Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Blind Item #7

This former A+ list tweener turned A- list adult singer is going all in on this showmance with the network actress. I think it is because he found someone who is willing to fully participate in the process and wants her name out there. The stories are kind of getting ridiculous. 


  1. Nick Jonas/Pruanka Choora

  2. The “leaving places separately “ to “avoid attention” is soooo effective:)

  3. well, tis " romance" was ridicolous by the start, so..

  4. They’re actually really cute together.. maybe they’ll take this “relationship” down the aisle.. hasn’t been the first time that’s happened

  5. “ out there” for sure

  6. It's really difficult to find anything legitimate about that relationship, he might as well be wearing her t-shirt on a beach.

  7. Nick could get any gay dude he wants (trust) and yet he settles for a fake relationship... why?

  8. Yes it seemed rediculous. Just the other Monday after American Idol finale, Nick was eating dinner with Bebe Rexha, and news said they were dating, but then by Friday he went to a concert with Pwhatever Chopra and then two other outings that Memorial Day weekend. Then news was saying they were dating. I don't know anyone who waits over a year to date someone if they like them, so it seems fake. It's too coincidental that this fakery started after her show was cancelled, and his third single supposed to be for his new album flopped. They wouldn't have waited a year. They're not even that busy. I live down the street from Nick, and he's home or vacationing more than touring. Nick's publicists tried planting a story that he was dating some actress from Westworld, which his friend Jonathan Tucker is on. There are no photos at all of Nick with this actress, and that week he was photographed several times hanging out with men. It was completely fake. It seems more likely be wants to date Chord Overstreet or that actor from Scream Queens who is with him a lot. I think he wants to try a gay relationship, but he doesn't have the guts currently and his bro acting managers make for an environment where he feels he can't.

  9. so embarrassing. nothing screams 'im closeted' more than whats been arranged

  10. It looks so ridiculous. She's a woman and he's a child. Visually unbelievable and we saw the nudes of him.......really?

  11. She's 35, he's 25, she must be desperate to keep her name in lights here if she needs to beard for him. Nobody else wants her? She could even offer a contract to Zac Efron

  12. The stories are getting ridiculous. I don't think Nick knows how to have a real relationship anymore, all he has is fake ones.

  13. Saw on the news that she met his parents. Very strange indeed. Maybe he is Bi?

    1. Maybe she’s pulling an Amal and has a package waiting at the end of the night for him?

  14. I don't know, do you think he's a top or a bottom?

  15. It was easier to fool people when they were younger - the whole purity ring/no sex before marriage excuse just made their female fans love them even more and at the same time gave them a get out as to why they weren’t taking advantage of the female groupies offering themselves up on a plate. Now, they should just come out and live an honest life, would be a huge weight of their shoulders I’m sure (the two that are gay anyway!) Sexuality isn’t as big an issue anymore and I can’t see it harming their careers in anyway.

  16. Nick Jonas had a few hits a few years ago. He had that tv show I've never seen . His star was on the rise and he was gaining pink dollars (gay fans) until they realized he was just queerbaiting and said thanks but no thanks. I wonder if coming out while his star was still rising might have helped him? Now he's scurrying way back into the closet and going down the bearding road of no return. She probably wants a baby and can't find a heterosexual man to stay with her so it's IVF baby time soon, I would guess.

  17. I saw at the supermarket today on the Enquirer:
    For serious.

  18. I don't know how anyone around him, friends and family, take him serious. They have to know this is fake.

  19. If the Wayans brothers were to make a satire about entertainment industry faux-mances and bearding, they would cast these two. Lol “raging heterosexual romance” could not make this crap up if you tried. Oh snap, they just did.

  20. The Nick Jonas and Pryianka Chopra is obviously what this blind is about. Nick Jonas is GAY but DEEPLY CLOSETED. Pryianka wants more mainstream American press. I hear Chopra has a real straight boyfriend in India. Also, isn't Indian culture against interracial relationships? I hear in India especially for women the culture is very misogynistic and it is all about FAMILY HONOUR. So I doubt Pryianka family would be happy if she dated a white guy even if he is Nick Jonas. I do think Nick and Pryianka are trying TOO HARD. Their so called fake relationship came out of no where. People's Magazine of course which is celebrity friendly of course is part of the PR machine for this fake romance.

  21. I met Nick twice. I'm a man. I caught him checking me out. He remembered me the second time it seemed. I know he's at least bi. I think a lot of men are in the bi spectrum though - see Kinsey Studies. I think Nick will be happier dating a man. Possibly, he's made out with Chord Overstreet. I do think he might do sexual things with Chopra soon - or already - because he's still young and wants to figure out who he is. I think it's really sad. His managers and friends seem too frat boy acting for him to feel comfortable being out of the closet. He recently said he wasn't sure who he was yet. I think Chopra is a user for fame. She probably thinks he's cute and will use him, but it's not going to last because her family is Seik I think, and there's no way she's going to stay with a person her family doesn't approve of. I doubt she'll like his cigar and pot smoking too. What do you think?

  22. One would hope professional talent management could learn some lessons from TayTay's overreaching missteps.
