Sunday, June 03, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 8, 2018

Met Gala

The Anna disapproval of what you are wearing should have probably gone to Kendall Jenner, but that family can do no wrong in Anna's eyes. Instead, the scourge was this permanent A list model. When told, the model said, "F**k her, she won't be back next year anyway."

Cindy Crawford


  1. Atta girl Cindy. Let's see who hangs with Anna after she leaves Vogue. I bet KTrash drops her rancid ass quicker than a hot potato.

  2. I used to be a Cindy fan, but I really don't like the way she's pimping out her teenage daughter.

    She seems to be trying to pimp out her son, too, but he hasn't caught on in a big way.

    Strange family. It's not like they need the money.

    1. Think the same thing. Send your kid to a health clinic instead of her parading herself around showing her bones deliberately because it’s the only attention she’s ever going to get. Pathetic.

  3. Her daughter according to blind gossip has an eating disorder. Not surprised, she's thin as a rail.

  4. I don't see why Anna would get her knickers in a twist over Cindy's Met Gala dress. It looked fine to me.

  5. I cant wait for Anna to get out of vogue, she has made that magazine such trash and helped make the kardashians fashion icons instead of just reality tv folk. I have no idea how wintour became such a style icon when her tastes are pretty basic at the end of the day.

  6. I agree, Gauloise, that Anna's time has passed.

    But I wonder if perhaps Vogue's time has passed, as well. I rarely read it any more, even though I'm now in a position to buy the clothes that it advertises, which I wasn't back in the day when I read it faithfully.

    I don't know if people are using clothes to express themselves right now to the extent that they did in the past. Clothes are certainly not as tribal right now as they once were. Everyone from cutting-edge rappers to grannies wears tracksuits and sneakers.

  7. I thought this same thing just this morning, @nutty. I've loved Cindy for years, I think she's the most gorgeous woman alive. But the way her young daughter looks is appalling.. and telling. So sad

    1. I agree also. As a former model, she should be watching Kaia like a hawk to make sure she physically and emotionally healthy. That being said, it must be very stressful to be Cindy Crawford’s daughter and to be constantly compared to her.

  8. I used to read Vogue, Allure, Vanity Fair, Glamour, all those magazines religiously. Now they interest me not at all. Teen Vogue is disgusting.

    After Anna Wintour steps down, she'll find out very quickly who her real friends were. If she has any.

  9. As for the Gerber/Crawford family, I always had the feeling we never got the full story about this, but I could be wrong.

  10. I couldn't remember what she wore and googled. To save anyone else time:

  11. I can't fucking stand Cindy Crawford - ever since she put Kaia in a catalog topless, looking over her shoulder at age SIX.

    With the amount of pedos out there, if made me so sick.

  12. Thanks @Thia for the pics, I think what Cindy wore was fine! @Nutty_Flavour, I used to think Cindy was so pretty back in the day but those glamazons really made me sad when I was a teen then Kate Moss came along and I didn't feel so out of place. I hate to see what Cindy is doing to her daughter, the girl looks so unhappy and tired lately and she was never underweight when growing up, she was a normal kid.

  13. @pixiegothy I agree, and there's no good reason for her to be working at 16 except for her mother's ego. If she really wanted to be a model, she could have done that at 18 or 20 or even later - see Isabella Rossellini.

  14. Cindy's got her ego again, that she bought her ana doughter's way into modeling and she's getting invited to events that nobody was inviting her to a few years ago.

  15. exactly @Nutty_flavor, this whole thing is so wrong and I feel bad for Kaia, she can't even be her own person, always the "mini me". But I guess her parents are blinded with all the attention, I think @Andi F nailed it!

  16. Was it Cindy Crawford's orange peele bumpy thighs or her closet marriage that brought her back in the limelight? Either way--feed ur daughter a sandwich and keep ur son away from his dad's closeted freinds!!

  17. OMG Pixie - that pic of her around ~12 years old compared to now - holy crap!!! Her legs are currently the same size they were when she was 6 years old. She used to be TWICE as thick. Jesus. Holy crap. Poor kid.

    AND - look at her boobs. You can't tell me that's the chest of an anoretic 16 year old. Those are implants.

    So her 16 year old daughter is starving to death and already has implants. Nice.

  18. I don't think this is about what Cindy wore but the blind we had about the A
    list model mother who wanted an exception made for her 16year old daughter re an invite to the Met Gala (no one under drinking age is allowed in) because she was now a 'big name' in the fashion industry. Kaia is a skelaton with huge breasts for her current size so she has also had a breast enlargement, real breasts deflate like balloons with an eating disorder.

  19. told you so @Hunter! and yes she already got implants probably because her boobs disappeared after the severe weight loss. Kaia is starving herself so much that she looks thinner than all the other models on catwalk, it's scary. The difference from a naturally skinny model is so obvious, look at these Gisele Bundchen childhood pics and you will see what I mean, she was always skinny growing up. Kaia is ill, no doubt about it
