Monday, June 04, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 27, 2018

This probably could have been a kindness, but this A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who has a franchise that keeps on humming along got paid a ton of money to attend a charity event, but then promoted it like she did it all for free and out of the kindness of her heart.

Brittany Snow


nonyabusiness said...


Farmgirl said...

Would the charity want people to know they pay for celebs?

Brayson87 said...

Brittany Snow, what did that cost, a couple of Famous Dave's giftcards?

This and That said...

I don’t get how “this could’ve been a kindness” though.

sandybrook said...

You do work for charity you are expected to promote the hell out of it if you have a name that is considered to be famous. And an awful lot of famous people get paid by charities to show up.

Darkmyst said...

I thought she had a fear of crowds so I am surpris do she even does stuff like that.

Guesser said...

How much money is a ton? Yes, most charities pay celebs, so no big deal.

Brayson87 said...

So you give money to the charity, the charity gives money to the celebrity, you're donating to the celebrity, way to help the downtrodden. So you know it's a scam every time you see a charity event with celebrities, give as little as possible.

T. W. said...

What franchise?

cheesegrater15 said...

That singing franchise with that unfunny fat British girl.

Darkmyst said...

Pitch perfect

Anonymous said...

She’s Aussie. And as you observed yes she’s big boned.

cece said...

I promise you her bones are the same size as anybody else's.

Brayson87 said...

Rebel Wilson's character's name is literally "Fat Amy," I think the fats have it lol

texasrose said...

How is this different from probably every other celeb that does a charity gig for money?? It's not like they broadcast that they are being paid for it and when promoting it they rave about spending their time on this and how it is sooo important to them......blah blah blah. Unless she affirmatively announced that she was doing it for free (maybe she did) then what's the difference?

Anonymous said...

Lighten up Francis

Amy said...

I'm offended you thought that the incredibly loud and unlikeable woman was British 😊


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