Monday, June 04, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 27, 2018

This A list singer was no saint when she was a tween actress so it is pretty strange that she chose to throw shade at this teen actress on a hit almost show for doing something way more innocent than our singer used to do at the same age.

Ariana Grande/Millie Bobby Brown


  1. Ariana joked about MBB kissing her boyfriend in a post, I don't think the shade was that heavy lol

  2. The shade wasn't terrible but AG is full of shit if you go by blinds on here. Enty hinted to the fact that she got her own Nickelodeon show because she was more than happy to "please" Schneider.

  3. Pretty sure servicing a fat old pig is not on any 14 yr old's wish list, nor can they legally consent.

    1. For this cancer women, yes it was.. look at all the famous cancer women and they're all whores

  4. What is really sad about this story is that I knew exactly who MBB's bf was just from the picture

  5. 14 is way young for a serious bf. Or it should be. In my experience, most girls who are sexually active at that age have abuse or trauma issues. And I've fostered lots of adolescent girls.

    1. You would be right because they've been used and abused. Even if they thought they were making their own choices they were probably deceived...then they're labelled and grow up feeling dirty and worthless. I've spoke to a lot of these types over the years.

  6. Is there anyone who reads this blog who doesn't believe AG and MBB are Hollywood abuse victims? :-(

    And is that it for Dan Schneider? He never works again but gets to live a wealthy life doing the devil knows what with all his money?

  7. I'd honestly look at MBB's family first.

  8. Well I wasn't a wild 14 year old, so I'll tell MBB to calm tf down.
    Girl is creepily adult for her age.

    1. She will have her issues as she gets older. Believe me. She is popular now. I couldn't do that to my child. AG probably feels a bit jealous or she sees a bit of herself in MMB.

  9. someone I know knows AG and swears that she is very nice nice and sweet.
    I still don't believe it.

  10. That relationship looks fakey to me anyway. A publicist's dream.

  11. anyone saying Millie is "too young" at 14 to have a boyfriend/kiss someone is hilariously out of touch. sorry folks, it's 2018, not 1968.
