Monday, June 25, 2018

Blind Item #7 - BET Awards

Last night, a spy just to make conversation, asked this B list still barely a teen actress, if any older men had hit on her. She answered two had. The spy said two was a lot for her career in movies. The actress then replied that two was just for the night. Dozens of men had propositioned her or been inappropriate over the past few years. 


cheesegrater15 said...

Gross. Too bad they can't out the perverts.

Tricia13 said...

Yara Sharidi?

MDAnderson said...

Storm Reid??

Tricia13 said...

We know her from TV but she’s moved onto film... has 3 upcoming

Sara, Making It Work said...

"Still a teen" and "barely a teen" I get, but "still barely a teen"? Not sure what Enty means here... is she 19 or is she 14?

redhots said...

Amandla stenberg

Florin said...

@Sara: I read that as 19.

beebopcowboy said...

not surprising. probably a billion creeps out there.

there are a LOT more ped0s roaming the streets then people think. and even more roaming hollywood, where they get free unsupervised reign often with children and barely teenage girls/boys...

Thonker said...

@sara i think of it as: has been around for a while but is still only barely a teen which means like 13,14,15

J said...


Brayson87 said...
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Brayson87 said...

If Enty meant 19, "still barely, a teen actress," then Amandla Stenberg.

If Enty meant younger like 14, "still, barely a teen actress" then Storm Reid.

Given that CDAN trends to the more disturbing, probably the later.

Unknown said...

Just a matter of time before the propositions morph into forcing themselves upon whomever this young girl is, and finally rape. Burn it all down...

HeatherBee said...

I think still barely would denote an older teen, whereas just barely would indicate a younger teen.

IanPhlegming said...

Not going to try and ID the actress, but would like to know who is propositioning her.


Allah blesses the righteous spy

lizzy said...

These dudes need to be revealed !!! As for barely a teen that could probably mean up to very low 20s - 19 is still a teen .

Wendy said...

I read this as someone who is 19 and is almost 20, so just barely still a teenager. Yara Shahidi is 18.

Madison Pettis is 19 and will be 20 in July. I think this is her. She has been around since she was a kid, so I could totally see this.

bianca said...

Hollywood only multiplies the numbers. I grew up in a regular small city, but between the ages of 12 and 18 I had more inappropriately-aged me hit on me than during my entire twenties. I used to roll back my age as a deterrent, but it never worked...even with the cop who tried to follow me in his cruiser as I walked home from school.

bianca said...

It's even grosser in retrospect because I was petite and commonly mistaken for a teen even after
I became a high school teacher.

Urban Rosebud said...

I asked this almost 50 year old man what is the cut off (for most men) as far pursuing a woman sexually. He told me as long as she is 18 (of legal age in America), she is fair game. Personally, I think that's too young, but each to his own I guess.

Kate said...

Saw this coming from a mile away with Storm. Kids are not VIEWED as kids in the industry, they are viewed as tiny adults. They dress and act like tiny adults, that millie bobby girl STAYS at parties and events. GO HOME AND GO TO BED!!! I feel for these kids but alas nothing i can do. Parents relinquishing them over to managers and agents to watch them at these events or even when they ARE there they turn a blind eye. i blame the parents and the pervs equally. Can't watch ur kids every move no, but at these events whether for adults or for teens/kids you should REALLY be on it!!

c17 said...

Yara Shahidi


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