Friday, June 08, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 2, 2018

Back in the 70's European royalty was kind of a mess. I blame drugs. And not having to ever get a job. Anyway, a princess in Europe married a guy from a country nowhere near Europe. They produced a child who decided the US university system was his chance to make as much money as possible selling drugs to as many students as possible. Later in life he got married to a woman who preferred not to be monogamous. That woman was the downfall of the indie rock darling couple/group when the male in the group decided he would rather have sex with her than be married or play music.

Princess Christina of the Netherlands/Jorge Pérez y Guillermo
Bernardo Guillermo/Eva Prinz
Thurston Moore and Kim Gordon ("Sonic Youth")


  1. Sonic Youth was together for decades...

  2. To be fair, sonic youth never made a quality album after the mid- 90's and like many, coasted upon their previous reputation. See radiohead who haven't made a good album in 20+ years.

  3. My favorite band of all time. But Thurston is to blame as much as she is.

  4. The obnoxious video ads have really been toned down, and the addition of an X button to instantly stop them is very much appreciated. Many thanks.

  5. They became too eclectric I think and too experimental. But still they produced music for about 3 decades it seems like Entys saying they made a few songs\albums and broke up.

  6. Marriages are like skateboard tricks: they pretty much never work.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Like a bull in the heather!
    They were a good band live!

  9. Looks like "DonnaMarie" nailed it.

  10. The only thing blind is that the son was a drug dealer.
    I'm pretty sure every Sonic Youth fan knows about Eva Prinz and her history. And Thurston is an over-rated dirtbag bro.
    Team KIM!!

  11. Interesting timing on this reveal, considering the suicide ("suicide"?) of the queen of Netherlands sister today.

  12. Anthony Bourdain killed himself today, too. Was there a memo on "Kill yourself Fridays" that I missed?!

  13. Oh such a shame Donna Marie showed back up and I missed her post. Try again Donna Marie and don't delete this time. 😣

  14. Re: Fridays

    Hit men like their weekends off too.

  15. I'm just really impressed that Thurston *still* looks like a college dropout in his late 50's.



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