Monday, June 04, 2018

Blind Item #8

This celebrity who is also a former multiple reality star did not make and does not make his money from that. Nope. He makes money as a manager and is in huge trouble because of the relationship he had with a then 16 year old who he swears he thought was older. It was a year long relationship and if it all comes out into the public airwaves would destroy the career of the manager.


  1. Replies
    1. And a young boy.... not sure about multiple shows.
      Michael Lohan had a few

    2. Both are vile human beings.

  2. Ashlee and Jessica both had reality shows, not sure if Joe was featured on both of them though but it could fit.

  3. can joe simpson really be destroyed? i thought he already was.

  4. Papa Joe is like a cockroach - squish him but he never dies.


  5. Yeah it's Joe, he's been on at least 3 different reality shows. I didn't think he has a real career as a manager, just something he says to guys he's trying to pick up.

  6. In his defense, it is very common for underage gay guys to get into consensual relationships with older men and he should not be crucified for this.

  7. Yeah I think Milo tried that line too, didn't work out so great for him even though it was the age of consent in Britain.

  8. @hunter, he shouldn't be prosecuted because other people break the law too?

  9. I thought Joe had cancer and was near deaths door? Sorry hunter, daddy issues is not an excuse for teens to bag old dudes. It applies to all and I'm sure when he kicks the bucket, their will be tons of sobbing, aging twinks suing the estate.

  10. Just because it happens (and has forever) within the gay community, doesnt mean its ok. Its that age old debate we always have here- are young people truly able to consent? Or better yet, wtf is wrong with the old guys who search these boys out? Its often predatory. And then you just have another cycle of young boys turning into old gays with massive issues. Sad to say but true.

  11. +1 Rosie. You wrote exactly what I was going to say.

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      So in other words gay guys have to molest young boys to make more gay guys because humans are products of conditioning and not bullshit gay genes?

    2. Hmmm. No?
      Not sure... I dont understand your comment.
      I guess if I wanted it in other words, I would of wrote it in other words.

  12. Vince Tamar's husband

  13. I would submit that skinny jeans are gay jeans.

  14. No, Normal, it's the older generation of gay guys, who were stuck in the closet for so long, reliving the youth they wish they had with young boys. It's sad and sick. It's a common topic or conversation in the gay community as one of the ugly byproducts of repression.

    Gay men raised in tolerant families and communities tend to seek experimentation moving onto stable relationships on the same timeline as heterosexuals.

  15. just discussing this issue with a friend whose brother is gay and his latest boy toy though legal is 35 years younger. I do think that a lot of the boy toys are seeking out the older gays with cash and pretty mercenary about it.


  16. Why would older gay men be any different than heterosexual men - it is all ego about being able to have some young arm candy and make your friends jealous even if the female arm candy or boy toys end up bankrupting you....
