Sunday, June 03, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 26, 2018

This foreign born A- list mostly television actor from a hit pay cable show is set to get married to a co-star, but is still hooking up with a different co-star.

Kit Harrington/Rose Leslie/Emilia Clarke


  1. What's that old saying?
    Never dip in company ink.
    It always comes back to bit you in the...!

  2. This BI was written on an even numbered day so that means he was straight, on odd numbered days bitch is gay and closeted.

  3. This is such low hanging fruit. This site is hard to fully enjoy because it’s so obvious how made up over half the blinds are. I make up these blinds in my head before CDAN does then come here to have a good laugh. It’s so simple. Read celeb gossip and simply use past and present experiences of celebs, what is most likely to happen based on gossip and present situations and bam, there’s a blind. Kit and Emilia are good friends in real life and lovers on the show, so let’s say they’re hooking up because well, men and women can’t be friends and it’s CDAN. Always going with the low hanging fruit.

  4. @Charisma, I don't think you know how casual sex actually is in Hollywood. It's like exercising, nothing more.

    That said, this blind could just as easily be a lie. But why reveal it, then? Because, if Kit is gay, or bi, nobody's going to sue because they don't want the actual truth coming out? You'd think if it was about buzz for GoT, they'd wait until closer to the return date of the show.

    1. I don’t think you know how casual sex can be anywhere, if you think it’s only Hollywood.

  5. LOL...Charisma, you are being incredibly naive.

  6. I thought Kit and Rose were bearding for each other. All these blinds contradict each other

  7. It looks like Jon Snow really knows some things

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  9. Think it was revealed bc they were spotted outside their hotel in a seemingly serious convo

  10. This site is an absolute joke.
    June, Henley laughing his ass of.
    Himmmm(s) are full of shit

  11. What about girls he's been picking up in bars just like jason momoa? So from fake accounts pretending real people they've been posting fake info and fake pictures of Kit with random girls for YEARS. What a dedication. *sarcasm*

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  13. It's strange, I really did think Kit was gay. He has a massive coke problem too I've heard.I don't think this marriage will last but that doesn't take a genius to work out.

    1. When I reread my message it read like I was saying he has a massive something else at first! Oh it did make me chuckle to myself...

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    1. He is pretty but too short for me and no, that wasn't my reason. I saw old pics of him with another English actor who was in 'Dorian Gray' and there were some comments made back then that seemed logical.I have never assumed all pretty men are gay. Far from it actually.

    2. There are some rather ugly gay men as there are ugly straight in every cycle of life.

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  18. oh please.Did you see the last season of GOT? Jon Snow and Kalessi have ZERO chemistry...

  19. Come on guys!
    This is his aunt you're talking about.
