Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 6, 2018

This former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort had to take a quick break from a country where she was living for about a month. Apparently she was hooking up with a married guy and male relatives of the wife were looking for her to physically harm her. The husband paid them off and our actress went back to hooking up with him.

Lindsay Lohan


  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Im fed up with this trash escorting with arabs

  2. She is the starship enterprise of degeneracy.

  3. I'm surprised she's not a big name in the #metoo movement.

    Seems like that sorority of of liars and frauds would be a natural fit for her.

  4. Given Lilo's current reputation as a gigantic hose-beast,
    it's a shame that, if she ever were raped or sexually assaulted,
    people would yawn and give an eyeroll.

  5. Did the guy pay for her nightclub too? Stupid Europeans and Arabs.maybe if they bathed once in a while they'd find a better class of whores.

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      I think we take two showers a day in England hahaha. Before and after se x. Lol sandy xx

  6. When a man looks back on his life... he will inevitably concur that the most expensive sex he has EVER had was with his wife (this becomes blindingly apparent after a divorce)... so, why is a wife not called a whore? I give LL props for at least being upfront about her fees and expectations

  7. Dear Sandy,
    We Europeans DO bathe daily. I think you'll find it was the Romans, also European, who taught the world 2000 years ago that bathing daily was essential.

  8. French too? I am mainly speaking of the men here

  9. Why aren't men who sleep around, pick up women at bars, screw prostitutes etc., called whores. JF? So when wives don't want sex they're frigid and when they give you sex they're whores? What utter bullshit.

  10. Aren't there better looking, cleaner people to buy for sex? I mean these guys obviously have money... why they wanna hire such a skank?

  11. Only jealous people who aren't getting laid call women whores.

  12. cc423, that's something I don't get about Trump. He's a billionaire celebrity in Manhattan. There are SO many choice women there. Why would he go for skanks like Stormy whatever?

    Viking Song, feel free to call them whatever you like. Problem solved.

  13. @Viking, Actually the Romans didn't really use soap, so they probably still smelled like sh!t even after baths. They preferred applying oil to their skin and scrapping it off.

    @sandybrook, I think it's more of a deodorant issue, but yeah.

  14. I see alot of comments trashing this woman. I often wonder how much abuse she suffered growing up in Hollywood. After all, her parents are a mess. There is no telling how much of her soul was sold by them. Honestly, I pity her that she has no one who cares enough help her get out of the life she leads now. It is sad.

  15. @TownChica that's exactly how I feel. When you stop and REALLY think about what's she's become... It's tragic AF.

  16. @TownChica I don't doubt she was subjected to terrible abuse in her youth, but to be fair, she doesn't seem unhappy with her current life. All the pap photos of her show her smiling and laughing, so perhaps she feels she has more agency in her current dealings and therefore is enjoying herself and the control she seemingly has in her 'relationships'.

  17. Anonymous11:47 AM

    She has got to be one terrific lay in bed. I would be willing to bet she brings her "A" to the mattress every time.

  18. But what was the country?

  19. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Men who use whores are called johns. Duh.

    As for why men like Trump use women like Stormy...because they can. Because they just want to get off, with no hassles, and the women are paid to be quiet. Look at who Tiger Woods was fooling around with. There's an entire industry that's dedicated to connecting powerful rich men with willing women who are genetically gifted, and the entire transaction - including discretion - is agreed to by both sides. A guy like Trump can't go to the local bar. He's not exactly a good looking dude, but Stormy was willing to drop her drawers for a check. And she broke the deal by blabbing about it.

    Rich and powerful men use high end escorts. It's nothing new, and it's not rare. It's expediency, convenience, and discreet. Or, should be. Look at who Heidi Fleiss's customer list was. Duh.

    It's 2018. That there's any shock over any of this amuses the hell out of me. Lohan is no better or no worse than any of the other women who sell their sexuality. Porn star, whore, stripper, girl game streamers who wear low cut shirts to get tips from 12 year old boys on Twitch - it's nothing new, and it's not rare. At all. One of the biggest celebs in the fucking world is Kim Kardashian, who's famous for her sex tape. Wake up. Sex sells, and rich men and poor men and men in between buy it. Why? THEY CAN.

  20. Everything boils down to economics. Those that have buy and those don't sell. When the only commodity you possess is a pair of freckled funbags and a fire-crotch with a celebrity name attached to it then you gotta market that product. Girl has to eat!

  21. @TownChica, I don't think anyone can "help" Lilo. I fear she is one that any help would only be a temporary thing. She would eventually spiral back down to where she is now. Its not like people haven't tried. She has an incredibly durable self destructive streak that one.

  22. It is sad Lindsay Lohan has turned to prostitution in order to make ends meet. What happened to the MILLIONS of dollars she made in her film career? It wasn't that long ago Lohan was on the A list track. Kind of sad how drugs took over her life. But being a hooker to men in Dubai gross.

  23. I do agree that prostitution and rich men go hand in hand. BUT it is surprising I just learned from coming to Enty board how high profile actresses like Lohan are hookers. I think the Hollywood Reporter published an article about how prostitutes are a big part of the Cannes film festival.

  24. These Arabs have so much money to blow on cheap hoors. Why waste $$$ on someone as haggard as Lohan? I can't understand it. I guess I don't have a slutty white trash fetish so I can't relate.

  25. JF, I think you're living in a fantasy world where all husbands are/were rich or they earned more money than their wives during the marriage. Otherwise, maybe he's laying on his death bed thinking about how big of a whore HE was.
