Thursday, June 07, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 30, 2018

With a career going down in flames and no one wanting anything to do with a new movie, this permanent A list child molesting director is passing out money like candy for anyone who will publicly come to his defense.

Woody Allen


  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Sad for Dylan. That's gotta hurt.

  2. I don’t get why he just won’t admit to what he’s done! Sadly there will be disgusting people willing to accept money to defend him. We live in a sick world

  3. And Hollywood still kisses his ass. Hypocrisy lives.

  4. I used to love his movies. I've probably seen "Manhattan" five or six times. I even really liked "Radio Days" and "Manhattan Murder Mystery." Can't watch any of them anymore.

  5. Not many people would admit to molesting kids, unknown. That sad sack of shit will almost certainly never end up behind bars, but at least his career has finally hit the skids.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. One highly questionable accusation under highly questionable circumstances does not a molester make.

  8. Read it for yourself:

    33-page decision from New York Supreme Court Justice Elliott Wilk in Woody Allen’s 1992 custody suit


    Full version:

  9. I have read everything there has been to read on this. And there are a lot of inconsistencies. Mia went to bat for Woody to adopt Dylan not that long before everything blew up. The nannies recanted any remarks they had made about the case because they said Mia had pressured them into siding with her. A child molestor does not typically stop with one child. He had had a huge career for at least 25 years prior to this, and nothing had even been hinted at regarding Woody and little kids. He was an infamous claustrophobic, and this happened in a tiny attic? It is very, very hard to buy that all of a sudden, in the middle of an acrimonious split, these accusations just suddenly come up, especially when someone else in the household disputes certain details. Believe it if you want. I don't.

  10. He married his own daughter. A girl he was a father to. He's a pig.

    btaim, how long before Lindsay is speaking out in his defense.

  11. Meryl Streep will always jump to a ped0philes defense, either she is one herself or just an enabler, then of course you have the same with jennifer lawrence.

  12. Do Tell if you’ve read so much about him, then you must have read his own words in interviews where he he said he fantasized about being alone with a room full of 12 year old girls, or perhaps you’ve read about how he sexually harassed Mariel Hemingway onset when she was barely a teen? You must be one of the ones he’s paying to defend him, as the blind describes... hhmm... shades of bullsh*t posts during the reveals and sh*fest of Harvey Weinstein when it became public and this site was attacked.

  13. There could well be many more who have been silenced with money and NDA’s.

  14. @Selling Don't be ridiculous. He never did that. He was never involved in raising Soon Yi.

    1. He was involved with Mia starting when Soon Yi was a prepubescent young child. He was not her father, but he was in her life when she was a little kid. She's the sister to his children. If you don't see how effing gross and wrong that is it's pretty sad.

  15. As unpopular as it is I've always sided with Woody. Knew a shrink back in the day who attended the trial in some professional capacity. The term he used for Mia was borderline. So I don't think he molests toddlers. Going for a teen in his orbit (not his daughter and living separately from him) and the daughter of his girlfriend? A horror show of narcissism. Not the first or last, ie Angelina's Mom's boyfriend (no excuse).

  16. I totally believe he did it.

  17. I believe he's guilty too. The judge in the custody case called woody's behavior towards Dylan "grossly inappropriate". Where there is smoke there's fire.


  18. his unmade projects are middle aged men falling in "love" with teens

  19. I have never watched any of his movies. Never will.
