Sunday, June 10, 2018

Blind Item #9

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actress from an acting family says she was hit on by this married anti vaxxer who serial cheated on his last wife until she killed herself. This current wife has seen a lot of the same thing. 


  1. Dakota Johnson and someone

    1. RFK jr? /current wife Cheryl Hines

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Please vaccinate.

    1. Please do your own research and make your own decisions. This is a free country and we have every right to exercise informed consent to any and all medical care and treatment!

    2. so true, thank you for this comment!

  3. RFK Jr could barely speak during an interview. Is he ok ?

    1. He has a medical issue that effects his speaking ability.

  4. Mary was his 2nd wife I believe.

  5. Everyone of these anti vacc retards should be prosecuted for child neglect.

    1. I'm surprised your support medical tyranny! Free people have the right to make medical decisions for themselves and their children and it is NOT neglect!

  6. Medical BOGO, get vaccinated, autism goes along for the ride. Yay! Do it today.

    1. Dangerous misinformation

    2. Spread them out don’t cluster vaccinate

    3. Fuck you. Autism is unique for each person and, yes, is a challenge. As are fucking cunts telling everyone how to behave.

  7. Robert Kennedy Jr has Spasmotic Dysphonia which causes his vocal cords to spasm and cause his voice to sound strained. Senator Susan Collins has the same affliction.

    1. Thanks Scorpotina!!

    2. Oops, sorry. Scorpiotina explained it way better than I did!

  8. Just space the vaccines out a few months. Jesus. People act like of course there's no risk in giving infants in one visit a combination shot for measles-mumps-rubella -- or two combination shots, one in the arm for dipteriea-tetanus-pertussis and one in the leg administering vaccines for three different strains of polio. Sure. Don't dare study it! It doesn't matter that this is new practice. Anyone's immune system can handle that in one go.

    1. Thus is the power of the media (which is bought and paid for in large part by giant pharmaceutical corporations). People won’t believe what is right in front of them.

    2. Exactly! I was unquestionably pro vaccine until my baby almost died following a vaccination. Thankfully he survived, however he has been left with sensory issues. How dare anyone tell me or other parents that choosing to stop vaccinating him is child abuse or neglect 😡! I watched him dying in my arms and now I have to hold him through meltdowns because he can't manage his sensory overload but I am a bad parent because I stopped consenting to the medical intervention that caused this? The ignorance about vaccine is absolutely appalling! Do your own research people and stop attacking loving parents when you have no effing idea what they have been through that led them to question vaccine safety!!!

  9. Didn't he cheat on Cheryl even before they married? I hope she thinks this is worth it.

  10. sure @Bleu

    When playing Russian Roulette with the kiddos I suppose you can minimize risk by removing a few bullets.

  11. Ohh look, found an anti-vaxxer! And one that still thinks they cause autism!

  12. The political class can't make you take stupid pills so they invented vaccines. Line up kiddos, we want you dumb so you'll become a good Leftist.

  13. Figure this was supposed to get a rise out of the two opposing sides. Are we being A/B tested? Interesting. I'll play.

    One the fence about the vaccines. My kids got theirs, but not as many as were recommended over the years.

    In the USA, kids now get upwards of two dozen shots. In Europe and elsewhere it's at least half that many.

    Let me offer this thought: Don't plug your newborn or recently born baby with a bunch of shots. Don't circumcise your baby boy, either. That's a whole lot of trauma right out of the gate on their little bodies.

    Space out the shots, let them age a bit.

    Here's another thought: Perhaps most kids can weather the shots well and become immunized, but there are a tiny percentage whose bodies reject the shots and cause bad effects. But the greater good decision was made to cover up that tiny percentage who are harmed for the overall betterment of the health of children.

    Considering all we've learned about how corrupt the pharmaceutical industry is, it's amazing how many people will allow their kids to play pincushion for a bunch of pushy doctors and brainwashed groupthink cattle parents.

  14. lol so now only leftists get vaccinated? wow.

    Vaccines are why polio and other diseases aren't around anymore, ask your grandparents.

    1. Exactly right, Wendy!

    2. Actually Wendy, you just showed everyone that you have swallowed the MsM talking points about vaccines. If you wanted to actually investigate for yourself you can easily find the truth. A good place to start is researching SV40 in the polio vaccine. You can even find a YouTube clip of the inventor of the polio vaccine admitting they knew this cancer causing virus was in the vaccine but still allowed millions of trusting people to be injected with it anyway. Please forgive those of us who happen to question what gets injected into our bodies, especially knowing that people pushing vaccines have a history of not being honest or caring about the best interest of the individual.

  15. @Wendy

    My grandmother actually had polio, was cured.

    Fever is an effective protective and healing measure not only against colds and simple infections, but against such serious diseases as polio and cancer.

    look around for "schlenz bath". It worked for her.

    1. A fever isn't good when you have cancer it means there is an infection somewhere and an infection to a already compromised immuse system bad... stop giving medical advice Dr.Phil you are not trained or taught any of this... is right..left..liberal makes no difference

    2. Hey stupid, geewally wasn't talking about cancer, but about polio. Please try to keep up if you can.

  16. When they "incurable" what they are really saying is "no profitable cure".

    1. Hey Wally, have you ever read about Dr. Fred Klenner and his research/work using high dose IV vitamin C? It's fascinatin and he was able to reverse and view many diseases including polio. His findings were suppressed because vitamin c is cheap and not profitable!

    2. "Fascinating" and "cure" not view!!

  17. This just in: Earth is flat not round! Spread the news!

  18. @sandybrook

    The earth is not flat, that is a hoax conspiracy designed to insinuate all conspiracy theories are koo-koo.

    Nice try!

  19. Wally I'm being sarcastic...anyway ask my boy Kyrie Irving he was smart enough to get admitted to fucking Duke to play basketball, you also need grades but lower than a regular student.

  20. @sandybrook

    I don't consider NBA athletes to be a good source for scientific debates. They are all role playing. Literally.

  21. @sandybrooke

    Kyrie Irving

    Because when you think something completely different, science has proven it, everyone has thought and believed this to be true, and then you say something on the opposing side, and it gets a reaction that’s not necessarily authentic at all. There’s just a “Hey, let’s get this preconceived notion about who he is as a person,” you have no idea. I really wanted to put that on the biggest stage of “now it becomes your side vs. my side.” At the end of the day, does it really matter?

    he's just attention whoring.

  22. Yeah Wally that's true but a Dookie thinking that and being adamant about it shocked me.

  23. Hey @Stupidpervs ...

    You obviously didn't read what I wrote, but being a perv, well, I would probably have to explain things to you with pitchers.

  24. Jim wasn't married to Cathriona, she was a gf

  25. My second foster child placement was 3years old and never had shots, his birth mother didn't want him to have any at all, no way! Well I didn't find that out until three weeks in to our time together- and had already taken him to get his well-child check that's mandatory with these kids.
    I found out he was way behind in doctor&dental visits(it's always like that) and had them fill him up full of every shot available over the course of three weeks--then sent him safely back to his birth home 6 months later
    Hahaha hahaha it was so funny

    1. Exactly
      At 3 the child is old enough to handle the onslaught
      0–2 yrs old IDK

    2. your disrespect and callousness of a parents wishes is pretty frightening Rosie. You don't sound safe for a child and I hope you are no longer fostering OTHER people's children! You give foster parents a bad name!

    3. your disrespect and callousness of a parents wishes is pretty frightening Rosie. You don't sound safe for a child and I hope you are no longer fostering OTHER people's children! You give foster parents a bad name!

  26. Your child has more chance of dying from measles etc., than becoming autistic from having a shot, you fucking mongs. You are child abusers and should be prosecuted.

    1. That's absolutely NOT true Viking! If you want to vaccinate yourself and your child then by all means go for it, but why the hell do you have the right to tell others what they have to do with their children's medical care? Do you seriously support undermining parental rights? You really want to live in a country where parents are considered child abusers for exercising informed consent and making their own choices? How sick! Worry about your own damn kids.

  27. I see the Pharma-Trolls are ever present. Obey Big Pharma!

  28. That is great that you foster, Rosie! It must be pretty hard sometimes.

    It's been amazing to read in the local paper about outbreaks of diseases that were cured with vaccines before my parents were born. That shouldn't be happening. Add to that, a small amount of people have legitimate health reasons why they can't get a certain vaccine. Not vaccinating your kids for no real reason puts those people at risk.

  29. CDC admits 98 million Americans were given cancer virus

    The CDC has admitted that between 1955–1963 over 98 million Americans received one or more doses of a polio shot which was contaminated with a cancer-causing virus called Simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV40).......

  30. Wendy wrote "Ohh look, found an anti-vaxxer! And one that still thinks they cause autism!"

    Isn't Wendy cute! Does Wendy not know that a recent study by 4 U. of British Columbia scientists found that aluminum in vaccines triggers autism, especially in boys?

  31. Ok. It has been proven, 100%, that vaccines do NOT cause autism. It has been proven that the researcher that made these claims faked the data. Any of you that continue to believe that vaccines cause autism might as well believe the moon is made of green cheese. It’s as likely to be true.

    1. Nothing can ever be scientifically proven 100%! Guess you know nothing about the scientific method but we should all listen to what you have to say right? 😂

  32. You mean that discredited and since retracted study??

    Seriously, this page has gone to Shit
    Id rather deal with Derek’s ranting than the conspiracy theorist, racist anti-vaxxers!

    1. Lol 😂! So questioning vaccines now means one is racist?!! That's adorable!

  33. I didn’t realize there were so many microbiologists and virologists that read CDAN! Thanks for all of your medical advice for my kids!

  34. Anonymous6:36 PM

    As a special ed teacher, autism is not caused through vaccines. There is definitely a heredity factor (many, not all). There is also higher diagnosis rates now than in the past. Kids we thought in the 70’s and 80’s who were just “quirky” were the ones who became engineers or accountants whose kids now are found to have ausbergers. Other kids were diagnosed with adhd in the past where now they are found to have Austin spectrum as they often have similar symptoms.

  35. Looks like it got the response intended.

    It actually proved an effective means to "out" some of the shills. A couple I was on the fence about.

    Good job, CDAN!

  36. @Teachermom said...

    As a special ed teacher ..

    Teachers are wholly brainwashed by the medical industrial complex, they have been recruited to sell pills on their behalf. You should see all the ADHD propaganda they get bombarded with.

  37. Special ed teachers get visits from attractive, personable pharmaceutical reps.

  38. I had an ex-boyfriend who's mother was exposed measles when she was pregnant and her daughter was born severely handicapped.

    But, sure - not vaccinating your child doesn't affect anyone else.

    1. If you're vaccinated then you're protected, so why do you care what other people choose to do?

      Oh, that's right, because the MMR vaccine isn't nearly as effective as we have been told. Google "Merck false claims act lawsuit". This is an active lawsuit against Merck for falsifying data using rabbit blood to make their vaccine appear to be way more effective than it actually is. But hey, let's keep believing these frauds and liars and trust them with our bodies!!!

  39. @GeeWallyThatWouldBeWrong
    Your grandmother may be fine, she's one of the lucky ones. Friend's parent had it and is crippled for life using two walking sticks and has something called Post Polio Pain Syndrome.

  40. GeeWally: if you feel so strongly about this issue, then you should definitely leave your 1st world country and move to Pakistan. They shoot polio vaccinators there, while they come to vaccinate kids.

    Send a postcard.

    1. Do you know why they shoot vaccinators in Pakistan? Because over 45,000 children who were vaccinated with the polio vaccine were severely injured or killed due to contracting "accute flaccid paralysis" (which by the way is just a clever re-naming of Polio!). Look it up for yourself!

      Thankfully we live in a FREE 1st world country that upholds our rights to make our own medical choices. "My body my choice " right?!!!

  41. WTF are you talking about, nutter? Polio vaccinators were shot in Pakistan by inbred terrorists, who have never read anything in their lives, except their pedo-bible. The only reason they go on shooting sprees of vaccinators, is because vaccinators are western people, who usually come with the Red Cross or doctors without borders. NO OTHER REASON.

    Same reason they shoot little girls, disfigure them with acid, or poison water in girls' schools: no scientific reasoning behind it. Just good old fashioned islamic inbreeding which leads to low IQs.

    You fucking loon.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You're right, I am a loon! I got the countries mixed up. India is where thousands of children have been vaccine injured by the polio campaign and parents began refusing vaccination, to the point of hiding their children or violence. Read about it for yourself, you might learn something. It's a serious concern that so many children were injured and should upset any decent person!

      The issues in Pakistan are related to this:

      Our CIA hid behind a fake vaccination campaign to gather intel, which upset the citizens as well as the real loons, the Taliban! Instead of blaming "anti-vaxxers" for terrorist activities, maybe you can educate yourself and blame the actual terrorists! Oh, and our government who thought this would be a good idea and didn't think trough the ramifications!

  42. Leftist Progs shouldn't be entrusted with your childrens health and well-being.

    Do your own homework before you do anything to your destiny, your childrens destiny.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. A strongly felt message to those anti-vaxers.... a entitled generation who obviously doesn't understand the role that social contract plays in keeping a society viable.

    This is the exact SAME generation of people who have benefited THE most from the development of vaccines... you who have never had suffer or watch a loved one suffer from the ravages of polio, tuberculosis, miscarriage due to maternal measles.... and the rest of the variety plagues and diseases that developed societies have eradicated by vaccines. I HAVE! Why do they think we no longer suffer these things? It is owed to those of us who have immunized our children!!! You're welcome and wake the fuck up!

    Anti-Vaxers - are more than content to ride upon the backs of those who understand the absolute social responsibility of vaccinations. Your kids aren't sick because we immunize ours.

    To those who feel so strongly against immunizations - I begrudge you an opposing opinion. I do, however, question why you feel so entitled to live in a society that protects you and your children by immunizing, but feel no obligation to likewise contribute. That is extreme self-absorption and ignorance!

    Have your opinions, but please do so within colony of like minded people, and stay the HELL away from my IMMUNIZED children!!

  45. I am all for anti-vaxxers. When their children die from preventable diseases, there is that much less stupid floating around in the gene pool.

  46. @Remie Ross said...

    Hey Wally, have you ever read about Dr. Fred Klenner

    Yes, yes! Vitamin C is badass. I take at onset of cold symptoms, megadose. Take C until you have diarrhea, that means you are saturated. Cold gone, bye bye.

    The general population has borderline scurvy.

  47. Vaccines in general are not the problem.

    Did you get a bad batch?

    What neighborhood were you in when you got vaccinated?

    PS stay away from health department vaccines.

  48. Remie Ross said...

    Lol 😂! So questioning vaccines now means one is racist?!! That's adorable!


    Yep, that's Leftie code for "do what I say!". They really are wannabe tyrants.

  49. if your children are *immunized, why are you so afraid of children who aren't? "keep them away from my kids..."

    Shouldn't your precious kids be invincible?

  50. I just wanted to leave the notion I'm a microbiologist that reads CDAN.

    no kids to vaccinate and I'll be damned if 23 and Me get my essence (dna). Warned my family but my silly sister just had to know the non-specific results.

    Oh yea, this was DEFINITELY a psych-op



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