Friday, June 22, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 15, 2018

There is talk that this network is working on a deal to bring back this disgraced employee not to his old job, but to something new and have been meeting with him about it. That would be a horrible decision.

Matt Lauer/NBC


  1. Something new like WHAT? When people are at work they deserve to feel safe, having him around would make me quit in a heartbeat.

  2. Hi, I'm Matt Laurer. Hildabeast said I would be finished and god damn if she wasn't right.

    These people have 6 ways from Sunday to get you.

  3. Fuck Matt Lauer. Give it to Brian Williams. I'd take his tall tales and ego any day.

  4. Fuck Matt lauer. and fuck NBC for that shit.

  5. It's telling that they'd take back a known scumbag instead of finding new talent. Guess without couching or the good ol' boy system they're befuddled when it comes to hiring.

  6. What exactly does Matt Lauer do for these executives at NBC that they seem to think he's the end all and be all and that they need to keep him on air no matter what?

  7. I cant stand that smarmy fuck. I really hope this does not pan out for him.

  8. Hi Mikey and your 4 fucking alts on this thread including the one that posts 6 or 7 times on EVERYB Fucking thread everyday except Saturday and Sunday. Guess who that is detectives.

  9. So much for the MeToo movement.

  10. Please. The #metoo movement is one big fucking joke. Most of the women were willing participants and there is literally zero effort made to sort out what's true with what's not true before destroying mens' lives when some tramp comes out of the woodwork with whatever story. Look at Argento...who claims she was raped by Weinstein and yeah, admitted to having sex with him willingly for YEARS. Peter Fonda running around calling women GASHES and advocating for child rape, nothing said.

    Matt Lauer navigated in an era where the office was a place to pick up random sex. It WAS the way the industry operated. Then some tramps complained about prostituting their way to success and instantly, that era ended. Now, using the new rules, men were targeted for their conduct back when the conduct was OK. Lauer paid the price...loss of his sham marriage, his very lucrative job, his prestige, etc.

    Why should he be out of work for the rest of his life. If there's an audience for him, he should be hired. The court of public opinion will make the final call.

  11. Maybe NBC can give him a starter job, like making coffee, filing papers in cabinets, returning things to stores for executives too busy for such things, answering the phones at the switchboard, elevator operator, janitor, etc.

  12. Perhaps not just Lauer -- maybe add Halperin and others. From the NY Post today:

    Some other notable men who were taken down in the #MeToo movement have also started to resurface, including Brett Ratner, Louis C.K. and Aziz Ansari. Halperin had been a senior political analyst at MSNBC and had previously been political director of ABC News. He declined to comment.
