Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 29, 2018

This A list everything in her own mind thinks it is love, but her boyfriend thinks of it as something to pass the time in between seeing other women.

Jennifer Lopez/Alex Rodriguez


Guesser said...

JLo knows this.

Bob Barnett said...

Facts, not opinions

Brayson87 said...

Yes I would also dispute that she thinks it's love.

Yikes said...

I think she is too smart to be in love with him. On the other hand , she has a bad habit of dating jerks.

sandybrook said...

Everybody knows they are immensely in love with themselves and just use other people as props.

Unknown said...

Hugeass loves only herself, and that is about it.

fionafab said...

ARod was raised in my old neighborhood (Washington Heights, NYC). He has always been a playah from what his school friends say. No one up there (it is the heights, after all) believes for a nano second there is anything to this romance but business. They aren't worthy to be mentioned on CDAN. At best Perez Hilton.

Blue said...

Idk- did you see how bad she made herself look on Fallon trying to get a proposal...

Halloweenie said...

Cheaters gonna cheat. What else is new?

Freckles said...

She has the oddest idea of a relationship

Fifi LaRue said...

They're gorgeous together. I certainly like seeing them together.

Mango said...

Really Hortensia? J Lo looks great and she certainly takes care of herself, but I find nothing attractive about A-Rod, and not because he’s such a dirty dog. Some dogs are really attractive despite their behavior *side eye to Jon Hamm*.

Unknown said...

I saw a beach photo of them recently and his boobs were bigger than hers.


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