Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Random Photos Part Two

Jessica Chastain in NYC gets the top spot.
Katy Perry in Glasgow.
Kat Von D's husband's swastikas are showing.
Lucy Hale after a Starbucks run yesterday.
Evangeline Lilly is all smiles at the premiere of her new movie Ant-Man And The Wasp.
Michael Douglas was there with his eldest son.
Mark Wahlberg wearing a shirt about inspired performance. Obviously not talking about his acting.


  1. Is that Markie’s roid sponsor?

  2. Welp, the douche apples don't fall far from the douche tree.

  3. I watched Daddy's Home last week, and I laughed several times. And the first Ted movie too.

  4. SMH, Mark is close to 5'8 and there is a difference, I am 5'6 and when I met him, he was a bit taller than me. so there is that.
    I happen to like him as an actor in alot of his movies. NOT Ted as I hate that movie. I loved him in Rock Star, and Shooter among quite a few others.
    dang hate in this world is strong

  5. So Kats Mexican husband has swastikas? Gruesome twosome..Marky M looks good to me.

  6. I threw my Kat Von D makeup in the garbage and unfollowed her on social media. She's a hypocrite and going to make her poor child sick!

  7. Is that Jessica Chastain or Bryce Dallas Howard? lol

    You'd smile too if you had a comic book franchise..$$$$$$

    Is that Michael Douglas's son who was in prison?! Time off for good behavior or did daddy's money get him out early?!?!

    From a mediocre rapper to a mediocre actor Marky Mark sux!

  8. Enty-Wahlberg was pretty darn good in Boogie Nights(straight outta the gate). Course it was a brilliant film with performances given by outstanding actors... but he rose to the occasion (no pun😉).
    He’s also adept at comedy/comic timing which is surprising for such a dry person. But then Will Ferrell described himself the same way(andbthey have great screen chemistry imo ).
    Did Chastain have a baby? I honestly can’t remember.
    Maybe Katy Perry can borrow KVDs nun habit/dresses and win over that convent she’s trying to steal after all 👍

  9. "Kat Von D's husband's swastikas are showing."

    Where? I see a Star of David on his neck though.

  10. Evangeline Lilly looks weird now. I saw the trailer for "Ant Man & Wasp" and she looked strange, I thought.

    Mark Wahlberg just got cast as Spenser for Hire in a new Netflix series, which is terrible miscasting. Not quite as bad as Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher, but pretty bad. Ugh.

  11. Katy Purry's makeup looks ridic. She looks like a theater actor up close.

  12. Kat Von D should lend some of her epically ginormous chin-line to her gormless husband so he doesn't have to keep tattooing a facsimile of his own onto his waddle neck

  13. Jeeze, lil Marko Marky Mark and half his family is posting here in his defense. Say hi to your mom for me, lil Marky!

    Presumably, that's not Michael Douglas's dead son...unless it's an incredibly life-like (from before he OD'd himself) wax sculpture.

    Evangeline is a goddess.

    Lucy Fail.

    Katy Perry was one of the Galactic Emperor's guards?

  14. Michael Douglas only has one son old enough to have been to prison And he didn't have a son od, that would've been his younger brother Eric.

  15. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Evangeline is too skinny. Give that girl some cheesecake!

    As for Katy's makeup, she's doing theatrical makeup that sells to the back of the house, it always looks off up close. You kinds have to do that with enormous video screens and stadiums.

    And, I loved Ted. Ted 2 was 'aight. And Mark was great in The Basketball Diaries. His work with Farrell was a lot funnier than I expected - I saw that one expecting it to suck, but it was genuinely funny. His greatest role was in The Departed, though-although playing a Masshole isn't much of a stretch for him. I'm okay with Mark, he has a sense of humor, especially when it comes to his career, and doesn't come off as a typical hollywood douchebag who believes his own press - and he's a pretty good director.

  16. Not a good look on Chastain. That kind of dress usually requires the wearer to put on a good foundation garment as we said back in the day. The girls need some support.

  17. I loved him in Fear, Rock star, Boogie nights and Basketball Diaries. Don't throw away KVD makeup, send to me!

  18. Yep, that's Cameron Douglas, Michael's son from his first marriage. He did seven years for coke/meth/heroin yadda.

    The kids with CZJ are teenagers.

  19. Just looking at that photo of Michael Douglas's son, you can see the stupid facial expression, the chest tats, the bad clothes, the whole catastrophe. He did a couple of those prison years in solitary, and got his leg broken by another prisoner, but it looks like he didn't learn a thing. That is one incorrigible a-hole.
