Saturday, June 16, 2018

Blind Item #8

This A- list mostly television actress from a very hit network show is learning some lessons from her singer turned actress co-star. Basically it is this. Get fans to watch you and come to your stuff and make you famous, but when you do get famous push them aside and think you are better than them and don't take photos or interact with them because the fans are only there to be used. If you don't want to take pictures with people, then don't be famous. Don't audition for television shows and movies. When this show ends, and it will end, and you can't get any roles or have a bunch of failed pilots, you will need those fans to buy whatever you are selling to make ends meet. Think about that now. You know the worst thing you can do? Advertise that you are this way, which is what you did.


  1. Chrissy Metz/Mandy Moore?

  2. Some useless bitch.

  3. I have no idea. But I don't watch many tv shows.

  4. Chrissy Metz. Doesn't like taking photos with fans.

  5. @sara

    the camera doesnt like taking photos of chrissy metz either.

    she's morbidly obese and she will never get a gig like this again. if anything she'll die by 50.

  6. Good thing I don't watch that show.

  7. Has she actually slagged off her fans, or does she just not like having her picture taken? It might be because she's self conscious. There's a huge difference between publicity photos and fans taken pictures of you at weird angles.


  9. I actually have a fan photo with Chrissy Metz from the Rape Treatment Brunch. She was great.

    1. Lol, rape treatment brunch?! Hahahaha

  10. "does she just not like having her picture taken? It might be because she's self conscious."

    Some of the comments here illustrates why CM might be uncomfortable. All those ugly on the inside people. It's an epidemic these days.

  11. 68% of young female stars...

  12. I have to agree with you, Jen.


  13. I read that HR interview - and I don't see her having these boundaries as problematic. Honestly, I don't care what her reason is. Too many unhealthy and entitled fans everywhere these days, and there are other ways to give back and appreciate those who are. It's ok to say no and still be good to those who are good to you.

    It would be worse for her if she DID take photos during some fan encounters but not others, IMO

  14. I don't get the negativity, she's doing right by herself. Still plans on taking pictures, just not at certain places. Much to do about nothing.

  15. The other one is Demi. Many blinds about her treating fans like garbage.
