Monday, June 04, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 28, 2018

One wonders if this A- list mostly television actor who can definitely be A list when his long time show is airing or when he was seen in numerous other hits knows one of his managers has been sued for fraud. It sounds like the actor needs to run in the opposite direction from this particular manager.

David Duchovny


sandybrook said...

Maybe he thinks the suit is bullshit?

Brayson87 said...

Every time DD runs he trips and falls into...

NancyFromNebraska said...

Why won't you love me?

Not interesting said...

Remove video ads from mobile.
They block navigation buttons.

Also they block the comment box!

a beautiful virago named hope said...

@NancyFromNebraska, that's a great song. Have you heard DD's song Hell Or Highwater?

OKay said...

Meh. Duchovny is a supreme douche by all accounts, so let him get suckered if he thinks he knows better than everybody else.

Project Mayhem said...

There is nothing about this in the news.


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