Monday, June 25, 2018

Random Photos Part One - All Reader Photos

Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5
Reader Photo #6
Reader Photo #7


Sara, Making It Work said...

#1, love your cats!
#6, love your frames!

Everybody looking good as always. 😊

sandybrook said...

Hi Readers and cats! No loser celebrities to take your shine away today.

Lurky McLurkster said...

#3 used his Grindr profile pic

Brayson87 said...

I've realized it's easy to spot the Reader Photos. Happy couples, genuine affection for pets, naturally attractive people, earnest and sincere facial expressions, etc. You know all the stuff missing from most celeb pics.

Jennifer said...

GOTTA love a guy who loves his cats!

Brayson87 said...

Reader Photo #1 makes me want to adopt two large cats who will silently judge me except when they want food or snuggles. :)

I wonder what Reader Photo #6 is thinking, you can see the gears turning.

Sd Auntie said...

Cat man😹

MsDrtMover said...

I have loved seeing all the reader photos! Great pictures!
I. WANT. THOSE. CATS!!! My two are big and fluffy like these!

Me Again said...

Love a man who loves his cats.
#4 You remind me of the actor who played Rollo on Vikings.

Everybody else, HI !!!

AlleyKat said...

Aw thanks for lovely cat comments...their my cats (the other ones him indoors 😉

cheesegrater15 said...

Reader #3 needs to call me.

AlleyKat said...


cheesegrater15 said...

Ally, I love your babies!!!

Thonker said...

Reader #3 HMU *wink face*

Reader #1 HMU as well we need to talk about cats

Tuesdi said...

Hey Readers & Kitties! Everyone here is more interesting than celebs!

cheesegrater15 said...

I straight up want to lick #3's pecs.

It''s been a while.

ReallyDonna said...

Y’all look like we could have a fabulous time at a picnic together. Lots of laughs, stories and some fine potato salad.

IanPhlegming said...

I'm curious who #3 is if anyone wants to self-declare.

Cary Gaul said...

#1 is my new hero

Jennifer Low Rents said...

#3 reminds me of Jon Hamm.

ChinaCatSunflower said...

Cat guy, are you single??????????????????? Meow.

AlleyKat said...

Thank you cheesegrater. ..mitzi and El tigre diabolo say hi back atcha 😁

AlleyKat said...

CDAN community is the best...great group of people...even gejeerli never fails to entertain... is his own way!

AlleyKat said...

I'm intrigued by #6 & #7 supermodel!

summer said...

OMG reader one adorable cats

Unknown said...

Lol.. You gals are cracking me up over here... Gentlemen reveal yourselves! 👋

Sara, Making It Work said...

Heyyyyyyy #5, whatcha drinking?

AlleyKat said...

If only #3 had cats he would be perfect!

lynn said...

Hello readers 👋🏻 Fine looking bunch as always!

lynn said...

Reader #3 also reminds me of Rollo from the Vikings. He looks similar to my husband as well 😬

cheesegrater15 said...

Omg, I love those names.

leeYESlee said...

I’ll throw my hat into the ring here for cat man....reveal!

AlleyKat said...

You can book now gonna make a fortune! (Snuggling the cats counts as extras)

Unknown said...

Reader 3, I'm married. But boy if I weren't...

Unknown said...

Reader 1, guy with cats. Hot.

orangesoda said...

Great pics, everyone!
I'm not even a cat person and I'm in love with those cats. Very sweet!


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