Sunday, June 03, 2018

Blind Item #8

This alliterate A-/B+ list mostly television actress all of you know was at a charity event this week when she caught a guy trying to spike her beer at a bar set up outside the ballroom. She got up in his face and started going off on him at full volume until he full sprinted out of the place. 


  1. One of the Entern's drinking buddies.

  2. So gross! I’m glad she’s alright

  3. maybe it was smart pills- and he was trying to help

  4. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Not a fan of JJ, but this happened to me 5 yrs ago and it still freaks me out!

  5. Oh, that is awful no matter the person. I had it happen to me at a popular bar the first time I went out after having my daughter. I recall seeing the brick floor of the patio as I was being lifted up. My next memory is my bathroom floor. I had my drinks in my possession the whole time. About a week later it happened to a friend who was drinking longnecks while sitting at the bar. Found out the University police were interested and they were thinking it was a bartender or barback. Asshole. I was lucky because my friend's boyfriend was performing and I was taken care of. I knew something janky went on because the severe intoxication and absolutely no hangover the next morning. No headache, nothing.

  6. Good for her. Don't care who she is really. She did well to scare the shit out of that fucker.

  7. Viv!

    Gotta love that Vivian Vance!!

    1. RR spiked her drink at his club too!

  8. She is so beautiful. She seems cold as ice and I didn't like her, but now I think she's probably had a horrible Hollywood experience between being treated so contemptuously by icky Matt Weiner, the mystery dad pregnancy (when she could've simply had an abortion, too), now this nastiness and goodness knows what else.

    It's fantastic that she called this criminal out. I may be becoming a fan.

  9. Did January Jones ever reveal her bastard childs bio dad? Sour faced Anne is super strange & over rated as an actress. How many casting couches (male & female) did she work??

  10. Somehow the words, 'beer' and 'ballroom' don't mesh. Who serves beer at a charity event outside of The Hamptons? Obviously, I don't get out much anymore, so what would I know, right?

  11. I hope she kept the drink and gave it to the police.

  12. We serve beer at charity events in Florida, at least in northwest Florida! Then again, we have millionaires (usually from selling family property to developers) who shop at WalMart in Wranglers and NASCAR tee-shirts and John Deere hats.

  13. Worked in an ER for many years. Two college campuses were nearby and we'd regularly see young women who woke up with males they would never have chosen to be with. They always were mystified as to how they could have passed out consuming so little alcohol and, although they strongly suspected criminal shenanigans, could never prove it. Horrible, just horrible.

  14. JJ loves beer, she's always drinking it on her instagram
