Monday, June 25, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 17, 2018

MTV Movie Awards

This former A list tween actress turned A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who has a little higher name recognition than her spot on the acting list was telling everyone last night that she caught her actor boyfriend cheating on her again.

Zendaya/Tom Holland


Brayson87 said...
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Brayson87 said...

"Honey came in and she caught me red-handed
Creeping with the girl next door
Picture this we were both butt naked
Banging on the bathroom floor
How could I forget that I had
Given her an extra key
All this time she was standing there
She never took her eyes off me"

Unknown said...

Telling everyone is humble-bragging: "Look how desirable my man is."

Guesser said...

I thought other blinds had this as double bearding?

Unknown said...

Every young thing at Nickelodeon and Disney will eventually become damaged goods, as each young "star" agrees to be a part of the beast machine while compromising his/her dignity, absorbing abuse or failing to report it, receiving fame/roles/$ in return. They likely don't know any better having been pimped out by parents that are as ambitious as they are... MK Ultra in full effect... And these are our children's role models. Shut down Hollywood for a supreme purge, and maybe start over someday.

beebopcowboy said...

This IS a double bearding.

nothing says hetero like 'i caught my boyfriend cheating'

nice try, zendaya. they're both closeted

sandybrook said...

Zendaya has bearded before, she's bearding now.

sandybrook said...

I just took a look at her list and you could say she was a beard for every guy she dated.

nonyabusiness said...

I still can't get behind the whole 'Tom Holland is gay' thing people keep pushing. Zendaya, I can believe. Tom is...feminine I guess? But I still don't get a gay vibe from him.

Unknown said...

According to the LGBTXYZ faction, EVERBODY is "a little bit gay"... Lmfao

Brayson87 said...

Well with skinny jeans for guys who can tell anymore?

Thursday November said...

Thought these 2 were PR for Spiddy, hoping that it will be a new francishe.

nonyabusiness said...

Lmfao @Jon. I like men and men only. That's some bullshit the LGBASDFJKL community came up with. I'm not having it. Nope. I truly wish they'd stop pushing that weird theory on straight people. It's annoying.

Unknown said...

Haha, Zendaya is super private, as if she'd go around saying such things.

Also, she and Tom Holland are straight. And dating.

Manu said...

Yeah, he cheated on her that's why they've been so flirty with each other post-awards.

Who makes up these lies? :D

MyMyMy said...

Y’all do know bisexual is a thing, right? Some people wouldn’t even use that label, they’re just...fluid. A lot of Hollywood would consider themselves “open to all possibilities”.

Anyway this girl would have lots of takers so I don’t know why she’d put up with this dude.


Everyone is gay according to the writers and posters on CDAN. Everything is a crazy conspiracy and everyone is gay. People never die without a conspiracy behind it and no one is straight. You didn’t know?


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