Friday, June 01, 2018

Blind Item #8

Pretty tough to make it back from a child molesting charge if you are this former A- list mostly television actor who recently molested a teen who was selling candy door to door for a school fundraiser. Her parents are trying to settle without going to the police because they don't want their daughter to have to be identified, which they fear will happen.


  1. Replies
    1. thought of him immediately! wonder why he has never charged? pls tell me you saw the lifetime movie babysitter seduction with a young Kerry Russell? After knowing what we know now that movie has a grossness factor that shoots thru the roof. I would love to know what her experience with him was like during filming....

    2. ironically, Philecia Rhashad (I'm sure I butchered her name) was also in that movie.....worked many years with Cosby then on a movie with this creep,yikes!

    3. I didn’t see it but he reminds me of a mosaic of perv /serial killer madness....
      he should be serving oatmeal in prison but hey- that would be -rational. Fuckin Hollywood

    4. Stephen Collins abused 3 girls 40 years ago he says it wasn't an attraction to young girls and he didn't state their ages just that it was in his youth and that he was also abused but is it a case of the abused becomes an abuser and how do we know he is safe?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. People can't continue to allow these perverts to buy their way out of trouble. If the kid was molested by a poor person would they be trying to settle, or go to the police?

    1. Well if it was a poor person, then the media wouldn't blow it up and blast the victim's name all over the news.

    2. I agree with that however when it comes to underage children their identities have to be protected. This is just sick

  4. Even if there's no celebrity or media hounds in the picture, parents may not want their kid to face the trauma of testifying in court. If there's money being offered which could be used for therapy -- which can be very expensive -- then making a deal really can seem like the best solution for the kid's sake.

    Not saying it's the right decision, but it's easy to understand.

  5. Nah, Scott Baio was working his shift at Subway that day.

  6. More like they want the cash. He'll just do it to another kid

  7. Someone from The Tribe. Oy Vey!

  8. May Rafael choke on a matzohball shoved down his throat by Fran Drescher while she lectures him for hours in that nasally voice.

  9. Hold up.

    If you're a parent, HOW DO YOU NOT PROSECUTE THE SCUM and remove him from society? C'mon, parents, do your fucking job.

    Yes, it would be tough on your daughter if she gets identified. But guess what? It's your job to help her through that.

    If you take the money and let this fucker off... and he molests another kid, you have some culpability. Don't you wish the parents of the kids he molested YOUR child had locked him away?

    Nut up and put this fucker away.

    1. I don't understand how they don't go to his home and put him down! Pedos never stop unless they are dead.

  10. JFC.

    "A 200-count indictment has been handed down against a man on Long Island who prosecutors say had the largest collection of child ponography in Suffolk County history.

    Authorities say 58-year-old David Johnson had 6.6 million items in his Amityville home, including photos and videos stored on 24 devices.

    District Attorney Tim Sini said Johnson organized the images by age, race and characteristics like whether the child victims were wearing glasses. He said the content included child rape."

  11. I hate child molesters, rapists, and animal abusers AAARGH>

  12. How does anybody know this was notset up by the parents? Dress your pretty little girl up,fix her hair and makeup and send her up to the pedo's house, with instructions as rehearsed. I wouldn't have considered such shit until I found yall....Perhaps I've grown a little cynical.

  13. The parents don't want their child to be forced to give long depositions and testimony. It's unreal how much pressure the defense will put that child under, not to mention her friends at school if they find out.


    Doesn't matter in the slightest. If the girl was molested or raped by the pedo that is all on him.

    If the parents played a role, they would be charged as well.

    But think that kid, with both her family and the perp fighting against her, is going to withstand the horrors of that situation? Or take the money and find a new place to live, far away?

  14. I agree with @Cail but also see your point @Max. Maybe the girl specifically said she didn't want to testify in court and made her parents promise she wouldn't have to. Would you force your daughter to trial then, Max? So many details we don't understand as outsiders but we are quick to judge.

  15. lol @ "what if they were set up". That has to be the dumbest shit ever said.

  16. Listen, as a dad of 2 daughters... if some piece of shit touched my girl, he would be removed from society by 1 of 2 methods. Right? Let's try the legal way.

    As a parent, you have a duty to protect your children. But as a human, you have a duty to protect society as a whole. When you look the other way and let a pedophile off the hook, you're part of the problem.

    I understand the likely trauma associated with a trial and with scuzzy lawyers. But I wouldn't need to "force" my daughter to testify, because she would already know how important it is that this creep not be able to do this again, and she would already know that I have her back.

    The avoidance of pain is no excuse to not do the right thing. And make no mistake - the right thing is to put this monster in jail, away from other victims. Right? It's really just that simple.

    And if the argument is that you want to protect your child from further pain, consider this.... What's going to happen to her well-being when she hears about this piece of shit's next victim?

  17. Jeezus Paula, that's some sick sh!t.

    Maybe the parents, instead of wanting their daughter to get on the stand and describe how she was violently sodomized to a room full of strangers, would prefer to get a check to pay her therapy bills, college tuition and her first home down payment. Personally I think all pedos should be prosecuted and that the family should sue afterwards, but I'm not in their shoes.

  18. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Why do I think Paula is some pedo-troll trying to make excuses?

  19. @someone else.... no doubt! wtf, "set up" by a girl with makeup. Disgusting.

  20. You wouldn't believe the sick thought processes of pedos. A cop acquaintance once told me that as part of their training they had to listen to a recording of a stepfather's interrogation. The suspect regretfully described how his stepdaughter came on to him, would kiss him on the mouth and tug at his clothes, walked around the house half-dressed, and even sneaked into his bed at night multiple times. One day he stopped resisting. The trainer then stopped the tape and asked the officers their opinions. Most said the suspect belonged in jail but thought the stepdaughter had tried to seduce him. The trainer replied, that's interesting, oh by the way, the victim was three.

    You can't reason with pedos, you can't pick them out of a crowd and most of them don't even think of themselves as evil.

  21. Oh my god that is so sick, Brayson.

    That's why the outcry against Milo Yiannopoulos was so right and why his apologists are so very wrong. What Milo described, in his support of older men taking young boy lovers, is a total justification for predators, the tenderness and love they use to mask their predation.

    Predators only believe in their own universe where the feelings of others, particularly the kids they are attracted to, only exist if they fulfill their fantasy. Mothers "want" them to care for their children and show them fatherly love. In the obverse, young boys need an older woman as a sexual outlet because they are always horny, right? Predators never, ever, feel what they are doing is wrong. I'm sure Epstein has his own internal confabulations of heroism at the ready (something along the lines of the girls never living such a high life before.)

    Back when the internet was the Wild West, some "non-acting" pedo had a blog where he just could not understand that all the overtures he made to young girls (though he swore they went no where) were not good for them. "They want to talk" he'd say in response "they need a friend." When accused of grooming, he acted like he didn't know what anyone was talking about. This guy is probably in prison now for owning a porn collection but years ago he provided a case study in the fuckt mind of a predator for many of us.

    1. Milo was molested by a priest when he was 14. Unfortunately he seemed to think that he was old enough to give consent and didn't see himself as the victim that he was. It seems to have possibly warped his views. I feel sad for him.

  22. honestly if somebody touched my kid, I'd kill them. I dont have kids, Im too young to yet, but lets just say Id make them disappear in a way where it could never be traced back.

    apparently US national parks are famously quiet/successful places to kill and dump bodies. theres even a section of one that technically doesnt have any laws, and you could get away with murder - its in Yellowstone, in Utah.

  23. @brayson7 @plot

    not surprised in the least.

    very degenerate and evil personalities are drawn to the work of being police in the united states. look at all our problems with cops.

    you know what a psychopath's dream job is?

    power. and thats what a cop is. these days, they are getting away with taking lives only if they felt their lives were in danger, even tho almost every time it was an innocent person, often black. cops think their lives are worth more than the people they supposedly vow to protect.

    cop in the united states, theres two kinds: the bad kind, and the ones that witness the bad kind, but look the other way.

    1. I disagree. I know many good people who are cops and also parents.

  24. Just buy the effing candy your child has to sell and then give it away. We have never allowed our children to go door to door to sell fundraising stuff. That's just crazy.

    1. Exactly!!!! At the very least, go with your kid and supervise them!


  25. I wouldn't allow my kids to randomly go door to door to sell candy - and I don't.

    However, as a parent myself, I might not assume an A- list actor was going to do something like that if my child was to knock on their door. Especially if we live in the same neighborhood. If it did happen, there's a lot of difficult decisions that would need to be made (IF I decided to let that person live).

    Going public with that information is the right thing to do, no doubt. The police need to be involved at the very least. That said, the SJW/outrage culture society we live in and the potential damage to my family would be a concern I'd have to consider. Something blowing up publicly that could negatively affect my children any further is scarier to me, tbh.

    It might be an unpopular opinion, but the best attorney money could buy would be the first move I'd make.

  26. (((Milo))) agenda? - nah.

  27. "I feel sad for him"

    While he chooses, as an adult, to pave the way for predation of children with his support of imbalanced relationships? While he dresses and acts like a 14-year-old himself (Cool Guy) and surround himself with young male followers?

    No. He has access to the NHS which can do more for him than our pity.

  28. They're not a trying to protect their kid - the name of the child's never revealed in these cases because they're underage. They just want money. Literally pimped out their daughter. Trashy a-holes.

  29. Stephen Collins is now 70. 40 years ago he was 30 years old. That is not "youth". That is full on adulthood.

    Collins admitted to abusing a girl in 1994. That would be when he was @45. Again, not a youth.



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