Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 18, 2018

This back in the day A- list mostly television actor who had a hit network show for a number of years struggled with addiction while filming that show and even had production moved so he could try and stay sober. After the show ended, basically so did the good times of his career. He then tried to run a con and his family sued him and he has no money at all any longer and is in really bad shape.

Joe Penny


chigirl said...

Awwww. I loved Joe Penny.

DavidHowesCREBroker said...

So, Joe is in financial hardship even though he (appears) to have continued working -- according to his IMdb page.

Oh, well, as I've stated here numerous times: A fool & his money soon part.

rocky619ca said...

This is sad. Joe Penny, never too late to get your life together.
He was one of the hottest dudes growing up. Soft eyes, strong face and luscious lips.

Sallysal said...

don't agree with the A- rating for Joe Penny.

pookie60 said...

I have always loved him. This is a shame

pookie60 said...

He was A ish for a while between Riptide, Jake and the Fatman (loved that show) and then Jane Doe

Spider Rico said...

He should try and get his old handyman job back working for Carmela Soprano.

Sara, Making It Work said...

I wonder what the scam was. The only thing I could find was some nonsense about his eBay store.

Also, foreign born. So yeah, Enty doesn't always give the details.

hunter said...

Tough shit. You want to run a con on your family and still expect everything to work out okay? No.

Mad Hominem said...

@David Howes —

Just because an actor has a long list of titles on imdb doesn't mean that they are rolling in dough. Those projects could be low-budget/no-budget films that are a long way from getting a distribution deal, so they won't make any money. It may not even be completed, so the company behind the film may go bankrupt and stiff its actors.

Apparently you can get a name actor for your indie movie for $50,000— which sounds like a lot by OUR (proletariat) standards, but we all know that the cost of living in L.A. is staggering.

Nature Girl said...

oh wow....i certainly didn't think it was Joe. always loved him. that upsets me to know he's had all this happen. had no idea about his addiction either. last i saw him was short run on Days of Our Lives a few yrs back. was just glad to see him onscreen again. praying things work out for him.

Manuél Bun said...

the family was bawling "you've run your con a bit too long, and a time too many, now get ready fer brawling, Penniless Joe Penny"
But his ass was a' hauling, for it knew it's true calling, to the docks, to the docks, with Penniless Joe
"I'm trawling the seas, on back and knees, for my future pennies. On fancy yacht decks, crawling with Hollywood wrecks, there'll be cocaine snowing, and carefree hoeing aplenty"


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