Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 18, 2018

This foreign born C+ list celebrity is decently online famous but it is all thanks to that A- list celebrity family member of hers. It also turns out they get their drugs from the same dealer who is afraid the C+ lister is going to cut a deal by naming him.

Lottie and Louis Tomlinson


Now! said...

Lottie hasn't been charged with anything. What is there to "cut a deal" about?

She was photographed hoovering up some gak, totally par for the course for the London fashion scene. No arrest.

Now! said...

Louis, meanwhile, is a hopeless pothead who is unable to complete an album he began working on in 2015.

But he's not a heavy drug user - he's no Zayn.

longtimereader said...

The fewer ex-boybander records the better, none of them have done anything beyond 'slightly above average' so far and it's been a couple of years.

Now! said...

Louis's single with Bebe Rexha "Back to You" was good, I thought.

I also like Zayn's "Still Got Time" and Niall's "On the Loose."

Harry's and Liam's stuff I can take or leave.

Bob Barnett said...

C’mon give us good stuff. Not trite about nobodies

This and That said...

Harry and Niall are doing just fine. Both on world tours — Harry having sold out arenas including MSG and The Forum twice. Niall with 1 billion streams on Spotify.

Thonker said...

IMO Harry makes the best music out of the 5 followed by Niall. The rest is meh. The only Zayn song I enjoyed was Pillowtalk

Thonker said...

@Bob if you're not familiar with one direction and think the members are irrelevant then idk what to tell you. Get with the times lol

Now! said...

Yeah, Harry's selling out his first tour, but I don't think he'll sell out his second tour. I saw him when he was in my town and he was dullsville.

You really need the chemistry between the 4 of them (Zayn was never any good onstage) to make for a show worth watching.

I didn't even bother to see Niall when he was in town. Apparently he covers the stage in well-worn Persian carpets - it's that kind of show.

They're going to have to get back together if they want to make any serious money 1 or 2 years out. Their last album together, "Made in the AM", was actually pretty good.

orangesoda said...

I mean, it's all down to taste but Harry and Liam's music is terrible, to me. Niall is actually pretty decent. Zayn's first two were okay for that late-night-drug-fuelled-hook-up.

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

I am familiar with them and still think they're irrelevant.

longtimereader said...

They appear to be having ex-spice girl like solo careers. Enough momentum for a few hits backed by record company money but not even troubling shawn mendes these days. Not exactly the george michael/timberlake massive adult star the size of the solo contracts warranted. Re-union in a couple of years to milk the mom market.

Now! said...

Agree with @longtimereader, but it's not just the mom market.

I saw lots of 15-and-unders at the Harry concert. If they strategize correctly, they could be still playing Vegas for them in 2058.

moonagedaydream6 said...

I think that the 4 of them will release another album. I think they will get the solo creative experimenting out of their system, come back to the studio, and hopefully their record company will give them more freedom to do what they want, and then they can find their own sound as the 4 of them. Niall in particular has said that it doesn't matter how much success he finds on his own, he will always go back if they want him, because he wouldn't be anywhere without them. And he is certainly one of the more successful of the 4 since going solo.

Louis hasn't released an actual album, but he has done features with other artists, such as Steve Aioki. He did Back to You with Bebe Rexha, and she talked about how absolutely kind and gracious he was to her and her team, as she was expecting more ego from someone who came from such a huge thing such as One Direction. That makes me want to see him do well, and I hope that he can figure his shit out. Also hope he keeps it with weed and doesn't move to the gross stuff that Zayn has got into.

Even if Louis hasn't released much, I think that Liam's solo career is an even bigger joke, and he has actually released a few songs. He said his style is more "hip hop", which is fucking hilarious, cause he clearly has no idea what hip hop actually is. His music is the most cut and paste in my opinion, sounding as basic as they come, singing about clothes on the floor, dropping low, and other cliched, basic, boring pop music tropes. At least Harry and Niall have a slightly more artistic approach.

Now! said...

Agreed; I've said it before, but Liam's music sounds like something you listen to in the background when you're shopping at the Dollar Store, picking up discount shower curtains and sesame sticks.

I like Louis' voice; I hope he'll put out his album soon. His priorities seem to be elsewhere, however, and let's face it - he's been dealt a very bad hand in his personal life. Mom dead of cancer at 43, crazy bio dad also fighting cancer, stepdad fighting second stepdad for custody of the younger half-siblings, possible parentage of a son by a woman he barely knows, probable closeting and ongoing smear campaign by Simon Cowell.

It's a wonder that the man can still get up in the morning.

JillS said...

+1 Liam's "music" is awful and he only gets exposure because he's with Cheryl Whatshernamethisweek

Anonymous said...

Harry is owned by Sony for seven years, I believe.
They will dictate every move he makes.
Pretty sad he's been owned by big companies since he was 17

hamburgler1985 said...

Harry isn't "owned" by anyone, just insane stan theories. Record companies only cover album and single releases and publicity for those releases, they have zero control over an artist's life beyond that. Young or vulnerable artists often allow their record company to dictate their image, out of naivety or ambition, but there's nothing that can be enforced legally. Sony forcing Harry to do anything involving his personal life against his will are just on another planet from logic. He's an extremely wealthy, powerful celebrity. No one's forcing him to do anything. And if they tried they would be breaking the law and the contract would automatically be rendered invalid. Hell if Harry wanted to break his contract he could, all they could do is sue him which would mean a massive public court battle. If Harry refused to record an album, that they could sue him for. No record company is going to launch a public lawsuit complaining a celeb refused to let them control his personal life, they'd be destroyed by the bad PR instantly and probably go to prison.


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