Friday, June 08, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Kindness

January 7, 2018

This horror actor is probably A-/B+ list in his genre, C list elsewhere. Works a lot, and you'd know his face even if you didn't know his name. Best known for a film from a few decades ago made by a foreign born director and based on a foreign born source material. Anyway, at an after party at a horror con recently, he helped care for a very drunk girl who was drunk in a hallway and also helped a couple of other attendees prevent another attendee from luring the girl back to a hotel room.

Tony Todd/Candyman, based on a story by Clive Barker, directed by Bernard Rose


  1. Awww I like the kindness blinds.

  2. Go Tony Todd! If I was drunk, I'd love to hear his voice soothing me, and if I was trying to do nefarious things, his voice would scare the shit out of me.

  3. I'm glad that a lot of people guessed correctly.

  4. Tony Todd guest-starred in one of the best episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, "The Visitor." It's mainly a character piece with a couple actors in one room, and he's excellent in it. Even if you're not a Trek fan, do yourself a favor and watch it. Glad to hear good things about him.

  5. Tony Todd is awesome, kindness is a sign of strength not weakness. That all being said if I saw his reflection in a mirror I'd freak the f*ck out. ;)

  6. met him twice while working a couple conventions. He's an absolute sweetheart and kind soul, this isn't surprising

  7. Sounds like a nice guy. Good for him. 👍

  8. @Cail, agreed! The Visitor is one of those episodes that moved me to the point of tears.

  9. Tony is a fine actor and one of the true good guys. Ever notice that the nicest people wind up playing movie baddies? Happens sometimes. In this era, I hope some folks with $$$ see this and hire him for their film.

  10. That it's marked down as a kindness - when it's just obvious plain ol' common decency. What a world we live in.

  11. I absolutely HATE horror movies, but one night Candyman was on TV - and I could not stop watching Tony Todd. He was so good, so compelling...great actor and, it seems, a great guy.

  12. One kindness out of probably about a hundred other horror stories that evening. Horror fans... pathetic adrenaline junkies.

  13. Tony Todd was also in Night 90, and was as good or better than Duane Jones was in the original.
