He really was an incredibly funny, sweet man.

  48. Kirk Douglas and Patricia Neal and the movie In Harm's Way kinda works

  49. Linda Hunt/Mel Gibson

  50. Definitely not Paul Newman! Sounds like Brando.

  51. Marlee Matlin and William Hurt?

  52. KIm Hunter/Marlon Brando -- A Streetcar Named Desire? No films between 1952 and 1956, though she did TV.

  53. Kirk Douglas Greer Garson

  54. Brando had an Asian fetish, so I would go with Miyabe. He married Anna Kashfi (India) and then a woman from Tahiti,and I forget who the other Asian women were, but it was obvious. What a jerk.

  55. Does an alternative use for butter constitute a "love of food"? Could be Brando

  56. I think the butter was Bertolucci's idea.

  57. Miyoshi Umeki works for the other entertainment gigs. During her gap in movies, she recorded music and made appearances on variety shows.

  58. Isn’t Brando dead? This reads like he isn’t.

  59. Russell Crowe comes to mind

  60. The blind reads as though the actor is still living. The actress most likely is.

    We can rule out Marlon Brando & Paul Newman.
