Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Blind Item #8 - A Reader Blind Item

This "CSA" who worked in a 9 to 5 job for a long time has a coke, guns and gang-related federal prior enviously stalked and harassed an award-winning screenwriter back in the day and is doing it again, regularly contacting any studio the former screenwriter contacts and telling them not to work with him ever, in 2018 from her comfy spot as a newly minted so-called casting agent -- one her coke-addict brother brought in under panic to replace his runaway real CSA former boyfriend finally who saw the light and fled for his life.  Our subject believes the former screenwriter, now a rising director, forgot or forgave the back in the day spying on the director's phone line and location 24/7. 

The director hasn't. 

This morning director finally reported it to the FBI.  FBI very interested because of the CSA's federal priors.  Director also talked about the CSA's brother when he was a mere fledgling talent manager, back in the day when he was using director's scripts as bait to lure actresses to his own below the barrel, sordid projects.  The brother's misconduct with client careers caused a young gay director actor client of the brother to kill himself back in the day.  It also drove a A-lister client to drugs.


Tom Jobes said...

For crying out loud, Enty, we all know you have to choose your wordss carefully, but the grammar here is atrocious and makes the BI so confusing as to be almost meaningless. WTF??!!!

Sara, Making It Work said...

I have no idea who any casting agents and managers are, so I can't even begin to figure this one out.

BUT I am glad that somebody is talking to the FBI about whatever is going on. Hopefully something comes of it.

GoodAshBadAsh said...

What the fukity fuck did I just read?!

It's fine said...

reader blinds need a character limit.

cc423 said...

For the love of God use a damn period in your "sentences"... this was painful to read.

Sara, Making It Work said...

Dustin Lance Black could be the writer / director / informant.

Max Power said...

Max Power is starting to wonder if 2nd grade writing ability is a requirement to post a blind. 2nd grade US, not 2nd grade Japan.

sd said...

Some of these are too confusing. Maybe try dummying it up a little.

Do Tell said...

You know, it IS ok to wait a few minutes and take the time to proofread and edit the item before "rushing to press".

RedVelvetBoots said...

I'm not even sure what I'm trying to guess here.

cheesegrater15 said...

Have I had a stroke? Can anybody understand this?

Thonker said...

Could you please check reader blinds before posting them? Thanks. Like just some basic grammar checking.

cdan23456 said...

this is lee daniels and leah daniels, with the ex-boyfriend being billy hopkins. i don't know who the screenwriter/director is though- any ideas?

Do Tell said...

So I guess it's like this:

-- There is an unstable female "casting agent" with a prior federal conviction(s) on drugs, guns and gang related charges who had stalked and harassed an award winning screenwriter way back when. Screenwriter is now a rising director.

-- Said Lunatic is now doing it again to the same screenwriter/director and has stepped it up a notch, and is trying to blacklist them with the studios. Nutbag has a Cokehead brother who used his lunatic sister to fill in for a casting agent who had run for the hills.

-- Today, the Director finally reported Lunatic to the FBI, who is taking a hard interest in this case based on Lunatic's prior fed convictions/charges.
Dorector also filleed in the FBI on Looney's cokehead brother and how he used to use director's scripts to divert young naive actresses to Cokehead's own sleazy projects. Cokehead's abuse of power was a factor in the suicide of one of his clients, a gay actor/director, as well as driving an A lister clinet to drugs.

Clear as mud?

Do Tell said...

*Director *filled

Guess I need proofreading myself

Do Tell said...

aaaaaaaand *client

Cary Gaul said...

I like turtles.

Tricia13 said...

I took 2 Advil after reading it, feeling better.....highly recommend it lol

orangesoda said...

This reads like a 'Dancing Boy' BI and that is not a good thing.

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

That might be the longest run-on sentence EVER! Your move, Enty.

Bob Loblaw said...

If you follow the casting agents you unravel the whole thread

sandybrook said...

I have no idea WTF I just read but the go to director on CDaN for sordid projects is Larry Clark so him and some psycho stalking bitch.

cdan23456 said...

seriously, just google lee daniels and leah daniels-butler, it fits (he used to be a manager, his boyfriend used to cast his projects till they separated, now his sister does; she casts EMPIRE and has a felony prior for drugs, etc)--now who is the screenwriter and who are the former clients from back in the day

Sara, Making It Work said...

Great work @cdan23456!

SO. Who is feuding with Lee Daniels? That seems like a good place to start in finding the writer/ director the sister is attempting to blacklist.

Sara, Making It Work said...

Thanks for clarifying for everyone. It's a shame the writing is so unclear; this sounds like really juicy stuff and deserves to be solved.

plot said...

The old Enty knew how to be oblique while still writing cogently.

WTF is going on with New Enty and his crew? How many times do they put these through Google Translate to achieve such garbage?

Thank you Do Tell and cdan23456!

Megley said...

Wow. This reads like something my developmental English students wrote.

GoldCoastGirl said...


GoldCoastGirl said...


plot said...

Leah Daniels Butler has been a casting director since 1996 in many projects that have nothing to do with her brother.

How does that fit with "newly minted"?

And Lee Daniels is openly gay, as been for a long while, so luring young actresses seems out of character.

Is the insinuation that Wes Bentley has a drug problem caused by the Daniels?

Tricia13 said...

If Wes Bentley is involved here the screenwriter/Director is Alan Ball-American Beauty

atoukzug said...

Enty is channeling James Joyce, and I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue...

Tricia13 said...

Hahahaha... me too.Wrong day at least😂

riffer73 said...

Almost as bad as Google translate. Thanks Do Tell.

TownChica said...

Damon Dash is going off on sm about money he loaned Lee Daniels back in the day. Lee apparently never paid him back.

Unknown said...

Dame Dash and Lee Daniels feuding over money right now....

hhstarr said...

8 and a half lines before a period. That is what I got from this blind.

MichiganMama59 said...

Great comments!

Manuél Bun said...

stalk enty and blacklist this submission's z list "writer" for setting loose this big block of incoherence on an unsuspecting, and now ocularly damaged, cdan public :^(

Jeannies Bottle said...

If you're not going to use proper grammar and punctuation and tell your story in a straightforward way that can be understood why bother even posting it? Tell your story in point form, don't even try writing in narrative form. Really, your abhorrent writing is such a turn-off. God.

Jon said...

I love this site, but we need to do a GoFundMe to get Enty into a remedial grammar class!


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