Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 29, 2018

There is a lot of animosity right now between all the celebrity offspring wannabe models and this foreign born celebrity offspring model who seemingly overnight took away their best shots at big deals with companies.

Lady Kitty Spencer


Gatorgirl said...

I don't see it, she's not all that

Brayson87 said...

Erin nailed that one.

LuLu said...

meh. in a field of not-real-model meh.

LuLu said...

shes clunky

Brayson87 said...

Yeah like I said before bland and elegant is more attractive than f*cked up face coke whores.

J said...

Just what we need... another Royal Dolt.

longtimereader said...

Her yachting fees are gonna be astronomic.

Boldblonde said...

Kate Spade was found dead from apparent suicide!

Unknown said...

Breaking: Kate Spade dead in apparent suicide: https://twitter.com/CBSNewYork/status/1004030974987046917

LuLu said...

totally agree Brayson in some pics she is elegant... she has moments of Bardot and Grace in some. i just thought she was plus sized so i didnt see her as a fashion model...

T. W. said...

British models aren't much to look at.

cheesegrater15 said...

Holy shit. Kate Spade?!

Thia said...

I have to agree with @Lulu. I also thought this was about Lady Amelia Windsor (had to just google both to see who this was about). Amelia, at least I think, is precious.

Virginia Mayer said...

Lady Kitty Spencer looks like she could be the mom of all those pseudo models.

J said...

Duchess of Pork II.

Maybe she'll yacht on the Queen Mary II.

Unknown said...

She doesn’t have to do that ... at all

Amy said...

You've probably gotten use to fake looking women. Apart from our plastic surgery riddled reality stars over here-we look down on the plastic look as a bit scummy and cheap.

IanPhlegming said...

I think she is absolutely gorgeous with a spectacular body.

nonyabusiness said...

I don't see 'model' when I look at her. She looks like an average white woman to me.

pixiegothy said...

that's a joke, right? lol I don't know what model would feel threatned by Lady kitty, the only thing interesting about her it's her royal connection. They are only using her for the publicity. Now Sonia Ben Ammar on the other hand could be a real model, she is very pretty

Cuddlebutt said...

@DDonna, I think she is breathtaking! To me she is flawless. I do hope she helps make the pendulum swing from the surgically enhanced, emaciated "beauty" to a more natural, elegant direction.

Freckles said...

I enjoy British shows because the women are more natural and I am not staring at their inflated lips and not paying attention to dialog

fuzzygalored said...

just had to google since hadn't heard of her. Most more natural looking than the american wanna-be models. in turn much prettier. in some pictures she does come across as a tad chunky. but maybe that's cause everyone else looks a day from death? hopefully she doesn't starve herself to model. not worth it.

orangesoda said...

Model... That's funny! Nice body for a regular girl, not a model. Total butterface though.


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