Sunday, June 03, 2018

Blind Item #9 - Happy Birthday To Him - A Birdie Blind Item

I guess this one, or at least the second part, was deemed too explosive by the publisher to make it into a certain book (which included the former part):

Which late, senior-most pol not only had a longstanding underworld lover, but once reenacted the birthday greeting of one of his predecessors with a scantily clad barely legal boy in that most famous of offices? Somewhere, there is a recording of it - just no video.


  1. I have to ask - who is Birdie?????

    1. @Thia

      Birdie is a new contributes, you know, like Mr. X, Dancing Boy, Mr. Hedge. I doubt Gunman will be back.

  2. Obvi Monroe singing happy birthday to Kennedy. But the rest..?

    1. So a late president, had a longtime lover, and once had an underage boy reenact Marilyn Monroe singing "happy birthday Mr. President" to him in the Oval Office.

  3. Changing to Nixon because he was a real creep.

  4. There are those claims of the Reagan / Bush white house call boy ring, Franklin scandal, it was reported in the mainstream media at the time

    1. That was squarely implicating Bush and not Regan.

  5. Assuming the predecessor/presenter are JFK/MM, it's a very short list: Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Reagan. Take your pick. I'll go with ("that son-of-a-bitch") Johnson.

  6. The Franklin scandal was associated with GHWB, wasn't it? And he's still alive--though only just.

  7. Bush Senior? "Senior-most pol"

    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      ah, the elites. Fucking each other in the ass for insurance.

  8. I'd rather see birdie blind items than reader blind items.

  9. Yes, but also Reagan

  10. Nixon was supposedly in a relationship with Charles Rembozo who had connections to the mafia in Miami.

  11. Nixon and rent boy re-enacting Monroe HB Mr. President

  12. And a book about Nixon and Rebozo being lovers made it into the Daily Mail!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. It makes sense too , cause during watergate wasnt it a big deal that Nixon had audio recorded absolutely everything?

  15. Exactly, @gauloise!

    "Audio recordings" is the clue here.

  16. Bebe Rebozo and RMN??? I need to sit down.i doubt Mr Nixon would do this. my vote is for Johnson.

  17. LBJ would never EVER have dabbled in any aspect of gay culture. Make passes at every women he ever met, yes, and was surprisingly successful given that he was not gifted in the looks department.

    1. He’s tall though. There’s a substantial amount of women who get wet with powerful, tall men.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Guess plot has never heard of bi-sexuals

  18. That sounds creepy AF. Imagine being hired as callboy and then being told to impersonate Marilyn Monroe's Happy Birthday singing while two old dudes watch you *shudder*

  19. Anonymous12:15 PM

    @Meh It says "late"; He is alive. Not him

  20. Anonymous12:33 PM

    @gauloise - All I could think - was your posting from 1989 - on microfiche? Maybe it's been that long since I saw a newspaper!

  21. @Lyla Google Images has all :)

  22. Birdie as in "a little birdie told me"

  23. I guess I’m the only person here that thinks any person I don’t know personally is capable of doing some messed up sh*t.

  24. Regan? Heard rumours . "ALOT Of people Are sain it! ALOT!" :)
    Seriously though. "Mr. Decent Republican". ?

  25. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Yeah, LBJ was a complete and utter shithead and asshole, but never heard any gay rumors. My first guess was Nixon too, with the recording thing.

    That's why I laugh at the whole "disrespect the Oval Office" thing when pictures of Obama with his feet up on the desk - c'mon, there has been utter degeneracy (of all kinds) performed in that office over the decades, probably every President. I don't particularly care for Obama, but if all he did was put his feet on the desk, he's at least ahead of the pack in one way!

  26. Could this possibly be what's on that 16 minutes or whatever it was) of missing tapes from Nixon's archives?

    Johnson was a horndog who allegedly had a mammoth penis that would give Liam Neeson or James Woods a run for the money. He used it prolifically, but only with women. Though who even knows anymore?

  27. Well, there was the First Lady whose nickname was Lady Bird guess is LBJ

  28. Nixon and Reagan comes to mind...

  29. DDonna is right, Johnson was a well known ladies man who took great pride in his Texas sized pecker, it went along with his Texas sized Ego. Richard Nixon is my guess.

  30. absolutely nixon, predescessor kennedy & marilyn w/happy bday president song. creeeeeeeeeeepy.

  31. LBJ would have slept with anyone and anything he could catch. He was scum- no scum is too good. Satan's crap

  32. Someone got it, J. Edgar Hoover.

  33. I'm really enjoying these Birdie blinds, even if this one makes me feel sick and dirty

  34. I’d say Nixon, but the “underworld lover” part is throwing me. I’ll say J. Edgar Hoover, but would he count as a politician? He was certatain “senior” man at the FBI for years.

  35. Was this person wasted when this post was written?

  36. Most certainly sounds like GHW Bush. Which also fit into the previous birdie blind, as being at the center of the long-rumored pedophile ring ran from the White House.

  37. "underworld lover" made me think of something out of Dennis Cooper's...

  38. Nixon was a creep, in many ways, but quite het. He did Zsa Zsa Gabor, and she was quite impressed. She had ample basis for comparison

  39. There are only four possibilities, and this blind is written to implicate Nixon. There have been rumors about Nixon having a male lover, and his marriage being sexless, for decades. I'm not sure why anyone would be surprised, or would even guess the other three.

  40. Nancy does kind of smell like the ultimate beard, doesn't she?

    Always be suspicious of 'perfect love stories' with lifelong devotion; men who do photo ops dressed like cowboys or actors who have photo shoots on motorcycles in their leather jackets and boots... (not always, but usually over compensating cover. Tom, Keanu, et al...)

  41. My money is on Nixon.

    He beat the shit out of his wife once. (Maybe bc she confronted him about it?)

  42. Late, senior most pol, re-enacting MM's slutty bday song for Kennedy means it is one of the following: Johnson, Nixon, Ford or Reagan. Nixon said that Bohemian Grove was one of the faggiest places on earth...meaning he wasn't into the boy thing. Reagan? Puleeze. Straight shooter and by all accounts completely in love with and devoted to his wife. That leaves Ford or Johnson. I just don't don't get the freak vibe off Ford, plus it was more than a decade after Kennedy's administration and how long does something like that spectacle that MM made stick with you?

    I say Johnson. Not only was he a POS racist, many believe he may have been knee-deep in offing Kennedy. Not to mention, the title of the blind includes "birdie" which was his wife's nickname.

  43. I have to go with Ford. As a member of the Warren Commission he was probably chosen because he could me manipulated (ie. blackmailed) by the CIA into keeping with the official public script of the JFK assassination. (Never get caught with a live boy or a dead girl.)

    If he had some secrets to keep as far as a preference for boys, he would also be a top choice to replace Nixon.

  44. The BI is about material that was kept out of a book about a now deceased, former POTUS that came after JFK; this is absolutely positively 100% referring to Nixon. He was undoubtedly a closeted, self hating, hypocritical homophobe much like J Edgar Hoover...hell, they probably were members of the same D.C. pedo ring that has existed in one form or another for decades if not centuries. Let me break it down:

    Late = deceased.
    Senior-most pol = highest political position = POTUS; it does NOT mean oldest here although it could have read like that. In that case, it would have been Reagan given Trump isn't deceased.
    Longstanding underworld lover = Nixon/Rebozo as stated in the book mentioned previously (Daily Mail link, which is the book being referred to in the blind as having kept the material out.

    Reenacted Bday greeting of one of his predecessors = Happy BDay Mr. President by Marilyn Monroe for JFK

    In that most famous of offices = Oval Office
    Somewhere, there is a recording of it - just no video = Nixon tapes...he tape recorded EVERYTHING that took place in the Oval Office

    BTW, I believe Birdie is a Brit/UK source for Enty, as the blinds are leaning towards UK information such as the Daily Mail book reference and the Thorpe murder for hire/pedo scandal previous BI.
