Monday, June 11, 2018

Blind Item #9

He knew it was coming. One producer says in all the time they filmed, unless he had horrible food poisoning, our celebrity would be in his room only for sleeping/passing out. This time was different. It was almost as if he was hiding in his room and he kept saying they are coming. He had been perfectly normal until he received word of the death of several people, but one in particular who would make sure the person with information would remain quiet. It took less than a week for them to come for our celebrity.


  1. Replies
    1. Eric Ripert said he didn’t leave his room to meet for their dinner night before he left this earth....
      Other celeb could be Kate Soade maybe-her creep ass hubby looks pedo

  2. Of course Enty of course, feed the InfoWars trolls.

    1. Oh shut up! Your disdain for entry and this site is just tiresome.

  3. "To take advantage of their victims, the Thugs would join travelers and gain their confidence; this would allow them to surprise and strangle the travellers with a handkerchief or noose."

  4. Bourdain had a lot of disdain for those powerful ones, Weinstein, Trump, Clinton...

  5. I haven't been following this... why would anyone want to murder Bourdain??

  6. Bourdain knew too much about the CIA/HRC/Hollywood/Globalist pedo stuff.

  7. Bourdain also apparently had been suicidal for at least 13 years and had struggled with heroin, per the DM.

    1. Like many who knew him personally have said

  8. Bitter Blondin, I don't get it either. And didn't somebody say he was a martial arts aficionado? Wouldn't he have put up a fight that left evidence?

  9. ENTY. STAHP. You're breaking my already broken heart.

  10. WTH is going on?... and didn’t Anthony have a long history of depression?

  11. Who actually believes this stuff? What connections did Bourdain have with anyone in power? What was he going to say about anyone like Clinton, Weinstein, etc that anyone else hasn't already said? Who is this "they" Enty speaks of?

    1. Weird.

      You Retweeted

      Anthony Bourdain


      Replying to @jeffhulme and @talleststone

      ..and I am in no way an HRC fan. I’ve been on the receiving end of her operatives’ wrath. And it ain’t fun,

      6:37 PM · May 2, 2018





  12. We don't have to make things up. Aja and the strange photo that was shown before the death was public, Andy Spade and his mask. We didn't make this up. Between Weinstein and the upcoming pedo/ human trafficking sweep,it was predicted that there would be many suicides. Look up the stories before the deaths.

  13. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Counting down to a blind about Jackson Odell's death in 3...2...1...

  14. Like it or not, believe s/he exists or not, Q did indeed write that there would be a wave of suicides and murders before the big pedophile roundup occurs.

    I don't have it handy, but there's a twitter feed that gives a pretty chilling account of Asia Argento's life with her dad. There is the creepiest picture in the world of her sitting on the edge of a bed, eyes full of despair, and him reaching towards her, eyes full of something much different. Sickening.

    Are these people trying to "Get Out" but instead being taken out, one by one? Are they killing themselves because they know the ax is about to fall? Is Trump actually the hero here, or being blackmailed himself? Is it all theater before the Yellowstone Caldera blows? Dude, where's my car?

    1. Was Dario a pedo?! Oh shit!

    2. Would love to see this. I used to be a huge Argento fan. He cast her in a couple of his movies...and a couple of his movies she was nude.

  15. He was tv chef with a big mouth. Hardly someone dangerous. How many celebrities have spouted off, without getting offed? I'm not saying there isn't a possibility, but not everything's a conspiracy theory.
    I mean, this depressed ex-addict celebrity was allegedly killed, but the mountain of dead bodies, in the Clinton's rear view mirror, consisting of journalists, politicians, businessmen, etc, never made anyone question anything?

  16. I actually believe this one and I am so not a conspiracy person. What better way to knock off someone who has a significant history of depression than to stage a suicide. I am hoping this is not the case but there have been a lot of celeb suicides in the past year or so. If I was Rose McGowan or Asia, I’d be very very careful.

  17. Stop it with this QAnon bullshit. I'm sure Abramovich and the cabal weren't calling for the death of a celebrity chef. Give me a fucking break!

  18. Actually, the stuff I've read said the opposite of this. That after filming was done, he kept completely to himself and was not talkative at all. He wasn't rude, but didn't engage anyone and would go straight to his room.

    Bourdain was a large man - do you think he just offered up his neck and stood on a chair? There would have been a loud, furniture-moving fight if this were murder. Yes, he could have been drugged. But, tox reports, which are routine in autopsies, will reveal this.

  19. I am so sick and tired of these Q followers thinking Trump is the hero behind all of this. Trump would be part of these elite sicko clubs, not trying to take them down. He's a horrendous person.

  20. Most people with chronic depression don't commit suicide. Probably wouldn't live long enough for it to be chronic if they were actually suicidal. Seems like every time someone is found hanging around it's like "Were they ever depressed? Case solved boys let's go home!" Eventually people are going to stop seeking therapy so they don't get suicided. It's like, "OD, did they ever use drugs? 15 years clean, nah. Case solved boys let's go home!"

    1. Yes! It also completely diminishes the daily struggle fought with bravery that folks with depression have to just blame suicides on depression. People tough that shit out all day every day without accolades (my hat is off to you all). Personality traits are a different story, and personality disorders are overwhelmingly under diagnosed. Personality disorders (poor coping skills for an adult) need therapy, a lot of times years of it. And people aren't trying to hear that, not when depression diagnosis and meds abound.

  21. Most people with chronic depression don't commit suicide. Probably wouldn't live long enough for it to be chronic if they were actually suicidal. Seems like every time someone is found hanging around it's like "Were they ever depressed? Case solved boys let's go home!" Eventually people are going to stop seeking therapy so they don't get suicided. It's like, "OD, did they ever use drugs? 15 years clean, nah. Case solved boys let's go home!"

  22. you seem triggered youtoo, lol

  23. LOL +1drkdragon777

    I'll believe it when I see this so called round up of paedos being taken to prison, which most likely will not happen.

  24. @boredatwork, I'm not triggered. I'm just flabbergasted that they think Trump of all people is the mastermind behind QAnon and these supposed takedowns. Give me a break.

  25. No, not all people with chronic depression commit suicide, but some do. I know someone who had chronic depression and did commit suicide. His family is very religious so called it an accidental drowning so he could be buried by their church, but everyone knew what it really was.

  26. Instantly solved cases are typically "something else going on". Kinda like cops after every shooting, usually within minutes.. "use of force was justified".

  27. I doubt Spade's death was suicide. On the fence about Bourdain. One "red pill" site does not think Bourdain was murdered but the site owner is waiting for autopsy report.

  28. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Trump derangement syndrome is a serious illness causing uncontrollable emotional outbursts, fits of obscene language & abusive attacks against innocent strangers. If you know of anyone suffering from TDS please get them help, see something say something. You could save a few oftheir braincells from permenant damage

    1. +1 During Trumps presidency look at the incredible number of pedo rings and pedos being busted. I think Trump may be a lot of things but a pedo he is not.

    2. +100! There needs to be a hotline for people to call to get help for loved ones suffering from TDS!

    3. @vtec, exactly! Because Trump has never made gross and inappropriate comments (on the record) about underaged girls or his own daughter.

  29. nonyabusiness, it is believed the record number of sealed indictments is evidence that this is really happening. And while I don't like to accuse people without cause,Andy Spade shares a fondness for an artist whose work is prominent in the home of Tony Podesta.

  30. well youtoo, all of this did not happen under Obama, did it? The darling of Hollywood, who was worshipped, and spent his time hopping from late night talk shows, to rapper-photo-ops, he was rubbing elbows with all of them. Pedophiles, killers, rapists, ex drug dealers, you name it, Obama was snogging them. As was Hillary, who took how many millions from Weinstein personally? You think she would have allowed this shit to go down had she been in charge?
    It's all connected, my stupid little triggered friend: Hollywood greases the media and politicians, while politicians grease the media and Hollywood.
    But suddenly we have a non-Hollywood, non-politician, who pisses everyone off, so they hate him, try to take him down. I mean, Trump really won against all odds, everyone, literally EVERYONE was against him: all the media, all celebrities, all of entertainment.
    And this very hated Trump, is in office for exactly 5 minutes and suddenly the Hollywood shit hits the Hollywood fan.
    Draw your own conclusions.

    1. Lifelong fan and connected by family to Deniro ,but his comments at the Tony Awards are much a part of a problem,and not solution seeking.
      Also-grade school theatrics which are so embarrassing in their nature ,that giving it the time I took to write this -seem sad.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. AJ Benza said he had heard of about 35000 nationally sealed charges associated with child molestation, that when they were about to be opened there would be a slew of suicides.

  32. It's a coincidence. It's not Trump. So you're telling me the Russians got him into office to bring down pedophiles? No need to name call.

  33. "Bourdain knew too much about the CIA/HRC/Hollywood/Globalist pedo stuff."

    Oooooof course he did.

    " Between Weinstein and the upcoming pedo/ human trafficking sweep,it was predicted that there would be many suicides."

    By a reveler in attention shown to him by thrill and Outrage addicts such as yourself.


    "Q did indeed write that there would be a wave of suicides and murders before the big pedophile roundup occurs. "

    Suicide is a contagious social phenomena. That was established many years ago. Your thrill over pedophilia noted. Way to entertain yourself! Such a warrior!


    " but the mountain of dead bodies, in the Clinton's rear view mirror, consisting of journalists, politicians, businessmen, etc, never made anyone question anything?"

    Public figures, particularly politicians, know 1000x more people than you or I, ergo, they know more people who die. Really, it's quite simple.


    I'm not flabbergasted these delusional culties think Trump is going to save the world. If you read any of the shit they believe, that induced them to vote for Donny Moscow, it all shows a type of corrupted thinking that cannot, even now, admit that Donny is flaking out on his promises or simply not concerned with their needs of the world's needs. Donny is in it for Donny. Lovely Daughter Ivanka just made a killing in China for Donny handing our jobs over to the Chinese. They won't even look at that possibility. Trump is like their god - NO QUESTIONS! NO CONTRADICTIONS!

    1. Go away.
      You're such a fucking buzzkill.

    2. I know you have a very overinflated ego and probably won't believe this, but no one really cares reads your long, drawn out bullshit!

    3. This site is going downhill so fast. I actually long for the days of Derek-and that’s saying something.

  34. OMG, what did you just write???
    You're too fucking dumb for me.
    Go speak to someone else now please, I just can't.

  35. You need to grow up, Boredatwork.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. You need to add a few more braincells to your duo.

  38. I find it interesting that people always make the argument that Bourdain self admitedly suffered years of depression.
    I have a sincere question.
    Who here, HASN'T suffered bouts of depression? Really.
    Which of you HAVEN'T had the thought of suicide cross your mind, at least once, over the course of your lifetime...
    Be real with yourself, and sincerely think about how much easier it would be to count WHO HASN'T had this very same history. I bet 9 out of 10 here. And if it's much less, I suspect people aren't being honest.
    I just do not feel that it is a strong enough argument for him to actually kill himself. His own mother said he was the LAST person she would ever think would do this.

    And for the other oh-so-pleasant posters who love to come on here and talk about YOU ALL A BUNCH OF FKN IDIOTS 4CHAN TRUMPSTER DUMPSTER CUNT IDIOTS WHO CAN'T THINK FOR YOURSELF
    how lovely if would be to be you - and live in a world without question and where everything is so pleasant and nothing like murder to silence good people, or an organized pedo ring would happen. You look far more foolish than any of us who KNOW that terrible things can and do happen.

  39. Wondering what the odds are that in the next week or two Plot-TWISTED suddenly vanishes from this site and several months after that we somehow learn he went out with a Kate Spade fashion statement.

    Keep 'em coming, my pathetic nemesis. Your side is LOSING, which is no doubt why your spastic raves are becoming increasingly unhinged. Every time you rant, I grow stronger. Your desperation and panic feeds my righteous soul.

  40. Q is fake, it was exposed 2 weeks ago. So anyone spewing Q shit needs to shut the fuck up with the corny LARP shit. Its over, Tracy Beanz is one of the idiots behind it, if you need YouTube references. Soapbax Patriot is the other channel behind it. ITS ALL FAKE.

    Anways, Bourdain's connection to Weinstein is his GF Asia or Aja or whatever her names is... who was raped by Weinstein. So yes, he has a connection there.

  41. @rosie riveter so you actually believe HRC sacrifices babies for adrinochrome? .... and I'm the one that lives in a world without question

    1. No, I don't belive everything. I believe HRC is evil and they for sure have a body count behind them. But babies? I haven't heard that one. The Clinton's are bad news though. For sure

  42. So when are Bourdain's real friends going to come and back up the story about the open relationship? If Bourdain was so cool with her banging that guy in Rome, surely they'd know, and if she was such a supportive, innocent, loving presence for him they'd be way ahead of everything making sure the world knew she did nothing wrong.

    But it doesn't seem to be going that way.

  43. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Youtoo and bored at work should get a room and peg each other. Pronto.

  44. I can't help but think about the PI in Soaked in Bleach that said what better way to kill someone? Kill a/an ex/active junkie and it easily looks like suicide. Courtney was immediately out of the gate controlling the narrative. Same with Kate and Bourdain. Conclusions drawn before the bodies removed.

  45. SUICIDE WEEKEND Weirdness. Come on up to the Lab.
    #Bourdain #Spade #Pizzagate #QAnon #GreatAwakening

  46. Neon Volt on his weirdo shit again.


  47. Uh-oh, I have been critical of Harvey Weinstein in the past, I hope he doesnt track me down and have me killed! Give me a break.

  48. The level of cognitive dissonance required to still assert that Russians got Trump in office is astounding. If you are a real person, this is a sight to behold. You should be studied by psychologists for the tenacity with which you cling to absurd delusions to maintain your belief system.


  49. Here is the Twitter feed about Asia Argento's tragic childhood and disturbing adulthood. It's the first picture with her father that hurts me most.

  50. Don't buy the suicide because it would be highly unusual for a Cancer man to do that to his child.

  51. @rosie---there is a HUGE difference between being depressed and suffering from clinical depression---perhaps akin to a skinned knee versus a major cut needing multiple stitches. To deny the existence of clinical depression actually increases the stigma.

  52. I'd read he liked to lock himself away most times since he worked so much and so much with people. Ripert is fishy to me....

  53. We all line to do that lol(especially with kids or Ft jobs).
    Eric is a gentleman and was a dear friend to him.
    Thats all I’ll say about that.

  54. Replies
    1. Me too. Always have.
      The truth is inconvient for those -opposed to it because they are “inconvenienced” by it.
      It’s also undeniable and always prevails.

  55. @rosie

    "Who here, HASN'T suffered bouts of depression?"

    Suicidal depression? Never personally, but I know people who have. It's a horrible thing to deal with, as a victim or a friend.


    "Wondering what the odds are that in the next week or two Plot-TWISTED suddenly vanishes from this site and several months after that we somehow learn he went out with a Kate Spade fashion statement."

    Not only delusional, and thrills over the actions of pedophiles, but can't write a sentence that makes a lick of sense.

    "Your side is LOSING"

    That is how you see this????? Sexual and child abuse is like a sports even to you???? Where you will be a BIG WINNER, with a championship ring????

    My god, you are more disgusting then I previously imagined.


    "Lifelong fan and connected by family to Deniro ,but his comments at the Tony Awards are much a part of a problem"

    And Donny Moscow destroying our government laws and connections to allies, like a tantrumy child, isn't? The GOP in Congress letting everything fail, gleefully, so they can acquire rich lobbyist positions isn't the problem?

    'Merica!, except you don't live here anymore do you...allegedly.

    Yeah, DiNiro is the problem, sure.


    Entertaining yourself again using Asia Argento! How do you not vomit when you look in the mirror?

    1. Did you say something@plot?
      I was picking my nose and could have sworn I felt you communicating to me/us in some way?
      Maybe it was my kid kid passing gas.
      Same difference 😉

  56. What hold onto your hats folks...what if BOTH Trump and Clinton are a pair of cunts who are involved in highly illegal activity?

    Why do you twats assume that if you criticise Trump then you must be a Clinton supporter?

    Oh, and your President molested his own daughter. What normal father poses for photos with his daughter like she was his girlfriend? Google the photos..

  57. Oh Tricia you CARD!

    Go teach that gassy baby all about how De Niro is the cause of all the problems in the world and how the faux lynchings of Obama were SOOOOO funny!

    Certainly he will grow up loved on your alleged island paradise for that.

    1. What’s alleged about where I live boo?
      If we all imagine you in a basement with a hamster for a friend,is that alleged ?

  58. @Tricia

    "The truth is inconvient for those -opposed to it because they are “inconvenienced” by it."

    Ain't it something when someone declares they have a handle on Big Truth?

    Like cult leaders who promise the End Times are on their way...any day now...promise...stay on your knees...don't doubt it...only the holy are strong enough to see...

  59. Except pedo rings have not been busted during this presidency and Donny has not implemented one law or action that led to any increase in the arrests of pedos.

    If anything has led to a greater number of arrests in the last decade, it was Obama's FBI task force funded and started in 2009.

  60. Not gonna gum up the works here wasting energy on the pedo-defenders. I just advise everybody to check out that Twitter thread.

    I agree it's a bit much. I don't buy all of it, but I do buy the secret society stuff, because I know they exist. My grandfather was a member of one and he warned all his grandchildren to stay away from them all.

    All you really need to do is see that picture and think about poor Asia Argento as a ten year old girl. It's very easy to have mercy and empathy for anyone who suffered through such horrors, how their brain must have reacted. So tragic.

  61. @DDonna

    "Not gonna gum up the works here wasting energy on the pedo-defenders"

    No, just going to gum up the works with your glee over how entertaining pedophilia is! Twitter! Stat!

  62. “Plot/Malibuborebee /Add infinity
    Please STFU. We know who you are...
    now go back to gurgling in Woody Allen’s balls ,merci.🙏🏻🥂

    1. *decrepit balls.
      Try Other -younger gun pedos -you know where to find them non?

  63. Only crypto-death-cult-shippers get on their knees pre-puberty to suck-HW-dick for a living. Or take it up-the-ass. For a job. Schlomo likes 'em young. Sad. They age-out fast. And the coven takes the losers.

    Do you gals sacrifice your own babies? Or just the ones you traffick? Asking for a fren...

  64. Anonymous5:57 PM

    @Tricia13 ❤️
    DeNiro is worried..and he should be

  65. There's a reason our ancestors burned witches. Perhaps one should use a more modern noun. Like PSYCHOPATH. Cuz those who traffick and rape and murder and EAT children are irredeemable. Pathology is an inherited trait. It runs in families. So BURN THEM. HUNT THEM DOWN. DESTROY THEM. Every single DNA strand. Be warned. It's coming.

  66. @Tricia

    "We know who you are."

    No, really, you don't.

    "If we all imagine you in a basement with a hamster for a friend,is that alleged ?"

    That's fine by me since there is nothing to stop you, as there is nothing to stop me from imagining all the reasons a person might fake an island life and seek stories of pedophilia for entertainment purposes.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. @plot,the one and only person here who has ever expressed glee regarding pedophilia is you. Please have your orgasm in private please. The sources I go by do not have a Q in them, but the information regarding the sealed indictments appears to be a reality. What is your fear of this coming out? That someone you despise is successful,or someone you admire is exposed? If you want justice, you have to accept the possibility this could happen.

    1. @Guesser you make too sense; this may make plot melt or implode.

      @ plot Why would would I fake where I live you moron?
      Care for me to post another pix from today ??
      My profile is private-and RIGHTLY -so -Einstein.

      Now scurry back into your hole or hop on that hamster wheel/for as many aliases as you have- I figure you can have a good ride .

      Hard times still ,eh?

    2. @Tricia 13 We would not want that to happen would we? 🤔❤️

  68. ",the one and only person here who has ever expressed glee regarding pedophilia is you"

    How so? I'm not discussing anything about pedophilia in terms of Big Winners and Big Losers like DDonna, like it's some sporting event. I'm not acting like a kid on Xmas Eve for Donny to unleash his super agents, as per his alter ego QAnon, on the public, willy nilly, bashing pedophiles with truncheons and throwing them in dungeons of horror, like many here. So exciting! So what are you talking about?

    "What is your fear of this coming out?"

    Why do you imagine I fear anything? When has that emotion been a part of my demeanor?

    "That someone you despise is successful,or someone you admire is exposed? "

    I have no idea what you are talking about. I don't think humans are gods so their success or...exposure...WTF do you mean...doesn't ultimately define who they are, for me. So what is your point? Out with it.

    "If you want justice, you have to accept the possibility this could happen."

    The former has nothing to do with the later. I can want justice, for many things, without accepting the cocked up theories of QAnon or folks here.

  69. @Tricia

    "Why would would I fake where I live"

    I don't know. Why do you expect me to know you personally?

    "Care for me to post another pix from today ??"

    Not really unless it satisfies you in some way.

    "My profile is private"

    I never noticed.

    "as many aliases as you have"

    Nope, no aliases, just me.

  70. @plot,you faking ignorance is getting old,it shows up whenever you can't answer a truth. Of course someone being exposed for a serious crime defines who they really are,and it should. We are focusing only on the unforgivable,not lapses in judgement. Baiting @Tricia 13 is apparently your new means of relevance,since so many have given up on having a legitimate debate with you. Also, you have at least one other alt ego,the one that praises you when no one else does.

    1. Plot wasn’t baiting. Tricia thinks she’s some sanctimonious goddess who owns the comment section (even when she consistently guesses wrong) and has to reply to everyone with her prayer hand BS

    2. No. She doesn't.

    3. They are thank you ha ss Einstein, for me. Sorry that escapes your Teen Mom acumen (if I recall) and your General Basic-ness.I don’t purport to be or “think “I’m anything dove, least of all a”goddess”But the more you flap your guns about me it’s becoming clearer That perhaps,you do.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Omg I cannot even

    Plot, you're HERE reading the pedOblinds
    lolololol ... I seriously don't even know how to feel about this hahaha
    I'm not even mad lol

  72. Remember one day Q didn't exist on CDAN?
    Then suddenly he did?

  73. @Guesser

    "you faking ignorance"

    Ignorance of WHAT? Honestly, what the ever loving fuck are you talking about???

    "whenever you can't answer a truth."

    Again, WTF????

    "Of course someone being exposed for a serious crime defines who they really are,and it should."

    I don't understand how this connected to anything I wrote. (thinking) Are you talking about my thoughts on how people can't be defined as absolutely good or bad? That their success of failures aren't their defining features? I'm really not sure. I'm not sure what you mean by "exposed" either, which I said earlier.

    "Tricia 13 is apparently your new means of relevance"

    Huh? I don't expect my own relevance to be validated on CDAN.

    " having a legitimate debate"

    So you think legitimate debate happens here. I see a bunch of sycophants unquestioningly agreeing with each other and leaping to new heights of ridiculous theorizing. That is not debate.

    " Also, you have at least one other alt ego"

    Nope. Come on. Who else here writes like me? No one.

    "he one that praises you"

    I seriously do not care if anyone praises me or not. Okay, that is a lie, being praised is always nice but hardly worth going through the trouble of creating more than one account,

  74. Wow. I get everyone to bed and come check for more bullshit Bourdain blinds. Oh my lawd, this has devolved into such a tornado of absolute crap. Y’all never fail to disappoint. Kudos. #Illuminati #Jay-ZDidIt

  75. Steering this back to Anthony, did you see the photo his estranged wife posted of their daughter at her concert? Made my heart hurt.

  76. Mine too @Dallas Alice.

    Bourdain also irked world politicians (not world leaders,although I am sure he did). During the parts unknown episode of Armenia, he was talking about the Armenian genocide,which Turkey denies to this day,on international tv.
    No I am not Armenian nor Turkish but it was horrible what happened.

  77. My best friend is Armenian and the fact Turkey still denies it had her incensed. It’s like the Germans denying the Holocaust.

  78. All that and only one guess?
    No other males alleged to have died of suicide involved in film?

  79. If you could read Argento's twitter in Italian, and were familiar with Italian political life, you would immediately see and know how Argento is completely in line with the equivalent of American leftists, anti-religion, pro-abortion, pro-LGTBetc, pro immigration and generally endorsing any left-wing dogma and news trend acritically and in complete autopilot. Just to complete the picture for you DDonna.

  80. You're father just died suddenly. Maybe murder. And you perform in a rock concert two days later. Oh. And you're ELEVEN-YEARS-OLD. And you wear a pair of fuck-me-boots in his honor.

    These people are SICK.


  81. AJ Benza has some interesting observations on his podcast Monday and Friday.

  82. "...Argento is completely in line with the equivalent of American leftists...". And there it is folks. The American LEFT. In all its Sabbatean death-culting, kiddie-fucking, baby-murdering, spirit-cooking, money-laundering and drug-trafficking glory.

    Stake them. Burn them. Salt the earth.

  83. @Hayley

    "Tricia thinks she’s some sanctimonious goddess who owns the comment section (even when she consistently guesses wrong) and has to reply to everyone with her prayer hand BS"

    She speaks emoji so well doesn't she! Almost like she trained with a Kardashian, the younger ones who never attended school.

  84. @Remie

    "no one really cares reads your long, drawn out bullshit!"

    Don't know who you meant this for, but you cared enough to respond. So carers +1!

    1. Plot showing up again to care enough to comment on a ped0/Conspiracy blind:


  85. @Plot LOL! It's the prayer hands that get me. It reminds me of something the characters would unironically do on Arrested Development

    1. Hayley, you are welcome to show up early and make guesses first.
      Having someone like Tricia here takes most of the guesswork out of it because we all know she's probably right. If there's 15
      blinds and guesses 13 correct, those are pretty good numbers.
      Enty starts early though, if you're west coast time. Before 7am- come back and dazzle us

    2. 😂🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    3. Tricia, get over yourself.

  86. "Ripert is fishy to me...."

    This made me laugh. Ripert's restaurant in NYC, Le Bernardin, is one of the top restaurants in the world. They specialize in seafood.

  87. Careful. That salt is mighty dangerous for a witch.

  88. @Original Aunty: I was not demonizing the American left or Argento for leaning with the Italian left. People will go where they can and think what they feel is right. I just wanted to complete the picture. Argento cannot be completely co-opted by the anti-Clintonian (for lack of a better term) side nor can she be ascribed to the left seeing what she has done in regards to Weinstein. She is precisely in that grey, somewhat ridiculous area where the metoo find themselves. That's also why IMO they, and Argento, have a difficult time convincing people or bringing them to their side. Until you start seeing how the whole leftist/marxist paradigm, regardless of how good some ideas have been to our personal growth and to the political growth of many entities around the world, ties together with globalist, totalitarian ambitions and possibly with ruling over the elite via child abuse and rape, until you start critically reviewing all the ideas that seemed so right until a moment ago when being for the left was the right thing to do, people will not take you seriously. Perhaps much more damning that attacking Weinstein would have been for Argento to turn to a more adult political view, instantly losing that left-wing hebrew-intellectual support she thrives on.

  89. Whew. Quite the word-salad. I waste no salt on Harvey-the-pig and his witchy-poo-piglets. But its kinda spoopy Harvey gets the full-#METOO-monty whilst the REAL kiddie-fuckers and baby-eaters are ignored by coven-23-skadoo. Weird huh. Almost like someone is using Harvey's well-worn casting-couch as a convenient decoy. To misdirect the angry villagers with pitchforks and rope and torches from the REAL vampire's nest. Makes ya wonder what the #METOO gals are REALLY hiding.

    Do witches and pedos and HW fame-whores have "adult political views"? Wow. That IS newsworthy. Wonder what's they think of the impending RICO indictments? Like witness tampering. Blackmail. Bribery. Intimidation. Mail-fraud. Etc. You get the drift. Lots of witchery in 40,000 sealed indictments.

    Harvey is singing the sirens songs. Watch out for the rocks.

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. And maryscott plot returns in spades to defend the defenseless, and rescue the reputations of elitist baby rapists; despite declaring disdainfully that no commenter can find one single instance where they have ever defended pedos before.

    Too sad, so predictable.

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. @Pickle Rick

    " rescue the reputations of baby rapists"

    How so? Who have I rescued or attempted to?

    I won't join the cult-think here, where everyone validates one another and thinks QAnon is the ultimate source of knowledge. Is that really defending anyone at all or is it just criticizing those who are entertained by pedophilia like DDonna and Emoji Trish?


    If you don't read other BIs, except those which tickle your need for pedophilia thrills, then you wouldn't know if I comment other places or not, would you?

  94. @Hayley

    Is there an emoji for that?

    Otherwise, getting over herself is not a part of Emoji Trish's mental vocabulary.

  95. You guys are so mean to Tricia. The only thing I agree with is that she guesses incorrectly a lot of the time and then everyone just discusses her guess and we go off topic.

  96. Maybe that is Emoji Trish's purpose around here.

    At any rate, I had no problem with her, usually enjoyed her participation around here (even when she uses emojis like a 12 year old.) I had no idea that she was part of the Pedophiles as Entertainment Cabal around here until she started in on their superiority to anyone doubting their QAnon programming. Uh Oh. Nope, not going to play that game and certainly not going to put up with their accusations against anyone who disagrees with them.

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. Not interested in getting on the "Plot/Maryscott_OConnor Selective Memory Go 'Round." However, I am glad to see you landed on your feet somewhere that won't fire you for plagiarizing blog content (again).


  99. @DDonnaTarttty - ugh, I agree. Very disturbing picture. Isnt't this movie being rebooted this year or am I mixing it up with something else??

  100. Total Bullshit! This site is just a bunch of Conspiracy-twats snorting lines of paranoia-ridden garbage. In their world, no one actually commits suicide because they've been depressed all their lives and feel like most of humanity is nothing more than animals with opposable thumbs. No, they are "suicided" by the "Deep State" or "the Illuminati" or the "Jews" because they knew something and was about to expose it. Have you ever worked for a multinational corporation? I'm talking about $40+ Billion in revenue with a presence in every country? If you ever had, you'd know that pulling off all of these "globalist" shenanigans is completely impossible. How is it that these nefarious people can utilize so many people without so much as a hint of leakage? It's hilarious how the same people will rail against an ineffective government on the one hand, then tell you their is a shadow government running this country.
    Stop living in a Post-Truth world people.

  101. Staying on topic, heres the problem with entys murder fantasy.

    Anthony unfriended Asia on instagram and other social media right after the pics of her and Hugo Clemente came out.

    Unfriending was done a day or two before he died. Which makes Asias open relationship claim bs.

    Regardless if he cheated on her first, Anthony was heartbroken finding Asia with Hugo.

    Which makes sense for his dark mood. So it makes it perfectly plausible for him to commit suicide over Asias affair.

    This murder conspiracy stuff is something enty cane up with on the fly because people kept pressuring him for dirt on bourdain and he didnt have anything legit.

    Don't get me wrong enty has had stuff right in the past but i think his sources are starting to dry up as you see more reader blinds and left field conspiracy stories like this.

  102. @Poppymann

    It's fairly obvious that the QAnon people here don't actually hold down steady jobs, much less jobs in the corporate environment. Unless emojis are spoken there, most these folks could barely communicate based on what they write here, at least.

    They have ideas of how business works. They have ideas of how Hollywood works. They have ideas of how government works. All of them are wrong, but you can't tell them that without a great gnashing of teeth and rending of garments. Their object is not to learn anything but to entertain themselves with really vile (and terribly wrong) fantasies.

    Threaten their entertainment source and they go batshit crazy.

  103. @Emoji Trish

    What the ever-loving fuck are you talking about?

    1. @looney tunes
      I didn’t write a word to you ,rather I responded to something innocuous and painfully ironic that @Hailey wrote very early today(just saw it).
      How odd of you to respond within seconds....
      Which alter are you asking for then ?
      👩‍👩‍👧‍👧👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👨‍👧👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👧👨‍👨‍👧‍👧-I bet it’s the second from the right, third box.

  104. @plot has in response,stated seven or more times that others here have pedo fantasies. Often when the subject wasn't brought up. Who really is having them? She mocks@Tricia13 for using emojis, then repeatedly namecalls her and several others mean girl style. Who is the one acting like a 12 year old? Last thought on the blind,the conveniently taken photos of Asia with another man, too perfect. We have gone back to questioning the character of the victims. Killed two birds with one stone. Harvey made it clear he will take everyone down with him.

    1. I feel embarrassed for them. Their attacks are as tedious ,uninspired ,and transparent as it gets@Guesser. Such must be the confinement of their own misery, hence the missed targets they fool themselves into thinking -will be hit. I said who this is... people here long enough will likely see it.

    2. Now let’s allmpaise in 3-2-1 we’ll both get cations if what we just wrote (as if nobody saw it in the above line), and a retort that’s the equivalent of theMagna Carta with the content of my kids used diapers.

    3. *captions😉😉😉

  105. You must be mistaken. I’ve only commented under this name, my real name. Which is Hayley, not Hailey. I’ve read this site for almost a decade but don’t always have time to comment. And I’ve never seen an episode of Teen Mom or any other bs reality show, thank you very much. Nice attempt with the conspiracy theories about my and other poster’s identities. You act like there’s one person conspiracist against you. But I’m not Derek and I doubt plot is either. It comes as no surprise, because you do seem to encourage others and their wild conspiracy theories. And honey, the basic one is you, who name drops any chance she gets. I’m just come here at the end of my day, after I live my life.

    1. I don’t name drop/ I lived it.
      But your precious all the same doll

    2. And by precious I mean - very.... VERY special.
      I’m not user of any conspiracy theorists/ please point out where.
      I call out Bullshit Trolls, and Theron lies a difference Hayplot

    3. *therein
      Almost forgot- 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🎉👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👍🥂teaks for all the energy and attention you show me:)
      It’s an embarrassment of riches,really 😊

    4. You’re*


    5. Also, being compared to plot is a compliment, but I’m not as articulate as they are


  106. Long time reader and lurker. I stuck around during format changes. I've read about the trouble with various aliases attacking Tricia and others. I've eye rolled at the obvious fake stories and I've become disgusted by the trump trolls and infowars followers.

    Why the invasion? Why the obvious misinformation and off topic posts? I don't know plot nor anyone else. But plot, kudos. And Tricia, I'm beginning to see why you have the haters.

  107. @Guesser

    "@plot has in response,stated seven or more times that others here have pedo fantasies"

    No, plot has said that others here find pedophilia a form of their own entertainment. They (you?) certainly aren't helping victims or raising awareness. They (you?) are playing a game that amuses you.

    See the difference?

    "She mocks@Tricia13 for using emojis, then repeatedly namecalls her and several others mean girl style."

    Allegedly, Emoji Trish is an adult woman. Communicating like a 12-year-old is distinctly weird.

    "Harvey made it clear he will take everyone down with him."

    When did he say that? Truly curious, have not read that.

  108. @Emoji Trish

    "I don’t name drop/ I lived it"

    Uh huh. Just like Mr. Talley Griffith?

  109. @Emoji Trish

    "I call out Bullshit Trolls"

    Is that what you imagine you are doing? Oh that's adorable! Really, all you've done is declared yourself (yeah, it's always about you) a member of the most special people who know Big Truth. You've never called out anyone that I've noticed, only bring it all back to yourself.

    No, I'm wrong. That's not adorable. It's...sad.

    1. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  110. Hey dickhead (@plot) why did you defend George Nader? The convicted pedophile who met with Donald Trump, GW Bush, and Bill Clinton


    "How do we know the pictures Nader imported were for him?"

    -@PLOT May 25

    Why do you always lie @plot. Who is paying you?

    How do you sleep knowing you are justifying the rape AND PORNOGRAPHY of children?

  111. I really hope @plot is doxxed. She is 5he most vile poster on CDAN.

    I believe in privacy. But you don't deserve it when you anonymously encourage child rape.

  112. Speak of the devils: "Operation Broken Heart took place between March and May (of this year) across the US. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the popularity of the internet is facilitating more child sex crimes. 'It is shocking and very sad that in this one operation, we have arrested more than 2,300 alleged child predators and investigated some 25,200 sexual abuse complaints. 'Any would-be criminal should be warned: this Department will remain relentless in hunting down those who victimize our children,' he said."

    I'm guessing plot/maryscott_oconnor will say Sessions is just doing this for sport.

  113. No, I would say that the show of many arrests, gathering people in a pen, is no guarantee of convictions...or even real perpetrators.

    Sessions' numbers, too, are totally fabricated.

    But don't let that conflict with your fun little storyline which never helped catch a predator or help a victim. Exciting! though, amiright?

  114. Non-DM source:

  115. The source is Sessions who is lying. He has some legal experience and shouldn't be crowing over people rounded up but rather what convictions he can secure.

    He is talking like a tabloid reporter, not our Attorney General. Hell, even that POS John Ashcroft wouldn't say this.

  116. @plot/Maryscott_OConnor - At minimum, are you able to concede it is a step in the right direction, or is that against your shilling contract?

  117. It's not a step in the right direction if it's all a PR stunt to make Trump look like he is doing something he isn' any way shape or form.

    BTW, if you think Trump really cares, reallyreally cares, about kids, what about all this kids separated from their parents down at the border, the ones being thrown into prison facilities and denied any contact with family?

    I guess it's safer for your mentality to believe I'm a shill rather than confront the REAL pain and victimization happening to REAL kids, right there, under your nose, all at the behest of your Fearless Leader.

    Let the hypocrisy of your delusion wash over you.

  118. ...and you only have one account here @plot / @maryscott_oconnor

  119. (speaking of delusional hypocrisy)

  120. So Pickle believes that so few people disagree with his fantasies that one person has to make multiple accounts to contradict them.

    Sweetie, that's so beyond delusional hypocrisy. That's running away like a little girl from the fragility of your theses.



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