Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

Do you want to see your photo in Random Photos and then again on Reveal Day? Email it to entlawyer90210@yahoo.com

 Two parts today.

Russell Crowe is the the drunk cousin, David Letterman never knew he had.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3 with Studio 54 legend, Rollerena!
Selma Blair doing the pap coffee walk. She is doing so much better.
Sutton Foster and Hilary Duff pretend to make nice for the cameras.
Sterling K Brown and Sofia Boutella hanging out last night.


  1. Do Sutton and Hillary not get along? Younger is among my guilty TV pleasures.

  2. Great reader pictures ...thanks for sharing 🌸


    Please, no one tell me she's a monster.

  4. Great reader photos
    And kudos to you Enty for knowing who Rollerena is. She still can be seen rollerskating around the Village from time to time.

  5. Hi readers especially you #1 and Rollerena should be reading here or maybe she's really Boo Hearne😎?
    Sutton and Hilary don't really look very pleased to be taking that pic.

  6. Russell Crowe is 54 years old. Let that sink in as you look at that photo.

  7. Glad Selma Blair is doing better. She looks great.

  8. Yes, please tell us that Rollerina reads cdan, reader #3!!!

  9. Reader #3 is Vince McMahon???

  10. A younger, handsome Vince, that is

  11. Does anyone know why Selma Blair is constantly in the Daily Mail ?

  12. #3 is totally David H.the realtor :)
    You all look awesome

  13. I don't mind the reader photos but you can kind of tell when people want attention. It's a gossip site, kids.

  14. Sandy B: How did you know I have a connection to Rollerena!!!??? OMG! You are so psychic!

    1975-Greenwich Village-I am the single mom to a young daughter. Living in the Village on Horatio Street. By the time she was six months old both daughter & Mom had been on the front page of The N Y Daily News and N Y Post. A shonda! That's why I bristle when I hear the 'trials & tribulations' The Monica whines she has endured because of Slick Willie.

    Because of the front-page news, all except two of my best friends deserted me. Don't blame them. I would have done the same. The early 1970s were Disco time and the Village was tres gay. Tres. One afternoon I was pushing her in her little stroller when out of nowhere came Rollerena! She whizzed past us dressed in her TuTu waving her Magic Wand. My daughter just went insane with happiness. She screamed so loud you could have heard her in Tibet. Rollerena, hearing this, turned around and parked herself on the sidewalk until we caught up. She ooo'd and ahhh'd over Jessa as Jessa did the same over her. She circled the stroller (the super cheap ones 'cause we wuz poor) waving her Magic Wand over Jessa's head. As the time passed, every time Jessa saw Rollerena on the street she screamed. Rolla would recognize her voice and find us. She will never know how she made my life happy in a time of enormous pain. We moved to the U S Virgin Islands in late 1976 and never saw her again. Now 44 with her own young daughter, Jessa has told Chelsea all about her happy childhood in Greenwich Village and the adventures of that beautiful, magical Star, Rollerena.

  15. I guess I'm alone in feeling, Selma Blair has gone BACK ON the meds/pharmaceuticals. She's been papped looking/acting extra wacky lately, and she's dropping the pounds again. Just my humble opinion.

  16. Russell Crowe is a hot mess. Nice picture David!! Selma looks healthy to me!!

  17. Oh Hillary. Child. Where is your stylist?

  18. I really don’t think #3 is David, it looks nothing like his profile picture. Help us David! Is it or isn’t it your good self in picture #3? 😊
    I’m enjoying guessing who the reader pics are almost as much as the blinds! Lol I wish more would own up to their pictures. It’s really nice to put a face to a name.

  19. Boo, pretty please stay here permanently! I love your comments and stories.

  20. Sal T-Is the T for terrific? I used to post on CDAN a lot in years past. I moved away from NYC last year to a remote area where I don't have Internet. I am back in NYC for a while and couldn't wait to check in again. This is the most unique gossip site in the world. The posters, like yourself, are the best, too. Everyone brings a fresh perspective to the blinds. Don't you agree? Sandy B: Wish I looked as good as Rollerena looks in this shot! God bless her. She's a lady to her toes. Thank you, Sal.

  21. #3 is Brian Aker of NYC

  22. Russell went from hot Maximus to Santa!

  23. Dusty Fairy: In the early 70s?
