Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Blind Item #7 - CFDA Awards

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress usually keeps her partying well away from work. The thing is though, she hurt herself on a recent movie and became addicted to pain killers. It looked like she took a handful before the event last night and was a zombie. There was none of the life you usually see from her.


  1. Lupita on the Blank Panther set could be as well

  2. +1 Tricia on Lupita, had to wear a brace for two weeks


  3. She looked terrible last night.

  4. Yes Brayson -uncharacteristic for her

  5. If she was already addicted though, I would submit that it was more likely she was off the pain meds for the event.

  6. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Yep saw Cate & Kristen Wiig interview this morning. Cate didn't appear hurt. She was very goofy though but I assumed it was because of Wiig.

  7. wow Lupita pic - so out of it. must be her.

  8. As someone with major chronic pain, it can make you appear stoned and lifeless. Sometimes angry or bored looking. I've known others who people think their normal self is actually when they are seeing the person medicated and when they're lifeless they're actually stone sober. Depends on the person and type of pain and their relationship to pain meds.

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      My stepfather had the spinal cage put in last summer. Long hospital stay. He let me take one of his pain pills. Holy shit. Don’t play with that stuff we’re way beyond a joint with that.

    2. Very true, Phyllis. I'm much more stoned seeming in the beginning stages of a migraine... if the meds work, I appear normal. Still FEEL out of it, but apparentlyI have a "headache face" where I'm all squinty.

    3. Does weed work on migraines? Our state is gonna ok medicinal use soon. Just curious...

  9. I suffer from chronic pain too. My heart goes out to people who became hooked on drugs because they were treating a legitimate medical condition.

  10. @Normal;I've had 3 cages/spinal fusions for 3 separate ruptured discs over a 5-year period plus residual nerve damage down my leg/feet.
    Pain pills are the only thing that keeps me moving. So, I feel for your dad. but, be sure YOU stay away from them for sure.
    My old physician who prescribed me retired last fall. My new physician will only prescribed 1/4 the amount previous. It's not a daily struggle to be pain free, but a minute struggle.

    1. @does anyone, you should seek advice on a pain pump. It helps

  11. @Does, sorry to hear that, it's a travesty. Doctors went on a RX writing spree and now patients in need can't get their medicine because doctors are too chickensh!t to prescribe it. Oh they were fine getting people with minor aches hooked on pills as long as no one was paying attention, but they'll be damned if they're going to prescribe for people with debilitating conditions now that they may have to justify their own treatment plans, heaven forbid.

  12. @low key, weed does work very well on migraine frequency and severity. But you can build a tolerance pretty quickly. I'm actually deadly allergic to opiates so kinda got lucky there on not becoming addicted. I have chronic migraine too. Over several years I've learned to live with it, but all that wincing has aged my face a bit.

  13. chronic pain - especially of the head and back variety - is no joke. and what the pharmaceutical industry and the medical industry has done to a generation of people with their opiates is criminal.

    I'm sorry for anyone who suffers. I recently had a occipital nerve injury that - at times- made me question going on, the pain was so intense and relentless. It's been 6 months, and now the pain is almost bearable. I don't know how people with chronic pain manage, but I think they are the strongest people on earth.

  14. Thoughts of a pilled up Lupita is makin ding a ling tingle.

  15. I haven’t had a lot of problems with Dr’s prescribing my Valium-5 MG (down from 10 MG). I take it for anxiety & as a muscle relaxer.
    I’ve taken it for well over 30 years.
    It’s the F*cking Pharmacists that what to give me sh*t!

    It happened again last week, saw my Dr, he wrote on my script that I could “fill early” (4 days). He said have them call him if they need to verify. Stopped at the pharmacy in the same medical building bc it was after 4:30. Was told that he had to “rewrite the whole script w/ either a different strength or instructions”. Went back upstairs and my Doctor kindly rewrote the prescription.

    Returned to the pharmacy, Pharmacist was sitting with his feet up playing on his cellphone. Filled the prescription, as I was leaving, he yelled, “I filled that THIS time but next time I might not!” (No, you will not bc I won’t be spending my money here, again!”
    I wonder if this ONE reason illegal drug usage has gone up.

  16. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Too many pharmacists think they are physicians. Most have god-like complexes.

  17. BTW, I don’t take or ask for Opiates. I take OTC pain meds, take hot bathes, etc.
    I struggled with a Baker’s Cyst, limping for over 5 months. I was finally able rest & let it heal during Winter break.

  18. I feel for those with chronic pain. But, I fricking HATE drug seekers. When pain was made "the 5th vital sign" this whole shit show started. Docs would be chastised by administration if anyone complained about their pain not being treated. Signs were even placed in each room saying it was the patient's right to have their pain treated. Guess who took advantage? Now, I know there are crap docs that prescribe for selfish reasons. Don't get me started on the drug companies, lol.
    And now hospital reimbursement is being directly linked to patient satisfaction, thanks ACA. Just in time for the seekers and legit pain peeps to not be able to get their narcotics. Hmmmmmm. I wouldn't be surprised that this was a chess move set up by the government years ago so they get out of reimbursing. Oh, and you chronic pain peeps, check out keto. Swear to God it helps. It helps those getting off drugs/a!cohol, too. My craving for wine/whiskey has virtually disappeared.

  19. I get botox shots in my skull and shoulders for debilitating migraines. Amazing results after 32 years of pain. Worth a try! I also have fibromyalgia and spine pain. The laws have changed a lot over the years and I think MMJ will become more popular because of it

  20. Oh! And as for pharmacists, one at WalGreens refused to fill my friend's prescription when she was just discharged from the hospital after having a c-section. Said he could "tell" when pain wasn't legit. At another WalGreens, one flat out refused to give me pseudoephedrine. When I argued she yelled "the one to make meth?!" . And I was like, "Yeah, bitch, the one they use to make meth." It was 2 am, I suffered through work with awful sinus congestion and had to deal with her. She told me she was not going to give it because she was going to get "flagged" and the paperwork was something that she didn't want to deal with.

  21. Yes them cracking down on prescriptions pushed a lot of people with chronic pain to heroin. Way to go.

  22. Walgreens is the worst! Uppity, judgmental bitches. I suffer from what they are saying is diabetic neuropathy, but there's no way all of what is going on is due to that. After many thousands of dollars in failed diagnostics, and an agreement that I would submit to random drug tests, I was given 2 Tramadol so I could reduce the burning in both of my legs enough to sleep. That, and gabapentin for nerve pain. Apparently people are now misusing the gabapentin, as well, so there's new hassles in getting that filled. They treat you like you're a full on junkie when you show up ON TIME to get refills.

    I finally moved my shit out of Walgreens to Publix. The grocery store pharmacies treat you nice because they want you to buy food there, as well. I would recommend that everyone dump the big pharmacies and go to the food stores for your meds. They are very reasonable and nice to work with!
