Saturday, June 30, 2018

Blind Item #8 - Reader Blind Item

This politician who currently holds a key cabinet type position is using her connections to help the family business which is weapons dealing. The family primarily uses the weapons to arm a separatist movement.


  1. Replies
    1. I can see it. Domestic or foreign group, though?

    2. Dunno? !
      But below guess of Nicki Haley makes sense too I guess?

    3. Lol maybe the restaurant owner that refused her was an upset customer 😂 Nikki Haley does work too though

  2. Nikki Haley is Sikh, and there are sikh separatist movements to set up a homeland in the Punjab

  3. Betsy Devos and Erik Prince

  4. This isn't a blind! Everyone knows about Betsy DeVos and Erik Prince. She's also profiting off of the storage of immigrant children in a way that borders on child trafficking. A special kind of evil in that "Christian" family. (Her husband is the heir to Amway, as well -- America's longest running pyramid scheme.)

  5. Elaine Chao. Her family is involved in shipping in China

  6. It says "cabinet-type position" which suggests it is not someone actually in the cabinet. I go with Haley.

  7. Cabinet level - DeVos or Chao

  8. Betsy Devos (Erik prince's sister)

    Prince created Blackwater (changed its name to Xi/Academy)

    He also runs Frontier Services Group ltd. (An African based paramilitary group partnering with Chinese developers)

  9. Must be cocaine mitch’s Wife!

  10. the important thing to ask is who has family in the weapons business

  11. The unsurprising thing is that there are so many viable candidates in this criminal enterprise who could fit the description

  12. All of them!!! Get it yet?! tRUmp only surrounds himself with like-minded people.

    just sayin: DeVos family have been trafficking children/weapons/drugs/anything for decades. So has that Lutheran Church bullshit place.

    DeVos family/CNP members are EVIL humans; if they can even be compared as humans.

  13. agree with Just sayin' and others onDeVos, but could sadly be a legitimate government contract for her brother. for all the Trump haters, you are fucking stupid if you truly believe this is just his administration. hello, history shows it has been pretty much since our inception. wtf do you think happened w Arab Spring?

  14. I really would celebrate if Betsy DeVos and Scott Pruit just dropped dead.

  15. Sarah Sanders isn't in the cabinet. Those must be confirmed by the Senate.

  16. Another blind where it's sad that there are so many possible answers. Devos/Prince the most likely answer, though Nikki Haley has always creeped me out.

  17. @notthisagain I wouldn’t celebrate if my fellow Oklahoman or Clueless Education Secretary, “dropped dead”. I wouldn’t lose any sleep, either. They both need to go

  18. Wishing someone dead brings bad Karma into your life.

  19. Devos is awesome compared to the aggressive piece of shit John King Jr her predecessor.

  20. She left already but Dina Habib Powell.

  21. Sunspirit +1. It would make so much sense!

  22. Anonymous10:23 PM

    as long as we are not sending troops or flooding American cities with crack to fund the deal, I have no problem with this..
    I hope this is to help combat the IRGC..with a median age of 30 and a sinking Rial, they need all the help they can get

  23. Nikki Hayley converted to Christianity, you bigoted assholes

  24. I have several friends who refer to themselves as Sikhs, even though they do not practice the religion. They feel culturally different to indians and pakistanis. No one is being bigoted.

    In any case: "Haley identifies herself today as a Christian, but attends both Sikh and Methodist worship services."

  25. Sikhs are one of those ethnoreligious groups.
    That being said, DeVos, and "not really a blind."
    Still beats common core!

  26. +1 for DeVos. We know already Erik's company has the infrastructure for that type of thing

  27. You haven't been able to take a step in Washington without tripping over someone with ties to arms or oil in decades. No surprise if this is true or not. They aren't all millionaires off of their salaries, folks.

  28. "Wishing someone dead brings bad Karma into your life."

    If that were true the Cheeto Overlord would have been dead long ago"

  29. Erik Prince arming mercenaries in the break up of Somalia. In Yemen, he's aiding the war crimes committing UAE/Saudis.

  30. @MD Anderson
    Chao and her h-buzz McConnell have made sooooooooooo much $$$ through the shipping "thing". Her parents recently bought several more container ships, didn't they?

  31. ". She's also profiting off of the storage of immigrant children in a way that borders on child trafficking"

    I truly worry about you liberals that willingly snort lines of MSM hysteria.
