Thursday, June 21, 2018

Blind Item #8

This foreign born permanent A list athlete is closeted. She is also forced to have sex with men sent to her by an oligarch or he will tell her secret to the world. She should just come out, but she thinks it will cost her endorsements and that the oligarch will release a bunch of sex tapes she thinks he has.


  1. Maria Sharapova and Putin?

  2. That's an odd couple.
    Maria is 6'2" and Vladimir Putin is 5'6"
    He's shorter than Tommy Cruise!

    But, it's rumored his wealth is +$200 billion.

  3. What does he gain from it? He’s trying to turn her straight?

  4. @Boldblonde - I think he's more concerned with the influence and favors he can get from men who want to f*** a very famous and very attractive athlete.

  5. Putin isn't an oligarch,but obviously the guy would have connections. If Maria, she would be justified in being afraid of the tapes coming out. Being gay in an individual sport isn't as damaging to image as team sports.

  6. Show us that "gay pride" or whatever, and come out, what are you soooo afraid of?

    1. *Found the middle age, mid class, mid looking white guy

    2. And what's wrong with that? Guess we found the middle aged, middle class, middle frumpy, man hating white woman trying to feel cool and relevant!

  7. Being gay in russia = you get assassinated so I get why she wouldnt want to.

  8. It's one of her oligarch investors. Either Deripaska or Abramovich. Sleezy degenerate kikes. Same shit Harvey-the-pig pulls on his proteges. Uses them. Then pimps them to investors. It's her Faustian bargain. She gave up her freedom in exchange for fame, glory and money. And a permanent suite at The Hotel California riding the dick merry-go-round. Sad.

  9. @AgonyAunt —

    [Sleazy] degenerate kikes.

    It appears that the Era of Mutual Respect is NOW OVER. As you were, everyone.

  10. Replies
    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      There you are, fuckface. I’ve missed you.

  11. Not sure if she has any Russian sponsors but her sponsors from the US or Europe wouldn't drop her, it would be a PR disaster for them, especially when they stuck by her when she got caught taking banned drugs. I can understand her not wanting to cross the powers that be in Russia they are pretty ruthless and she's a sporting icon there, that would end overnight.

  12. Don't think this is Putin. He's more than an oligarch. So many sleazy Russian oligarchs, I wouldn't even venture a guess.

  13. Jeezus rosie, sounds like you hate the "middle" of everything ;)

    1. Well dear remie, you'd be wrong on all counts, except one-I'm officially mid-age.
      It seems that you don't understand, for you I'll explain.
      How would a man, who went through his most vital years of decent looks, decent size, decent money, (you get the picture right) how would that person know anything at all of being on the fringe and having to hide?
      I do take offense to the flippant comment he made.
      Don't like that? Cool.
      I'm sure you think I'm a part of the problem nowadays, the feminist is a bad word days, where white males have all the agony?
      You'd be wrong there too. I was a feminist WAY before it was cool and way before it was evil.
      For the record, males are my closest friends and dearest family.
      Try keeping up, eh?

    2. Ironically, They're my favorite demograph brayson :) xo

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  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. What a load of rubbish. Cost you endorsements? What company would want to drop a gay sports star as they come out. It would be commercially terrible for them. Unless she's gets paid loads from dodgy Russian ones.

  17. This is nonsense, Sharapova has not lived in Russia since she was a little kid, and she is not so weak as to put up with that kind of crap anyway, complete BS.

  18. I remember when Sharapova and Adam Levine dated and after the break up said he would always get depressed after having sex with her as she was stay still, be cold and be very silent during it.
    Also, funny how Abramovich is the answer for any oligarch blind.

  19. Gee, Jon, I wonder why a Russian athlete would be afraid to show her "gay pride" in an extremely homophobic country like Russia, you fucking donkey..

  20. @I'm Outraged she plays for the Russians (Olympics, etc.). In fact was a major part of the Sochi Olypics PR push.

    It's not ok to be gay in Russia and she would loose all endorsements



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